Tuesday, August 28, 2007

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Recovery of Historical Memory.

Agüero skeletons were found after 7 months of searching ( El Periódico de Aragón - 26/08/2007)

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The remains found of the Stone Bridge is the eighteenth and its documentation should be preserved

BIC was declared in 2002 and, therefore, work should aim to recover original state of the viaduct and the subsequent reforms. Heritage study whether they can retain despite their great damage.:: Expoagua awarded the new yacht while the old building is demolished
Photographer: JOSE MIGUEL MARCO Two workers observe the wooden stakes used to secure the sill once the bed of

N. River Asin. Zaragoza The remains of the Stone Bridge that have appeared during excavations in the third arch dating from the eighteenth century, the report of Phidias Trade - the company responsible for the work ", which yesterday received the Directorate-General of Heritage. The declaration of this monument as a Cultural (BIC) in 2002 recommended maintenance or recovery because they are elements of one of the most important reforms that suffered the viaduct XVIII.De century now, the DGA Heritage is studying this report and those who have made their technicians and the Zaragoza City Council to prepare an opinion with the requirements to be met by future work on the canal. "The report describes what has been found and their conservation status. Now we have to analyze it more time, "said the CEO of Heritage, Jaime Vicente.De fact, warned that need to be evaluated whether they can retain despite their great damage and I could run" a danger "to the foundation. Therefore, he insisted that "there will be to analyze the situation from the point of view of heritage and structural cracks but not active." Thus, Vicente also referred to the gullies or hollows appeared: "We'll see how they affect stability, but there is no risk. "Heritage must also decide how to rectify, but the City Council and went ahead to be Expoagua hormigón.En filled with concrete, the remains of a retaining wall between 1720 and 1729, according to the documentation that exists of those years on the reform undertaken in the Stone Bridge and has enabled the company to date him. However, it still lacks some samples and perform analysis. His condition is not very good because of the many avenues of river that has suffered. It sits on a layer of pebbles and there is only one row of sillares.La statement as BIC Stone Bridge provides that "works and reforms in the future will be carried out aimed at the recovery of the original work of interventions, especially those carried out by D. Agustín Sanz (1724-1801), and would be subject to the provisions of the procedure under the Law 3 / 1999 of March 10 Aragonés Cultural Heritage ". The author of this important reform is also that of the Puerta del Carmen and Church of the Holy Cross, along with Julian Yarza.Expoagua has always argued that their project is not problematic because it acts on a floor, according to studies by Fernandez Casado, 1982 to the 1992 reform was reformed in 1910, as found under concrete slabs, and that in any case, not part of the structure of puente.Pero also some remains of concrete that was used to repair in later and wooden stakes, which were placed to secure the sill to the river bed and stop the deterioration. Yesterday, could be seen on the runway. Its origin is still unknown and has not been able to extract any sample. "No stone hearth, only wooden stakes and boulders," explained Jaime Vicente.
End of cleanup first, yesterday finished the excavation and cleanup jobs. The company is now awaiting the opinion of Heritage to start the works that allow the river navigability. Specifically, the project of the Expo is to build a concrete channel fifteen feet wide by others as long with a depth of one meter. A meter deep that aims to win over the current slab, which is in a state of severe deterioration, we must add the thickness of the concrete slab to be installed in the bed, about one meter. The total excavation will be about two meters.

Monday, August 6, 2007

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Digging our history. Trench Agüero.


Aragón Digital



Society / Feature

Digging our history

Twelve people were shot in the town of Huesca Aguero in September 1936. Until now their families do not know exactly where to leave a bouquet of flowers, but thanks to the oral testimonies that have survived over the years, Bernardo Aladrén Foundation has succeeded in locating the grave where they were buried.

Archaeologists and anthropologists analyzed each of the bones found

Zaragoza .- On September 18, 1936, twelve residents of the Aragonese village of Murillo de Gallego and Agüero were "removed" from their homes in the dark of the night for a journey from which he never returned. Two dry taps in the door with the butts of the rifles of the Civil Guard were enough to tell them that they had to accompany the explanations were not necessary.

