This video shows how to collect some products with different machines:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Making Fun Of Freshman Sayings
This video shows how to collect some products with different machines:
Thursday, May 21, 2009
How To Make A Hpv Model

drying has been, since ancient times, a means of food preservation. The water removed during this drying, dehydration or concentration, can be eliminated from food by the simple environmental conditions or a variety of controlled processes of dehydration in undergoing different techniques used means such as heat, air, cold, and osmosis.
Sun drying can remove water to levels of 15%, which is sufficient in some cases. For this system requires a large enough space and food in the sun are susceptible to contamination and losses due to dust, insects, rodents and other factors.
For the foregoing reasons sun drying evolved to do in indoor areas where conditions could be controlled more efficiently. Today the term dehydration Food refers to artificial drying under control. This removal of water may be almost complete and full intended to prevent changes in the food, in order to achieve then, during the reconstruction, to obtain the most similar products to food originated. Residual moisture levels reach values \u200b\u200breach 1 to 5% depending on the product. Usually the quality achieved in the dehydration is proportional to the cost of processing applications, there are exceptions.
called processes of evaporation and concentration have purpose of removing only a portion of water from the food, maybe one or two-thirds, as in the preparation of syrup, evaporated milk and tomato paste.
addition to the purposes of conservation, dehydration is performed to reduce the weight and volume of food. The weight can decrease 8 times its original weight. This is obviously the cost savings in transport and packaging.
An example of dehydration where only water is removed in order to maintain the characteristics aroma and flavor of the product is the production of instant coffee.
Other techniques in which heat is used during the removal of water. There looks to be as fast as possible, which is accomplished by taking into account the following variables:
- Area Exposed: The longer the food is divided, to a certain limit, the more likely it is for heat to penetrate and dehydrate.
- Temperature: The higher the temperature difference between heat transfer through the food the higher the output rate of moisture. Airspeed
- . Humidity
- . Barometer
dehydration usually causes physical, chemical and sensory changes in foods. Among the physical changes are shrinking, hardening and thermoplastics. Chemical changes contribute to the final quality of both products dehydrated reconstituted equivalents, in respect to color, flavor, texture, viscosity, speed of reconstitution, nutritional value and storage stability. Often these changes occur only in certain products, but some of the main place in almost all foods subject to dehydration, and the degree in which they occur depends on the composition of the food and the severity of the drying method.
browning reactions may be due to enzymatic oxidation, so it is recommended inactivated by pasteurization or blanching treatments. The blackout also
may be due to enzymatic reactions. These are accelerated when food is exposed to high temperatures and the food is high concentration of reactive groups and drying reaches levels of 15 to 20%. When levels exceed 2% dehydration and changes in color are less intense.
Another consequence of the dehydration of foods is the difficulty in rehydration. The causes are physical and chemical origin, taking into account some shrinkage and distortion of cells and capillaries and other denaturation of proteins caused by heat and salt concentration. Under these conditions these proteins from the cell walls can not so easily absorb water again, losing turgor and altering the texture that characterizes a particular food.
partial loss of volatile components and flavor is another effect of dehydration. Why some methods used to catch and condense the vapor produced in the dryer and return them to the dried product. Other techniques used to add scents and flavors derived from other sources, or adding rubber or other compounds that reduce the loss of flavor and aroma.
analyzed factors are taken into account when you are designing a food dehydration equipment. Everything should aim to achieve maximum drying rate, with minimal damage to the food at lower cost. For this to work across academic disciplines to achieve optimal results.
The critical point is that the biological material that is food is never completely homogeneous and tends to behave differently due to different initial composition, quantity and characteristics of water contained, the shrink patterns, migration of solutes and most importantly, that change their properties during the drying operation. For all the above is final combine good processing conditions, proper equipment and experience with the products to be dehydrated.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Confidentiality Clause On A Letetr

The jam is a sugar-preserved fruit accidentally discovered in Scotland by a woman from Motherwell with a lot of oranges past in the eighteenth century. The technique of cooking sugar cane fruit of the English explorers sent from America. Although the Greeks baked quinces in honey, as reflected in the Roman cookbook of Apicius.
Although the proportion of fruit and sugar varies depending on the type of jam, the point of ripening fruit and other factors, the usual starting point is to be in proportion 1 to 1 in weight. When the mixture reaches 104 º C, acid and pectin in the fruit react with the sugar making it cools the mixture is solid. To form the jam is important that the fruit contains pectin. Some fruits that contain pectin are: apples, citrus, and many berries, except strawberries and blackberries, for example. To produce these fruits jam pectin adds pure industry, but the method was to add another home with plenty of fruit pectin to two percent (apple or lemon juice, for example).
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Why Does The Top Of My Head Feel Bruised

