Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What Happen To The Woman From Bang Bros

Potential environmental impacts of Agribusiness

The main negative impacts of agribusiness related to air and water pollution, disposal of solid waste and changes in land use .


§ The flow of sewage vary, depending on the type and extent of agribusiness operation. Typically, the tributaries have a high level of biochemical oxygen demand and chemical BOD and solids suspended or dissolved. Also there may be other contaminants such as pesticide residues , oils complex alkaline compounds or acids and other organic substances in wastewater. Tributaries of the pastures, tanneries and slaughterhouses can be potential sources of infection for humans and animals.

§ The air emissions from agro-industrial operations often include


powdered material,

§ sulfur dioxide,

§ nitrous oxides,

§ oil and

§ other organic compounds.

§ often produce noxious odors agribusiness and annoying.


Improper storage of raw materials or improper disposal of solid waste can harm the earth's resources, either on-site installation or waste dumps.

use changes

production of the raw material for these agro-industries can have negative environmental effects due to the increased activity agriculture. To convert forests agricultural land, the potential to cause environmental impacts and social very deep. The nature and magnitude of the effect will depend on existing practices regarding the use of land, the amount of raw material required by agribusiness, the system of production and management of land and water.

potential environmental effects due to the intensification of agriculture are:

§ Most erosion of soils

§ The pollution of surface water and groundwater for agricultural inputs (eg fertilizers, pesticides)

§ Changes in physical and chemical characteristics of soil

§ Impacts on fauna and native vegetation

Impacts social impacts include:

§ Restricting access to resources (eg, traditional areas of grazing and cultivation, water resources, forest products)

§ The population displacement

§ social disorders

However, not all effects are necessarily negative. Agribusiness can enter in a practice area more efficient farming, creating markets for products and provide jobs for local people.

indirect effects of the installation of a large agribusiness include the development of transport to move products to markets and uncontrolled migration of people into this area in search of land or jobs.


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