What Order Should You Feed Baby
The founder of Odyssey arrives in Gibraltar to hasten the crisis AFP
" Odyssey Explorer 'in the dock Gibraltar's military
Overvoltage yesterday in the Bay of Algeciras. The arrival of the founder of Odyssey, Greg Stemm, a
Rock has sparked alarm. Interpret its presence in Gibraltar as the decision to take the bull by the horns in a very delicate moment, because the English government's decision to seize the ships of the company, "Odyssey Explorer" and "Ocean Alert", mandated by a judge Line of the Conception. L a full crew to ship yesterday enjoyed a game of football at Victoria Stadium, joined at the podium by the founder of Odyssey. The match was also the Governor of
the Rock. Shortly before, Stemm arrived at Gibraltar airport and going through the same service of "custom" that organized the May 16, the output of a trove of 500,000 coins of unknown origin, bound for Florida. Blackout of AisLive Greg Stemm tried all day yesterday to fix with the delegate of your company in Gibraltar out of their boats, which remained docked late in the afternoon in the military dock Rock Harbor. Apparently also had several high-level interviews, but would not enjoy your stay in the Rock
to contact any English authority or foreign or culture. And lost opportunity to reiterate the invitation to board vessels has repeatedly made through the press. However, intense activity of the founder of Odyssey in the office that the company has in Gibraltar to try to resolve a conflict that began to cause concern in diplomatic circles. The coverage of the Ministry of Defence has finally become an issue because London is committed to the dark action Odyssey. To make matters worse, the power outage late in the afternoon Yesterday saw the website, the company AisLive ship detection to visualize the positions of ships in the Strait, sparked a war of nerves. There were those who thought that the computer failure could only mean poaching output Odyssey craft Gibraltar.
But sources close to the investigation consulted by ABC said that it is illogical to think of a flight with nocturnal treasure hunters, because it would be almost like an admission of guilt. In addition, it will not save the enforcement of the order of arrest, although the time hurtaría the cameras.
While all this was happening, the patrol boat "River Pisuerga" Maritime Service Civil Guard
sailed through the center of the Bay of Algeciras, with its complement of ten men on board in combat uniform, awaiting the departure of the vessel Odyssey. was not easy to predict the departure of the "Odyssey Explorer" full of journalists and competitors to the rescue of a fictitious treasury in international waters, as Spain did not give permission and seizure become very bad TV show would fit in the relations between London and Madrid.
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