Among them was the mayor of Zaragoza Murillo de Gallego, José Moncayola, who, before leaving home, put on his best shirt, Sundays, and corduroy suit only because he thought they were going to interrogate. After a hard and long twelve-hour interrogation, the men were loaded onto a truck that took them outside Agüero (Huesca), the estate of "Espadero" where they waited three graves and a few Republicans had to dig .

could be the plot of a movie or the outcome of a novel, but it's reality. In every corner of Spain you can find such stories can vary the number people or place, but always the same: people who are shot by the mere fact of having a different ideology.

been about 68 years since the end of the Civil War and even now there are many families who do not know where the bodies of their parents or grandparents, as is the case with the families of the twelve men who were shot in Agüero . Until now placed a bouquet of flowers on a traffic sign, since they knew the terrain, but not the exact spot where they were killed.

However, thanks to the oral testimonies that have been preserved over the years, Bernardo Aladrén Foundation, at the request of those affected, has been located two of the graves that ended September 18, 1936 with the lives of their loved ones.

"The daughters and granddaughters of those shot were in contact with us," said foundation spokesman, David Corellano. "We raised and we had not intervene or not intervene, but the magnitude of the pit and the interest of the family thought it was good to invest our efforts to exhume the bodies are buried," he added Corellano.

"This grave is very expressive," notes anthropologist José Ignacio Lorenzo. "They're lying. Not dead with a bullet in the neck, but died after falling into the pit " Lorenzo explained.

entering inside the tent, mounted on the pit to work without noticing the presence of sunlight, the panorama that unfolds before your eyes is heartbreaking. A person lying with his arms raised and his mouth open is the position in which the first skeleton is excavated. The mind of each one to see this picture fly without hesitation and wondering what they thought before he died, and even get to see reflected in their bones the fear passed.

The pit is four meters long and 90 inches wide, so that the four men fitted into the gap as they could. Appear on each other, hiding from each other with hands, arms, legs and head.

La Fundación Bernardo Aladrén trabaja en la excavación de la fosa

Excavación de la fosa

A principios de junio, una vez conseguidos los permisos de la DGA y Patrimonio, la fundación comenzó a excavar en la finca Espadero. El método que han tenido que utilizar ha sido la cata arqueológica, puesto que los procedimientos geológicos, que consisten en utilizar un georadar que determina la posible ubicación de los restos, no han sido eficaces en ese terreno. “Porque las señales que daban las íbamos excavando manualmente y eran negativas”, highlights the archaeologist Javier Navarro.

finally opted for manual surveys, using a shovel. The result was so successful that after two hours, had before them the first skeletal remains. "Here we have located four individuals are identified even have pictures of some of them," says Navarro, who makes clear that the causes of death are clear: they were shot. "I must now determine some of the circumstances of his death and burial," the archaeologist.

The works are, at present, in a first phase is to lower the ground surface and define fossa. Now they are excavating and studying the skeletal remains while the material remains that are associated with the remains: buttons, buckles and shoe brands. Once this part, containing all the bones to be studied later in the laboratory by anthropologists.

"This is a protocol not only from the Government of Aragon, but also the UN and is used for assassination of the worst massacres," says the anthropologist. "And we are using to find the exact position of the bones and thus know how they died," continues Lawrence.

The last phase of this process focuses on preparing archaeological skeletons for subsequent exhumation and transfer to the laboratory to make a full record each of them. "Bone is like an open book we know the sex, age, diseases that have affected the bones throughout life and see the impact of bullets and if affected vital organs," says the anthropologist.

After all this journey through which they must pass the skeletons, finally, families can pick up the bodies and give them a proper burial. English Mauser

Alongside the human remains, found a cartridge that recalls the tragic end that took these people. With that bullet, archaeologist Miguel Ángel Zapater been able to identify the year and place of manufacture. Everything indicates that this is a bullet in 1920 and comes from a English Mauser 7x57.

