Heraldo de Aragón EXPO 2007 July 26, 2007 Harsh criticism of the experts to reduce the floor plan of the Stone Bridge Expoagua says structure "is a later addition, degraded and worthless." :: The Partido Popular Mayor seeks clarification
Herald. Zaragoza Sunday Herald advance information on projects for seaworthiness, but said that "the floor of the bridge is a later addition that has no historical value, moreover, is highly degraded in the eye which raises the recess." In that sense, he argued that "Provincial Cultural Heritage Commission has approved the project because he believes that the monument is not affected with the proposed action." addition, although the project in the floor of the bridge had not yet any knowledge, Blasco said that "we've always said that the dam was not enough and needed to clean some areas of the river because it was not possible to build over a weir height for their conditions. " Aragon Government sources yesterday attempted to play down the controversy." The requirements for approval are unclear. So, if the work appeared during archaeological evidence of interest, had to undertake the studies required by law. And then, if what appeared to be part of the overall result, a decision would be final. " Contrary to defendant by Jerónimo Blasco, most experts consulted believe that the surface is integral to the bridge and it is not, nor much less a modern addition. Starting with the architect who led the recent restoration of the monument in 1991. José Manuel Pérez Latorre said yesterday that at that repair Alcantara "is not at all touched the floor," which he suggests that "most likely have a medieval origin." "We can not joy" APUDEPA (Public Action for the Protection of Heritage Aragonés) pointed out yesterday in a statement that "it is clear that the work to be carried out not seek recovery of the original work by which must be concluded not suited to what should be done in a Cultural Property. " APUDEPA calls "frivolous capital" declared by el director general de Patrimonio, Jaime Vicente. Y se pregunta: "¿Puede removerse la solera (del puente) por el hecho de no ser visible? ¿Es ese el rigor con el que trabaja el señor Vicente Redón?". De idéntica manera piensa la historiadora Belén Boloqui, miembro de APUDEPA. "Esa solera es antigua, y forma parte del puente". Para la historiadora Isabel Falcón, especialista en la Zaragoza del XV, "el puente tuvo una importancia fundamental en la historia de Zaragoza. Aunque antes ya había puentes para cruzar el Ebro, durante mucho tiempo fue el único de piedra que permitía el paso. Habría que estudiar la documentación existente para saber de cúando es ese empedrado. Yo, Of course, I think it may be old, but I have no documents to prove it. In any case, twenty years ago is not. |
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