Thursday, June 28, 2007

Mac Messenger Unblock Yourself

Calvo says that the treasure found by Odyssey is Spanish and was in international waters

Reason June 28, 2008 Calvo says that the treasure found by Odyssey is English and was in international waters The minister, who appeared yesterday in Committee on Culture, does not rule out the hypothesis of looting by the company? "The doors opened Odyssey the Popular Party government," said Carmen Calvo

G. Madrid-Pajares
passed a few minutes of the 10 ½ in the morning when Carmen Calvo made his entry, after posing almost running to a battery of photographers in the hall of Congress that would place the Committee on Culture, a highly coveted Appear People's Party in which the central theme was to report on government actions in the 'Odyssey. " The minister opened fire with a thorough description of the developments since 1999 until today and reviewed the various sessions and meetings were held between Britain, Spain and the United States with the company "treasure hunter." After more than 45 minutes, Calvo gave the owner the day. Had left for last: "We are working with two hypotheses that are simultaneous, but not exclusive. We believe that a shipment is removed from the wreck of the English flag found in international waters. The research so far leads us to believe in this scenario as the most credible in regard to the treasury. The second relates to the alleged illegal activities of Odyssey for alleged plundering, which are being investigated by the preliminary open in the Magistrate's Court No. 1 Line. " To develop this theory, the head of Culture is based on reports from the Guardia Civil del Mar and in the documents of the Navy, "which have been all the time watching our waters, "and said the alleged illegality committed by the U.S. company was" working without asking for permission to investigate a English wreck. " Calvo inisitió where the treasure was far from the English territorial waters and that surveillance vessels can not harass other vessels in international waters. It will be recalled, Odyssey Marine Exploration, which has not yet provided the place where he found the wreck of the ship and the flag has always maintained that the ship "was found somewhere in the Atlantic, without specifying the place." The minister stressed once again that "the English State to the British and American authorities have never renounced their claim on the wreck or its cargo. " Lack of monitoring
was the end of exposure to the spokeswoman who answered the Culture of PP in Congress, Beatriz Rodríguez-Salmon, who said he gave "full support" to the minister and expressed hope that "this had never happened. " He said then that he missed the word "monitor, that has not existed in his statement. He has behaved as a storyteller, and you are more than responsible for what has happened, "he said. Then came the harshest attacks: "There was negligence and lack of vigilance. No has made mistakes, have looked the other way, moreover, the information provided by the Civil Guard and the Navy has not been taken into account. The lack of coordination between ministries has been staggering, "then launch a dart to Calvo, the Minister was that flag," You go through life all on. " Fun at the position Calvo, Salmon responded: "It is not aware of the neglect and the grave damage he has done. The affront to their management is enormous, "he said, and OME defined as" a predatory company, "to announce that this afternoon (yesterday) was to introduce a motion urging the government law for the recovery of wrecks English. Calvo answered about and followed. Rodríguez told Salmon that his words left "perplexed" because he was asking who "jumped the Statute of Autonomy and the Constitution. Asking me to do what his own government to give powers to the wrong person "to close his speech with a direct reference to the previous Government Culture Aznar: 'The Odyssey Marine Exploration doors were opened for the Government PP and today we are where we are. " Orders revoked

Calvo and alluded to the permit issued under the ministry of Pilar del Castillo (2001) for the location of the "Sussex" que sería revocada ante las actividades poco claras de la compañía. Se aprobó en Consejo de Ministros previo informe del Consejo de Estado, de los Servicios Jurídicos del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura y con la participación de Defensa.
«A Odyssey le hemos frustrado sus actuaciones en esta legislatura», apostilló Calvo, quien recordó, además, que se mantienen abiertos dos procesos judiciales: uno civil en EE UU sobre los pecios extraídos en el caso de que fueran españoles, y otro penal, en España, e insistió en las gestiones diplomáticas para averiguar la procedencia del pecio y conseguir los permisos de aduanas para ver el cargamento que partió de Gibraltar.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Painful Swollen Red Hot Elbow


Archaeologist José Francisco Casabona Buttress company manager and director of excavations at the Cathedral of Tarazona is located in a courtyard area and a possible early Christian mosaics baptistery Visigoth. findings have performed beyond expectations in the area outside the cathedral.