This type of bullet is made up of a cartridge, which is the part that leaves the gun, and sheaths, which is the part that stays where it appears sufficient information to verify with certainty the location and origin projectile. During the Civil War, the cartridges are manufactured without any recording to avoid reprisals, "but we will be lucky because these bullets dating from before the war."

general image courses in the area of \u200b\u200bAgüero



Bernardo Aladrén Foundation and the Association for Historical Memory of Aragon (ARHMA) work together to develop a map of the graves that exist in Community of Aragon. "It would be logical that where more mass could be found were in areas where the Civil War had a more virulent," says David Corellano.

"At the beginning of the war when there was still no justice administration, trials were carried out were mere farces and, in many cases not even had conduct trials, just picked up the leaders and workers in each village were shot directly, "notes Correllano.

This map consists of a document that will gather all the information can be obtained on each of the graves and the people who are buried in them. "With the result we get a document that allows us to better understand what was the repression that took place in Aragon," the spokesman for the foundation. "All this is only successful to the extent that we get information," says Corellano.

Thousands of people were shot during the Civil War and beyond and still Now, some 70 years later, their families still do not know exactly where to put a bouquet of flowers.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

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Blasco (PAR) estimates that supports a new sill on the Stone Bridge with recreational use of Ebro (El Periódico de Aragón - 31/07 / 2007)

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Francisco Catalá states that works to rehabilitate the floor of the Stone Bridge will begin this week ( El Periódico de Aragón - 31/07/2007)

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José Ignacio Lorenzo Aragon CDL Dean

The Direct General of Cultural Heritage, Jaime Vicente Huarte

On July 20 took place in the Edificio Pignatelli, a job interview between the Director General of Cultural Heritage, Government of Aragon, Jaime Vicente Huarte and the Dean of our CDL José Ignacio Lorenzo.
They discussed the program of activities of the College and the opportunity to sign a specific agreement on cooperation in cultural heritage issues, issues that will materialize in the coming months.
The activities proposed include a cycle conference on the archaeological professionals in Aragon, in the current year and the organization of the meeting of the Standing Committee of the State professional archaeologists in Aragon in the month of October.
Regular meetings will allow closer collaboration in the field of Cultural Heritage.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

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Izquierda Unida de Aragón requires the Government to ban the recess in the floor of the Puente de Piedra de Zaragoza ( El Periódico de Aragón - 26/07/2007)

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The DGA stresses that not derruirá "no trace" of site ( El Periódico de Aragón - 26/07/2007)

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Expoagua topple one of the two cloisters of the Convent of St. Lazarus ( El Periódico de Aragón - 26/07/2007)

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Harsh criticism of the experts to reduce the floor plan of the Stone Bridge

Heraldo de Aragón EXPO 2007 July 26, 2007
Harsh criticism of the experts to reduce the floor plan of the Stone Bridge
Expoagua says structure "is a later addition, degraded and worthless."
The Partido Popular Mayor seeks clarification
Photographer: Oliver DUCH
image Stone Bridge from the river, with seven eyes visible. The second from the left is where the work arises

Herald. Zaragoza Sunday Herald advance information on projects for seaworthiness, but said that "the floor of the bridge is a later addition that has no historical value, moreover, is highly degraded in the eye which raises the recess." In that sense, he argued that "Provincial Cultural Heritage Commission has approved the project because he believes that the monument is not affected with the proposed action." addition, although the project in the floor of the bridge had not yet any knowledge, Blasco said that "we've always said that the dam was not enough and needed to clean some areas of the river because it was not possible to build over a weir height for their conditions. "

Aragon Government sources yesterday attempted to play down the controversy." The requirements for approval are unclear. So, if the work appeared during archaeological evidence of interest, had to undertake the studies required by law. And then, if what appeared to be part of the overall result, a decision would be final. "

Contrary to defendant by Jerónimo Blasco, most experts consulted believe that the surface is integral to the bridge and it is not, nor much less a modern addition. Starting with the architect who led the recent restoration of the monument in 1991. José Manuel Pérez Latorre said yesterday that at that repair Alcantara "is not at all touched the floor," which he suggests that "most likely have a medieval origin."

