Tuesday, July 31, 2007

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Blasco (PAR) estimates that supports a new sill on the Stone Bridge with recreational use of Ebro (El Periódico de Aragón - 31/07 / 2007)

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Francisco Catalá states that works to rehabilitate the floor of the Stone Bridge will begin this week ( El Periódico de Aragón - 31/07/2007)

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José Ignacio Lorenzo Aragon CDL Dean

The Direct General of Cultural Heritage, Jaime Vicente Huarte

On July 20 took place in the Edificio Pignatelli, a job interview between the Director General of Cultural Heritage, Government of Aragon, Jaime Vicente Huarte and the Dean of our CDL José Ignacio Lorenzo.
They discussed the program of activities of the College and the opportunity to sign a specific agreement on cooperation in cultural heritage issues, issues that will materialize in the coming months.
The activities proposed include a cycle conference on the archaeological professionals in Aragon, in the current year and the organization of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the State professional archaeologists in Aragon in the month of October.
Regular meetings will allow closer collaboration in the field of Cultural Heritage.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

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Izquierda Unida de Aragón requires the Government to ban the recess in the floor of the Puente de Piedra de Zaragoza ( El Periódico de Aragón - 26/07/2007)

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The DGA stresses that not derruirá "no trace" of site ( El Periódico de Aragón - 26/07/2007)

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Expoagua topple one of the two cloisters of the Convent of St. Lazarus ( El Periódico de Aragón - 26/07/2007)

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Harsh criticism of the experts to reduce the floor plan of the Stone Bridge

Heraldo de Aragón EXPO 2007 July 26, 2007
Harsh criticism of the experts to reduce the floor plan of the Stone Bridge
Expoagua says structure "is a later addition, degraded and worthless."
The Partido Popular Mayor seeks clarification
Photographer: Oliver DUCH
image Stone Bridge from the river, with seven eyes visible. The second from the left is where the work arises

Herald. Zaragoza Sunday Herald advance information on projects for seaworthiness, but said that "the floor of the bridge is a later addition that has no historical value, moreover, is highly degraded in the eye which raises the recess." In that sense, he argued that "Provincial Cultural Heritage Commission has approved the project because he believes that the monument is not affected with the proposed action." addition, although the project in the floor of the bridge had not yet any knowledge, Blasco said that "we've always said that the dam was not enough and needed to clean some areas of the river because it was not possible to build over a weir height for their conditions. "

Aragon Government sources yesterday attempted to play down the controversy." The requirements for approval are unclear. So, if the work appeared during archaeological evidence of interest, had to undertake the studies required by law. And then, if what appeared to be part of the overall result, a decision would be final. "

Contrary to defendant by Jerónimo Blasco, most experts consulted believe that the surface is integral to the bridge and it is not, nor much less a modern addition. Starting with the architect who led the recent restoration of the monument in 1991. José Manuel Pérez Latorre said yesterday that at that repair Alcantara "is not at all touched the floor," which he suggests that "most likely have a medieval origin."

"We can not joy"

APUDEPA (Public Action for the Protection of Heritage Aragonés) pointed out yesterday in a statement that "it is clear that the work to be carried out not seek recovery of the original work by which must be concluded not suited to what should be done in a Cultural Property. " APUDEPA calls "frivolous capital" declared by el director general de Patrimonio, Jaime Vicente. Y se pregunta: "¿Puede removerse la solera (del puente) por el hecho de no ser visible? ¿Es ese el rigor con el que trabaja el señor Vicente Redón?". De idéntica manera piensa la historiadora Belén Boloqui, miembro de APUDEPA. "Esa solera es antigua, y forma parte del puente".

Para la historiadora Isabel Falcón, especialista en la Zaragoza del XV, "el puente tuvo una importancia fundamental en la historia de Zaragoza. Aunque antes ya había puentes para cruzar el Ebro, durante mucho tiempo fue el único de piedra que permitía el paso. Habría que estudiar la documentación existente para saber de cúando es ese empedrado. Yo, Of course, I think it may be old, but I have no documents to prove it. In any case, twenty years ago is not.

showed less exhaustive professor at the University of Salamanca Jesus Liz, who studied the bridge last twenty years. "I think actually most of what we see today of the Stone Bridge is relatively modern. And is that floods have caused so much damage that had to be rebuilt several times.