An important source of nutrients for humans and animals has long been the food of plant origin. These foods provide carbohydrates needed in the diet, such as sugars, starches and fiber.
fruits also provide water, enzymes, minerals, vitamins and other compounds that are important in maintaining good health. Thus today the medical and nutrition in the diet recommended sizeable portions of fruit and vegetables in order to balance the consumption of foods of animal origin.
On the other hand, according to these water contents and characteristics of acidity, vegetables are classified as foods of different levels of perishability. The more water and having pH near neutrality are more prone to rapid deterioration, mostly because of microbiological origin.
Thus, the water content of plants varies from 12% (in cereals), to 95% (in leafy vegetables or fruits such as the pin). The pH in fruit varies from 2.5 to 4.5. In the other plant is close to neutral (6.0 -7.0).
The perishability of the fruits in part due to its water content and soluble solids represented in sugar ranging between 6 and 25% (expressed as sucrose). Improper handling or advanced degree of maturity in fruits helps microbiological contamination, but not pathogenic for the average consumer. This is due to the difficulty of developing dangerous flora in an environment of highly acidic pH is less than 4.0, compared with other foods.
regard to the amount of fruit produced in Colombia is insufficient. Each resident could consume only 34% of the minimum amount of fruit recommended by the ICBF (Colombian Family Welfare Inst.) This means that every Colombian should consume 120 kg of fruit each year to meet minimum nutritional requirements recommended, but the total production of fruit on average only allows each consume about 40 kg.
The problem is compounded by losses in 30% of this fruit cultivation, which for the most diverse reasons lies in the path of post-harvest before it reaches the final consumer.
Ante esta situación, es urgente disminuir las pérdidas para contribuir al aumento de la disponibilidad y del consumo de frutas sanas, nutritivas, agradables y en lo posible a precios accesibles por la mayoría de la población.
La disminución de estas pérdidas puede lograrse con un mejor manejo postcosecha y destinando parte de la producción a la conservación en fresco o transformación de las frutas mediante técnicas apropiadas.
Tomado de UNC
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What Happen To The Woman From Bang Bros

The main negative impacts of agribusiness related to air and water pollution, disposal of solid waste and changes in land use .
§ The flow of sewage vary, depending on the type and extent of agribusiness operation. Typically, the tributaries have a high level of biochemical oxygen demand and chemical BOD and solids suspended or dissolved. Also there may be other contaminants such as pesticide residues , oils complex alkaline compounds or acids and other organic substances in wastewater. Tributaries of the pastures, tanneries and slaughterhouses can be potential sources of infection for humans and animals.
§ The air emissions from agro-industrial operations often include
powdered material,
§ sulfur dioxide,
§ nitrous oxides,
§ oil and
§ other organic compounds.
§ often produce noxious odors agribusiness and annoying.
Improper storage of raw materials or improper disposal of solid waste can harm the earth's resources, either on-site installation or waste dumps.
production of the raw material for these agro-industries can have negative environmental effects due to the increased activity agriculture. To convert forests agricultural land, the potential to cause environmental impacts and social very deep. The nature and magnitude of the effect will depend on existing practices regarding the use of land, the amount of raw material required by agribusiness, the system of production and management of land and water.
potential environmental effects due to the intensification of agriculture are:
§ Most erosion of
§ The pollution of surface water and groundwater for agricultural inputs (eg fertilizers, pesticides)
§ Changes in physical and chemical characteristics of soil
§ Impacts on fauna and native vegetation
Impacts social impacts include:
§ Restricting access to resources (eg, traditional areas of grazing and cultivation, water resources, forest products)
§ The population displacement
§ social disorders
However, not all effects are necessarily negative. Agribusiness can enter in a practice area more efficient farming, creating markets for products and provide jobs for local people.
indirect effects of the installation of a large agribusiness include the development of transport to move products to markets and uncontrolled migration of people into this area in search of land or jobs.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
How Long To Be Retired From Military
Friday, March 6, 2009
Carmella Bing Galeries

For agribusiness conglomerates
This classification groups the activities based on each commodity
1. meat cluster
1. Slaughterhouse beef and pork, chopped, refrigerators, packaging, frozen
2. Meat plant, sausage, smoked, cooked, canned.
3. Meat meal and oil.
4. fur Salado
5. Dressing and dyeing of leather
6. Leather, leather
7. slaughterhouse chickens, sliced, chilled, frozen
8. Incubators
9. Meat and feathers
2. wood chipboard
1. Sawmill logs, planks and boards
2. Laminator
3. Factory plywood, plywood
4. Compacted sawdust
6. hardwood tongued-
9. Dryer - Furniture
10. Charcoal
3. Dairy
1. Centers Acopiara and cooled
2. pasteurized and bottled retail
3. butter - cream - natillas
4. Quesos cool and hard
5. Yogour
6. Ice cream - desserts
7. milk powder
4. Fruits and vegetables
1. Plant selection and classification
2. Juices - Nectars - concentrated
3. jams and jellies
4. tomato byproducts
5. Canned Fruits
6. Pickles
7. Dried Fruit
8. Dehydrated Vegetables
9. Frozen Vegetables
5. Fish
1. Supply ice
2. conservation Refrigerators
3. cleaning and filleting
4. Canning
5. Fishmeal.