"We can not joy"

APUDEPA (Public Action for the Protection of Heritage Aragonés) pointed out yesterday in a statement that "it is clear that the work to be carried out not seek recovery of the original work by which must be concluded not suited to what should be done in a Cultural Property. " APUDEPA calls "frivolous capital" declared by el director general de Patrimonio, Jaime Vicente. Y se pregunta: "¿Puede removerse la solera (del puente) por el hecho de no ser visible? ¿Es ese el rigor con el que trabaja el señor Vicente Redón?". De idéntica manera piensa la historiadora Belén Boloqui, miembro de APUDEPA. "Esa solera es antigua, y forma parte del puente".

Para la historiadora Isabel Falcón, especialista en la Zaragoza del XV, "el puente tuvo una importancia fundamental en la historia de Zaragoza. Aunque antes ya había puentes para cruzar el Ebro, durante mucho tiempo fue el único de piedra que permitía el paso. Habría que estudiar la documentación existente para saber de cúando es ese empedrado. Yo, Of course, I think it may be old, but I have no documents to prove it. In any case, twenty years ago is not.

showed less exhaustive professor at the University of Salamanca Jesus Liz, who studied the bridge last twenty years. "I think actually most of what we see today of the Stone Bridge is relatively modern. And is that floods have caused so much damage that had to be rebuilt several times.

However, Isaac Moreno, former engineering student, believes that "chances are that once you make a run foundation "would be available on the pavement you want lower and that in his opinion, "certainly be made to bring about a 'dam effect' for laminar water and avoid turbulence and eddies formed, which are undermining the foundation and end points of the bridge."

art historian Carmen Gómez Urdáñez was unequivocal: "The bridge is a Cultural, and little else to talk to. BIC can not be declared a monument and then do with it what we want. The bridge, is also a very substantial part of the history of the city, and I think we can not afford Zaragoza no joy with it. The Stone, as any bridge, has a visible and the other not, but both are structure complete. That's enough to bypass the law. "

Thursday, July 19, 2007

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A museum next to the Ebro preserve the ruins of San Lazaro interest ( El Periódico de Aragón - 19/07/2007)

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

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The archaeological remains of the old Convent of San Lazaro will be integrated into the project bank of the Ebro

12/06/2007. Escuchar Noticia The City Council will move immediately to the Provincial Spatial integrative proposal that collate the findings published in the area with the continuity the road on the left bank of the river that is set to the Banks Plan Zaragoza, Tuesday, June 12, 2007 .- The archaeological remains of the old convent of San Lazaro will be preserved and integrated into the U-Project 11 of the Banks Plan (Balcony of St. Lazarus) that is currently running. As stated by the acting mayor of Zaragoza, Juan Alberto Belloch, the visit he made this morning at the work site to learn the characteristics and importance of the findings.

In the archaeological excavations being carried out during project implementation have appeared significant remnants of the old convent of St. Lazarus headquarters, including the plant in two cloisters, part of the church convent and other structures. Since, by its location, some of the best preserved elements would be affected by the planned route of the road, the mayor has ordered the municipal technical services to prepare an integrated study and proposal to the Provincial Planning Commission Heritage (DGA), to reconcile their maintenance functionality that should have the communication path on the left bank, on both sides of the Stone Bridge, and to allow work to continue and meet the time originally planned.

performance approaches that are intended to achieve with these archaeological remains are intended to recover the historical identity with the completion of a full archaeological dig, take the appearance of the remains to create an integrated urban point of interest in an archaeological garden next to the Ebro, alignment with the road so as to preserve the archaeological remains without giving up a very important road communication for the city, as it is one of the strategic points of Banks Plan, and finally, restore , consolidate and present to the public on archaeological remains most notable that have appeared, providing them with adequate exposure measurements and interpretation.