However, Isaac Moreno, former engineering student, believes that "chances are that once you make a run foundation "would be available on the pavement you want lower and that in his opinion, "certainly be made to bring about a 'dam effect' for laminar water and avoid turbulence and eddies formed, which are undermining the foundation and end points of the bridge."

art historian Carmen Gómez Urdáñez was unequivocal: "The bridge is a Cultural, and little else to talk to. BIC can not be declared a monument and then do with it what we want. The bridge, is also a very substantial part of the history of the city, and I think we can not afford Zaragoza no joy with it. The Stone, as any bridge, has a visible and the other not, but both are structure complete. That's enough to bypass the law. "

Thursday, July 19, 2007

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A museum next to the Ebro preserve the ruins of San Lazaro interest ( El Periódico de Aragón - 19/07/2007)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

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The archaeological remains of the old Convent of San Lazaro will be integrated into the project bank of the Ebro

12/06/2007. Escuchar Noticia The City Council will move immediately to the Provincial Spatial integrative proposal that collate the findings published in the area with the continuity the road on the left bank of the river that is set to the Banks Plan Zaragoza, Tuesday, June 12, 2007 .- The archaeological remains of the old convent of San Lazaro will be preserved and integrated into the U-Project 11 of the Banks Plan (Balcony of St. Lazarus) that is currently running. As stated by the acting mayor of Zaragoza, Juan Alberto Belloch, the visit he made this morning at the work site to learn the characteristics and importance of the findings.

In the archaeological excavations being carried out during project implementation have appeared significant remnants of the old convent of St. Lazarus headquarters, including the plant in two cloisters, part of the church convent and other structures. Since, by its location, some of the best preserved elements would be affected by the planned route of the road, the mayor has ordered the municipal technical services to prepare an integrated study and proposal to the Provincial Planning Commission Heritage (DGA), to reconcile their maintenance functionality that should have the communication path on the left bank, on both sides of the Stone Bridge, and to allow work to continue and meet the time originally planned.

performance approaches that are intended to achieve with these archaeological remains are intended to recover the historical identity with the completion of a full archaeological dig, take the appearance of the remains to create an integrated urban point of interest in an archaeological garden next to the Ebro, alignment with the road so as to preserve the archaeological remains without giving up a very important road communication for the city, as it is one of the strategic points of Banks Plan, and finally, restore , consolidate and present to the public on archaeological remains most notable that have appeared, providing them with adequate exposure measurements and interpretation.

The City will preserve and enhance the value of archaeological sites and landmarks of the city that appear in this area is clear and patent, and proof of this is that rehabilitation and restoration of the old mill is in competition at present, and the recovery of the old bridge abutment Tables.

Recover the balcony of St. Lazarus

public use

The project for the U-11 Plan banks of the Ebro, Balcon de San Lazaro pursues the remodeling of this area, continuing the Paseo de Ribera with underground section, the renewal of urban infrastructure throughout the area and creating a new riverside park. The proposed works consist primarily of three actions:

* urbanization of a new road on the bank, which will build on the existing stretches from the street Architect La Figuera to Puente del Pilar, a middle section of the underground Stone Bridge height;

* the creation of a large pedestrian area in the balcony of St. Lazarus, with three distinct areas, with tree-lined boulevard that connects it the North Station, a viewpoint overlooking the Ebro plaza overlooking the historic city (Pilar, La Seo, the Market ") and a lower level plaza, ideal as a residence area and playground;

* and the creation of a Bank Linear Park between the bridges and Pillar Stone, adapted to the possible avenues of the river, which will keep the old mill building tables for future rehabilitation, and create a platform as a lookout " element of the old Memorial Bridge Tables.

The project is awarded to union companies Corviam Corsan Vialex "for 15.8 million euros, is running since last January and is expected to be completed later this year.

religious center of Arrabal

The Order of Our Lady of Mercy was founded in Barcelona in 1218 by King James I the Conqueror and San Pedro Nolasco, with religious and military. It has always been closely tied to the Crown of Aragon, and his knights part with the king on important feats of arms, as the conquest of Valencia. After the conquest of Aragon, and converted into regular mendicant order, was dedicated to one of the main purposes for which it was created, the redemption of Christian captives in Muslim lands and care for disadvantaged social sectors. Only eight years after its foundation by King in 1224 is based on Real Zaragoza Convent of St. Lazarus, which had among its tasks for several centuries as a leper and hospital care for lepers and other patients in the city .

Over time, the convent was erected on the main religious center of the suburb and one of the most prominent of the city. The description of its dependencies does Neyla Fray Francisco in the late seventeenth century tells us that had a Latin cross church of great proportions, with eight chapels, three vestries and many retablos, religious images, paintings from Italy and other riches. Furthermore, in the convents were two cloisters, one with a well whose water was famous throughout the city for its quality and purity, a large library, chapter house, garden, cells for the monks and hospital units in which they attended the sick. In addition, the area near the river, had a massive wall that protected the convent of intensive facilities flooding.

