Wednesday, January 10, 2007

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Social Pact for the Environment award for the development

The Minister of Industry and Environment , Benito Mercader, yesterday presented the Awards for Sustainable Development in the Region of Murcia, convened within the framework of the Social Pact Environment , which aims to recognize publicly the efforts on sustainable development .
The awards are aimed at students, professionals, businesses, collective organizations and institutions at the regional level.
also recognize the business work in paragraphs eco-management, eco-efficiency, eco-design and cooperation between companies, other institutions and groups dedicated to non-business, a third of Journalism and a fourth for the support of eco-innovation. New adhesiónAsimismo
, Benito Mercader and President of Association of Biologists of Murcia, Herminio Picazo, yesterday signed the accession of this institution to Social Pact for the Environment which today has more than 70 partners.
The Minister acknowledged the importance of adherence to the Pact Biologists Association, which is to have professionals who work daily with the environment, he said.
Meanwhile, Herminio Picazo said that joined voluntarily and said that not only the administration but the social partners have to get commitment to the environment and biodiversity so said the regional strategy should have a formal and more development momentum that it has.


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