The City will preserve and enhance the value of archaeological sites and landmarks of the city that appear in this area is clear and patent, and proof of this is that rehabilitation and restoration of the old mill is in competition at present, and the recovery of the old bridge abutment Tables.

Recover the balcony of St. Lazarus

public use

The project for the U-11 Plan banks of the Ebro, Balcon de San Lazaro pursues the remodeling of this area, continuing the Paseo de Ribera with underground section, the renewal of urban infrastructure throughout the area and creating a new riverside park. The proposed works consist primarily of three actions:

* urbanization of a new road on the bank, which will build on the existing stretches from the street Architect La Figuera to Puente del Pilar, a middle section of the underground Stone Bridge height;

* the creation of a large pedestrian area in the balcony of St. Lazarus, with three distinct areas, with tree-lined boulevard that connects it the North Station, a viewpoint overlooking the Ebro plaza overlooking the historic city (Pilar, La Seo, the Market ") and a lower level plaza, ideal as a residence area and playground;

* and the creation of a Bank Linear Park between the bridges and Pillar Stone, adapted to the possible avenues of the river, which will keep the old mill building tables for future rehabilitation, and create a platform as a lookout " element of the old Memorial Bridge Tables.

The project is awarded to union companies Corviam Corsan Vialex "for 15.8 million euros, is running since last January and is expected to be completed later this year.

religious center of Arrabal

The Order of Our Lady of Mercy was founded in Barcelona in 1218 by King James I the Conqueror and San Pedro Nolasco, with religious and military. It has always been closely tied to the Crown of Aragon, and his knights part with the king on important feats of arms, as the conquest of Valencia. After the conquest of Aragon, and converted into regular mendicant order, was dedicated to one of the main purposes for which it was created, the redemption of Christian captives in Muslim lands and care for disadvantaged social sectors. Only eight years after its foundation by King in 1224 is based on Real Zaragoza Convent of St. Lazarus, which had among its tasks for several centuries as a leper and hospital care for lepers and other patients in the city .

Over time, the convent was erected on the main religious center of the suburb and one of the most prominent of the city. The description of its dependencies does Neyla Fray Francisco in the late seventeenth century tells us that had a Latin cross church of great proportions, with eight chapels, three vestries and many retablos, religious images, paintings from Italy and other riches. Furthermore, in the convents were two cloisters, one with a well whose water was famous throughout the city for its quality and purity, a large library, chapter house, garden, cells for the monks and hospital units in which they attended the sick. In addition, the area near the river, had a massive wall that protected the convent of intensive facilities flooding.

Zaragoza Sites During the convent of St. Lazarus was almost completely destroyed, and which served as a defensive stronghold in the north city and its vicinity were experienced some of the bloodiest fighting to protect access to Stone Bridge. After the seizure of Mendizabal, in 1835, the site of the old convent became the headquarters of San Lazaro, and its surroundings experienced an important development in the late nineteenth century, driven by the arrival of the railway and the installation in the vicinity of North Station, becoming one of the most important traditional settlements on the Left Bank.

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Zaragoza.es-The archaeological remains of the old Convent of San Lazaro will be integrated into the project bank of the Ebro

ZARAGOZA, 12 June (IRIN) -

The archaeological remains of the old convent of San Lazaro will be preserved and integrated into the project's U-11 Banks Plan - Balcon de San Lazaro - which is being performed. This was stated by the acting mayor of Zaragoza, Juan Alberto Belloch, speaking to the media during his visit today to see the works 'in situ' characteristics and the importance of the findings.

In the archaeological excavations being carried out during project implementation, there have been significant remnants of the old convent of St. Lazarus headquarters, including the plant in two cloisters, part of the church convent and other structures.