Zaragoza Sites During the convent of St. Lazarus was almost completely destroyed, and which served as a defensive stronghold in the north city and its vicinity were experienced some of the bloodiest fighting to protect access to Stone Bridge. After the seizure of Mendizabal, in 1835, the site of the old convent became the headquarters of San Lazaro, and its surroundings experienced an important development in the late nineteenth century, driven by the arrival of the railway and the installation in the vicinity of North Station, becoming one of the most important traditional settlements on the Left Bank.

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Zaragoza.es-The archaeological remains of the old Convent of San Lazaro will be integrated into the project bank of the Ebro

ZARAGOZA, 12 June (IRIN) -

The archaeological remains of the old convent of San Lazaro will be preserved and integrated into the project's U-11 Banks Plan - Balcon de San Lazaro - which is being performed. This was stated by the acting mayor of Zaragoza, Juan Alberto Belloch, speaking to the media during his visit today to see the works 'in situ' characteristics and the importance of the findings.

In the archaeological excavations being carried out during project implementation, there have been significant remnants of the old convent of St. Lazarus headquarters, including the plant in two cloisters, part of the church convent and other structures.

Since, on the site, part of the best preserved elements would be affected by the planned route of the road, the mayor gave the order to the municipal technical services to conduct a study and an integrative proposal to the Provincial Heritage Management (DGA), with the aim of reconciling the construction of the Paseo de Ribera with the maintenance of archaeological remains, and thus can continue to work and adjust to the time originally planned.

The project for the U-11 Plan banks of the Ebro, Balcon de San Lazaro, pursues the remodeling of this area, continuing the Paseo de Ribera with an underground section, the renewal urban infrastructure throughout the area and creating a new riverside park. Belloch

recalled that the draft balcony of St. Lazarus is "an important stretch even from the economic point of view, accounting for almost 18 million euros and is one of the most important Banks Plan" and explained that consists "a tour de Ribera, a wide pedestrian area, which included a tree-lined boulevard, a large space on the monumental Zaragoza and a terrace for recreational purposes, and a compliant ride with the floods."

Thus, the Zaragoza mayor said that "now is more complicated because they appeared archeological remains technicians to tell us which are significant and historical and heritage interest, "adding that" it is possible and feasible to incorporate the project an archeological garden we can enjoy all the citizens. "

" Our goal is that the project's Balcony San Lazaro is not delayed, and in theory should be completed later this year, and is compatible with the archaeological work to continue with the Paseo de Ribera to be completed for the Expo, "he said.

approaches the action that is intended to carry out this aim archaeological recovery of historical identity with the completion of a full archaeological excavation. It also wants to exploit the appearance of the remains to create an urban point of interest in a garden next to the Ebro


has also tendered for the rehabilitation and recovery of an old mill, besides recovery of the old bridge abutment Table.

the balcony of St. Lazarus CITIZEN USE

The works screened at the balcony of St. Lazarus are basically three performances. On the one hand, the development of a new road on the bank, which will build on the existing stretches from the street Architect La Figuera to the long weekend, with an intermediate section buried up to the Stone Bridge.

Moreover, the creation of a large pedestrian area in the balcony of St. Lazarus, with three distinct areas, with tree-lined boulevard that connects it to North Station, a viewpoint overlooking the Ebro plaza overlooking the historic city - Pilar, La Seo, the fish market - and a lower level plaza, ideal as room area and playground.

addition to the creation of a Bank Linear Park between the bridges and Pillar Stone, adapted to the possible flooding of the river, which will keep the old mill building tables for future rehabilitation and create a platform as a lookout old Memorial Bridge Tables.

The project is awarded to union companies Corviam-Vialex Corsan by 15.8 million euros, is running since last January and is expected to be completed later this year.


In 1224 the Order of Our Lady of Mercy founded in Zaragoza Royal Convent of St. Lazarus, which had among its tasks for several centuries as a leper and hospital care for lepers and other patients of the city.

Over time, the convent was erected in the main center Arrabal religious and one of the most prominent of the city. The description of its dependencies does Neyla Fray Francisco in the late seventeenth century that had a Latin cross church of great proportions, with eight chapels, three vestries and many retablos, religious images, paintings from Italy and other riches.

addition, the convent had two cloisters, one with a well whose water was famous throughout the city for its quality and purity, a large library, chapter house, garden, cells for the monks and hospital units in which patients were served. In the area near the river, had a massive wall that protected facilities convent of heavy flooding.

Zaragoza Sites During the convent of St. Lazarus was almost completely destroyed, and which served as a defensive stronghold in the north city and its vicinity are home to some of the bloodiest fighting to protect access to Stone Bridge . After the seizure

Mendizabal, in 1835, the site of the old convent became the headquarters of San Lazaro, and lived a development environment in the late nineteenth century, driven by the arrival of the railway and the installation in the vicinity of North Station, becoming one of the most traditional settlements important on the Left Bank.