Friday, June 22, 2007

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The archaeological remains of the old Convent of San Lazaro will be integrated into the project the banks of the Ebro (El Periódico de Aragón)

News archaeological in Zaragoza - 12/06/2007
The archaeological remains of ancient convent of San Lazaro will be preserved and integrated into the project's U-11 Banks Plan - Balcon de San Lazaro - which is being performed. This was stated by the acting mayor of Zaragoza, Juan Alberto Belloch, speaking to the media during his visit today to see the works 'in situ' characteristics and the importance of the findings.
In the archaeological excavations being carried out during project implementation, there have been significant remnants of the old convent of St. Lazarus headquarters, including the plant in two cloisters, part of the church and other monastic structures .
Since, by its location, some of the best preserved elements would be affected by the planned route of the road, the mayor gave the order to the municipal technical services to conduct a study and an integrative proposal to the Provincial Planning Commission Heritage (DGA), with the aim of reconciling the construction of the Paseo de Ribera with the maintenance of archaeological remains, and thus can proceed with the work and adjust to the time originally planned ...

Monday, June 18, 2007

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collegiate Dear friend:

I take this first letter to all nurses to thank you for participating in the elections of the College, on my behalf and on behalf of the entire Board of Governors.
In this period we have begun to mature projects that I had proposed:
We have improved the website of the College (
). need to send us your e-mail to the Secretariat and if you have it in your name will open a reprieve to all the documentation of school more quickly, saving paper and economy. You can send an email to:
, phone the CDL (976554266), by mail or in person at our offices. We have created a blog (or blog), where it picks up press or official bulletins that may be interested and who can direct your suggestions: (
). We are preparing a digital newspaper. by September we will prepare a newspaper on paper.
We will arrange a travel package arranged by Aragon and want to start in Teruel.

The trip planned before the holidays is to see the exhibition "Border Land" held at three locations: two in Teruel and Albarracín. The project is going on the last day Opening of the exhibition, 30 June, leaving the auditorium of the University (Paradise Plaza) at 8 am, a tour of the headquarters of San Pedro (10.45 pm), Venue Cathedral (11 45 hours) and food in Albarracín (The Grill), visit Headquarters in Santa María de Albarracín (5.30 pm) and visit Albarrracín free and return to Zaragoza. (
) The price including entrance fees, bus and lunch is 26 €.
interested are asked to make contact with the Secretariat to reserve seats. (976554266) during days 19 to 22, from 9.30 has 14 hours in college headquarters.

In September they organized a second trip to visit the ongoing excavations of Alcalá de Azaila Cabezo, the town of the Cape in Andorra and Museums in the area, which will inform you accordingly.

I hope these activities serve to strengthen ties between schools and to enjoy cultural visits.

Kind regards José Ignacio Lorenzo


Thursday, June 14, 2007

What Order Should You Feed Baby


The founder of Odyssey arrives in Gibraltar to hasten the crisis AFP

" Odyssey Explorer 'in the dock Gibraltar's military


Overvoltage yesterday in the Bay of Algeciras. The arrival of the founder of Odyssey, Greg Stemm, a

Rock has sparked alarm. Interpret its presence in Gibraltar as the decision to take the bull by the horns in a very delicate moment, because the English government's decision to seize the ships of the company, "Odyssey Explorer" and "Ocean Alert", mandated by a judge Line of the Conception. L a full crew to ship yesterday enjoyed a game of football at Victoria Stadium, joined at the podium by the founder of Odyssey. The match was also the Governor of
the Rock.
Shortly before, Stemm arrived at Gibraltar airport and going through the same service of "custom" that organized the May 16, the output of a trove of 500,000 coins of unknown origin, bound for Florida. Blackout of AisLive Greg Stemm tried all day yesterday to fix with the delegate of your company in Gibraltar out of their boats, which remained docked late in the afternoon in the military dock Rock Harbor. Apparently also had several high-level interviews, but would not enjoy your stay in the Rock

to contact any English authority or foreign or culture. And lost opportunity to reiterate the invitation to board vessels has repeatedly made through the press. However, intense activity of the founder of Odyssey in the office that the company has in Gibraltar to try to resolve a conflict that began to cause concern in diplomatic circles. The coverage of the Ministry of Defence has finally become an issue because London is committed to the dark action Odyssey. To make matters worse, the power outage late in the afternoon Yesterday saw the website, the company AisLive ship detection to visualize the positions of ships in the Strait, sparked a war of nerves. There were those who thought that the computer failure could only mean poaching output Odyssey craft Gibraltar.
But sources close to the investigation consulted by ABC said that it is illogical to think of a flight with nocturnal treasure hunters, because it would be almost like an admission of guilt. In addition, it will not save the enforcement of the order of arrest, although the time hurtaría the cameras.
While all this was happening, the patrol boat "River Pisuerga" Maritime Service Civil Guard

sailed through the center of the Bay of Algeciras, with its complement of ten men on board in combat uniform, awaiting the departure of the vessel Odyssey. was not easy to predict the departure of the "Odyssey Explorer" full of journalists and competitors to the rescue of a fictitious treasury in international waters, as Spain did not give permission and seizure become very bad TV show would fit in the relations between London and Madrid.