Since, on the site, part of the best preserved elements would be affected by the planned route of the road, the mayor gave the order to the municipal technical services to conduct a study and an integrative proposal to the Provincial Heritage Management (DGA), with the aim of reconciling the construction of the Paseo de Ribera with the maintenance of archaeological remains, and thus can continue to work and adjust to the time originally planned.

The project for the U-11 Plan banks of the Ebro, Balcon de San Lazaro, pursues the remodeling of this area, continuing the Paseo de Ribera with an underground section, the renewal urban infrastructure throughout the area and creating a new riverside park. Belloch

recalled that the draft balcony of St. Lazarus is "an important stretch even from the economic point of view, accounting for almost 18 million euros and is one of the most important Banks Plan" and explained that consists "a tour de Ribera, a wide pedestrian area, which included a tree-lined boulevard, a large space on the monumental Zaragoza and a terrace for recreational purposes, and a compliant ride with the floods."

Thus, the Zaragoza mayor said that "now is more complicated because they appeared archeological remains technicians to tell us which are significant and historical and heritage interest, "adding that" it is possible and feasible to incorporate the project an archeological garden we can enjoy all the citizens. "

" Our goal is that the project's Balcony San Lazaro is not delayed, and in theory should be completed later this year, and is compatible with the archaeological work to continue with the Paseo de Ribera to be completed for the Expo, "he said.

approaches the action that is intended to carry out this aim archaeological recovery of historical identity with the completion of a full archaeological excavation. It also wants to exploit the appearance of the remains to create an urban point of interest in a garden next to the Ebro


has also tendered for the rehabilitation and recovery of an old mill, besides recovery of the old bridge abutment Table.

the balcony of St. Lazarus CITIZEN USE

The works screened at the balcony of St. Lazarus are basically three performances. On the one hand, the development of a new road on the bank, which will build on the existing stretches from the street Architect La Figuera to the long weekend, with an intermediate section buried up to the Stone Bridge.

Moreover, the creation of a large pedestrian area in the balcony of St. Lazarus, with three distinct areas, with tree-lined boulevard that connects it to North Station, a viewpoint overlooking the Ebro plaza overlooking the historic city - Pilar, La Seo, the fish market - and a lower level plaza, ideal as room area and playground.

addition to the creation of a Bank Linear Park between the bridges and Pillar Stone, adapted to the possible flooding of the river, which will keep the old mill building tables for future rehabilitation and create a platform as a lookout old Memorial Bridge Tables.

The project is awarded to union companies Corviam-Vialex Corsan by 15.8 million euros, is running since last January and is expected to be completed later this year.


In 1224 the Order of Our Lady of Mercy founded in Zaragoza Royal Convent of St. Lazarus, which had among its tasks for several centuries as a leper and hospital care for lepers and other patients of the city.

Over time, the convent was erected in the main center Arrabal religious and one of the most prominent of the city. The description of its dependencies does Neyla Fray Francisco in the late seventeenth century that had a Latin cross church of great proportions, with eight chapels, three vestries and many retablos, religious images, paintings from Italy and other riches.

addition, the convent had two cloisters, one with a well whose water was famous throughout the city for its quality and purity, a large library, chapter house, garden, cells for the monks and hospital units in which patients were served. In the area near the river, had a massive wall that protected facilities convent of heavy flooding.

Zaragoza Sites During the convent of St. Lazarus was almost completely destroyed, and which served as a defensive stronghold in the north city and its vicinity are home to some of the bloodiest fighting to protect access to Stone Bridge . After the seizure

Mendizabal, in 1835, the site of the old convent became the headquarters of San Lazaro, and lived a development environment in the late nineteenth century, driven by the arrival of the railway and the installation in the vicinity of North Station, becoming one of the most traditional settlements important on the Left Bank.

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Apudepa requires excavation shall be protected on private plots

Apudepa requires excavation shall be protected on private plots ( El Periódico de Aragón - 17/07/2007)

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The PP calls for boost in solar tastings San Lazaro private ( El Periódico de Aragón - 17/07/2007)

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Ebropolis Plenary

Ebropolis leads a new Strategic Plan to Zaragoza.