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Apudepa requires excavation shall be protected on private plots

Apudepa requires excavation shall be protected on private plots ( El Periódico de Aragón - 17/07/2007)

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The PP calls for boost in solar tastings San Lazaro private ( El Periódico de Aragón - 17/07/2007)

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Ebropolis Plenary

Ebropolis leads a new Strategic Plan to Zaragoza.

Ebropolis The Board of Regents of the Dean of the CDL of Aragon is a member, approved the establishment of four committees of experts for drafting the new strategy for the development of Zaragoza. The was promptly let ratified by Parliament.
Commissions ordanizadas experts are created in the following areas: Planning Commission
; external position; Economic and Social and Cultural mediambiental.

The Official College of Doctors and Bachelors in Philosophy y Letras y en Ciencias de Aragón participará en la Comisión de asuntos sociales y culturales en la que espera aportar su visión de futuro alcanzable.

De forma paralela a las comisiones estratégicas se trabajará en un sistema de indicadores que permitirá la reevaluación continuada del Plan como el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

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La presidenta del Consejo General, Dª Josefina Cambra con la ministra de Educación en una reciente entrevista. El miercoles día 4, Doña. Josefina Cambra Presidenta del Consejo General y su Secretario D. Jesús Bonals, efectuaron una vista de trabajo al Colegio Oficial de Aragón. The entevista is part of the momentum from within the General Council is taking the development of some of the collegiate careers as those of archaeologists, museum curators and archivists.
The meeting discussed whether to propose the introduction of visa college at the State level, in our schools and to have a resource base for professionals at the state level such as training plans. Congratulations from these pages
the dynamism of the General Council Executive.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

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Jaime Gimeno Vicente Huarte and Bethlehem in the presentation

June 3 at 12 pm in the Chamber has taken place Zurita the presentation of Aragon Archaeology 1995-2005. This is an essential tool for archaeologists: the CD edition of tabs that is a summary of all archaeological excavations carried out in our CCAA in that period of time.
professionals need information about interventions, about who has led the out, which has involved more ...

This documentation as the Director General of Cultural Heritage will be available via the Internet and likewise may be updated information. hope that this database is complete with all the information in the archives of the Government of Aragon, as exists in other regions. Congratulations to Jaime Vicente
Redón for this initiative.

Monday, July 2, 2007

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More on the Odyssey

Culture keeps the claim on the treasure recovered by Odyssey despite being in international waters

The Popular Party accuses the government had acted with negligence


- Madrid - 27/06/2007

Culture Minister, Carmen Calvo, said today at the Congress of Deputies that the treasure was rescued by the U.S. company Odyssey was found "in international waters ". Culture, however, believes English ship which was loading (500,000 pieces of silver and gold) worth about 500 million dollars, it reserves the right to claim the cargo.

This is the working hypothesis "more plausible" that shuffles the department headed by Calvo. The second working hypothesis with the Culture, "simultaneous and inclusive" to the first, refers to "alleged illegal activities by alleged spoliation Odyssey" being investigated by the Magistrate's Court number one Linea de la Concepcion ( Cadiz), Carmen Calvo said.

U.S. company found the treasure somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean out of English waters, probably in the arc of Cape St. Vincent in Portugal and the city of El Jadida, south-west of Morocco. Debate


The Popular Party has reprimanded the Government that a foreign company has hijacked the English heritage and has accused the Executive of negligence. In a tense exchange of accusations, Calvo insisted that the treasure was far from the English territorial waters and that surveillance vessels can not harass other vessels in international waters.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

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On Saturday June 30 as programs carried out the trip to visit the exhibition "Land Border." Due to the timing formed a small group.
In a small bus got out of the Zaragoza Auditorium at 8.10 pm am. Teruel first visit to the See of St. Peter, allowed us to enjoy an interesting collection of exhibitions and an architectural framework, recently restored, it was worth as much as the sample. The Cathedral
same thing happened to us. The assembly can enjoy both the unique Moorish carved ceilings and the altarpiece Joli, from a perspective unpublished.
A quick tour of Teruel enjoying the view of its Moorish towers, a World Heritage Site and a well deserved rest on the terrace while we waited for the bus.
The food at the Grill was also Alabarracín. 4.45
A visit to the Santa Maria, with the best guide of the day. Later visit the Museum Martín Almagro, with great pieces of culture intersante Andalucia and video projection. Finally visit to the former Cathedral of Albarracín.
I think everyone had a great time in one day something warm but pleasant. Resume in September
cultural visits which I hope will encourage more schools.
that you spend a good summer. Dean