Clearing the air we breathe now in the big cities has its price. According to the Ministry of Environment , implement the new European strategy to reduce air pollution will cost more than 7,000 million euros per year from 2020 which is when all measures have to be already in force.
reductions of the five most polluting gases like sulfur dioxide or carbon monoxide , reach up to 80 percent and in Spain there are 140 areas where they now exceed the permitted values.
Cristina Narbona, Minister of Environment , said that "most worrisome, and the advice of the EU, is that there are many premature deaths due to contaminating substances in the atmosphere in Spain is estimated to be about 16,000 persons. " Saving
Cristina Narbona, Minister of Environment , said that "most worrisome, and the advice of the EU, is that there are many premature deaths due to contaminating substances in the atmosphere in Spain is estimated to be about 16,000 persons. " Saving
However, according Environment, Health savings will be six times greater than the amount of money invested, because it will prevent, at European level, 140,000 premature exposure to these fumes.
addition, reduced sickness and pharmaceutical expenditure linked to the treatment of respiratory ailments, save 42,000 million euros a year.
The Cabinet on Friday to approve the new draft law on air quality in Spain is specifically intended to implement these new reductions in gas pollutants adopted by the European Union last year.
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