Monday, August 6, 2007

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Digging our history. Trench Agüero.


Aragón Digital



Society / Feature

Digging our history

Twelve people were shot in the town of Huesca Aguero in September 1936. Until now their families do not know exactly where to leave a bouquet of flowers, but thanks to the oral testimonies that have survived over the years, Bernardo Aladrén Foundation has succeeded in locating the grave where they were buried.

Archaeologists and anthropologists analyzed each of the bones found

Zaragoza .- On September 18, 1936, twelve residents of the Aragonese village of Murillo de Gallego and Agüero were "removed" from their homes in the dark of the night for a journey from which he never returned. Two dry taps in the door with the butts of the rifles of the Civil Guard were enough to tell them that they had to accompany the explanations were not necessary.

Among them was the mayor of Zaragoza Murillo de Gallego, José Moncayola, who, before leaving home, put on his best shirt, Sundays, and corduroy suit only because he thought they were going to interrogate. After a hard and long twelve-hour interrogation, the men were loaded onto a truck that took them outside Agüero (Huesca), the estate of "Espadero" where they waited three graves and a few Republicans had to dig .

could be the plot of a movie or the outcome of a novel, but it's reality. In every corner of Spain you can find such stories can vary the number people or place, but always the same: people who are shot by the mere fact of having a different ideology.

been about 68 years since the end of the Civil War and even now there are many families who do not know where the bodies of their parents or grandparents, as is the case with the families of the twelve men who were shot in Agüero . Until now placed a bouquet of flowers on a traffic sign, since they knew the terrain, but not the exact spot where they were killed.

However, thanks to the oral testimonies that have been preserved over the years, Bernardo Aladrén Foundation, at the request of those affected, has been located two of the graves that ended September 18, 1936 with the lives of their loved ones.

"The daughters and granddaughters of those shot were in contact with us," said foundation spokesman, David Corellano. "We raised and we had not intervene or not intervene, but the magnitude of the pit and the interest of the family thought it was good to invest our efforts to exhume the bodies are buried," he added Corellano.

"This grave is very expressive," notes anthropologist José Ignacio Lorenzo. "They're lying. Not dead with a bullet in the neck, but died after falling into the pit " Lorenzo explained.

entering inside the tent, mounted on the pit to work without noticing the presence of sunlight, the panorama that unfolds before your eyes is heartbreaking. A person lying with his arms raised and his mouth open is the position in which the first skeleton is excavated. The mind of each one to see this picture fly without hesitation and wondering what they thought before he died, and even get to see reflected in their bones the fear passed.

The pit is four meters long and 90 inches wide, so that the four men fitted into the gap as they could. Appear on each other, hiding from each other with hands, arms, legs and head.

La Fundación Bernardo Aladrén trabaja en la excavación de la fosa

Excavación de la fosa

A principios de junio, una vez conseguidos los permisos de la DGA y Patrimonio, la fundación comenzó a excavar en la finca Espadero. El método que han tenido que utilizar ha sido la cata arqueológica, puesto que los procedimientos geológicos, que consisten en utilizar un georadar que determina la posible ubicación de los restos, no han sido eficaces en ese terreno. “Porque las señales que daban las íbamos excavando manualmente y eran negativas”, highlights the archaeologist Javier Navarro.

finally opted for manual surveys, using a shovel. The result was so successful that after two hours, had before them the first skeletal remains. "Here we have located four individuals are identified even have pictures of some of them," says Navarro, who makes clear that the causes of death are clear: they were shot. "I must now determine some of the circumstances of his death and burial," the archaeologist.

The works are, at present, in a first phase is to lower the ground surface and define fossa. Now they are excavating and studying the skeletal remains while the material remains that are associated with the remains: buttons, buckles and shoe brands. Once this part, containing all the bones to be studied later in the laboratory by anthropologists.

"This is a protocol not only from the Government of Aragon, but also the UN and is used for assassination of the worst massacres," says the anthropologist. "And we are using to find the exact position of the bones and thus know how they died," continues Lawrence.

The last phase of this process focuses on preparing archaeological skeletons for subsequent exhumation and transfer to the laboratory to make a full record each of them. "Bone is like an open book we know the sex, age, diseases that have affected the bones throughout life and see the impact of bullets and if affected vital organs," says the anthropologist.

After all this journey through which they must pass the skeletons, finally, families can pick up the bodies and give them a proper burial. English Mauser

Alongside the human remains, found a cartridge that recalls the tragic end that took these people. With that bullet, archaeologist Miguel Ángel Zapater been able to identify the year and place of manufacture. Everything indicates that this is a bullet in 1920 and comes from a English Mauser 7x57.

This type of bullet is made up of a cartridge, which is the part that leaves the gun, and sheaths, which is the part that stays where it appears sufficient information to verify with certainty the location and origin projectile. During the Civil War, the cartridges are manufactured without any recording to avoid reprisals, "but we will be lucky because these bullets dating from before the war."

general image courses in the area of \u200b\u200bAgüero



Bernardo Aladrén Foundation and the Association for Historical Memory of Aragon (ARHMA) work together to develop a map of the graves that exist in Community of Aragon. "It would be logical that where more mass could be found were in areas where the Civil War had a more virulent," says David Corellano.

"At the beginning of the war when there was still no justice administration, trials were carried out were mere farces and, in many cases not even had conduct trials, just picked up the leaders and workers in each village were shot directly, "notes Correllano.

This map consists of a document that will gather all the information can be obtained on each of the graves and the people who are buried in them. "With the result we get a document that allows us to better understand what was the repression that took place in Aragon," the spokesman for the foundation. "All this is only successful to the extent that we get information," says Corellano.

Thousands of people were shot during the Civil War and beyond and still Now, some 70 years later, their families still do not know exactly where to put a bouquet of flowers.


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