Ebropolis The Board of Regents of the Dean of the CDL of Aragon is a member, approved the establishment of four committees of experts for drafting the new strategy for the development of Zaragoza. The was promptly let ratified by Parliament.
Commissions ordanizadas experts are created in the following areas: Planning Commission
; external position; Economic and Social and Cultural mediambiental.

The Official College of Doctors and Bachelors in Philosophy y Letras y en Ciencias de Aragón participará en la Comisión de asuntos sociales y culturales en la que espera aportar su visión de futuro alcanzable.

De forma paralela a las comisiones estratégicas se trabajará en un sistema de indicadores que permitirá la reevaluación continuada del Plan como el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos propuestos.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

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La presidenta del Consejo General, Dª Josefina Cambra con la ministra de Educación en una reciente entrevista. El miercoles día 4, Doña. Josefina Cambra Presidenta del Consejo General y su Secretario D. Jesús Bonals, efectuaron una vista de trabajo al Colegio Oficial de Aragón. The entevista is part of the momentum from within the General Council is taking the development of some of the collegiate careers as those of archaeologists, museum curators and archivists.
The meeting discussed whether to propose the introduction of visa college at the State level, in our schools and to have a resource base for professionals at the state level such as training plans. Congratulations from these pages
the dynamism of the General Council Executive.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

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Jaime Gimeno Vicente Huarte and Bethlehem in the presentation

June 3 at 12 pm in the Chamber has taken place Zurita the presentation of Aragon Archaeology 1995-2005. This is an essential tool for archaeologists: the CD edition of tabs that is a summary of all archaeological excavations carried out in our CCAA in that period of time.
professionals need information about interventions, about who has led the out, which has involved more ...

This documentation as the Director General of Cultural Heritage will be available via the Internet and likewise may be updated information. hope that this database is complete with all the information in the archives of the Government of Aragon, as exists in other regions. Congratulations to Jaime Vicente
Redón for this initiative.

Monday, July 2, 2007

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More on the Odyssey

Culture keeps the claim on the treasure recovered by Odyssey despite being in international waters

The Popular Party accuses the government had acted with negligence


- Madrid - 27/06/2007

Culture Minister, Carmen Calvo, said today at the Congress of Deputies that the treasure was rescued by the U.S. company Odyssey was found "in international waters ". Culture, however, believes English ship which was loading (500,000 pieces of silver and gold) worth about 500 million dollars, it reserves the right to claim the cargo.

This is the working hypothesis "more plausible" that shuffles the department headed by Calvo. The second working hypothesis with the Culture, "simultaneous and inclusive" to the first, refers to "alleged illegal activities by alleged spoliation Odyssey" being investigated by the Magistrate's Court number one Linea de la Concepcion ( Cadiz), Carmen Calvo said.

U.S. company found the treasure somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean out of English waters, probably in the arc of Cape St. Vincent in Portugal and the city of El Jadida, south-west of Morocco. Debate


The Popular Party has reprimanded the Government that a foreign company has hijacked the English heritage and has accused the Executive of negligence. In a tense exchange of accusations, Calvo insisted that the treasure was far from the English territorial waters and that surveillance vessels can not harass other vessels in international waters.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

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On Saturday June 30 as programs carried out the trip to visit the exhibition "Land Border." Due to the timing formed a small group.
In a small bus got out of the Zaragoza Auditorium at 8.10 pm am. Teruel first visit to the See of St. Peter, allowed us to enjoy an interesting collection of exhibitions and an architectural framework, recently restored, it was worth as much as the sample. The Cathedral
same thing happened to us. The assembly can enjoy both the unique Moorish carved ceilings and the altarpiece Joli, from a perspective unpublished.
A quick tour of Teruel enjoying the view of its Moorish towers, a World Heritage Site and a well deserved rest on the terrace while we waited for the bus.
The food at the Grill was also Alabarracín. 4.45
A visit to the Santa Maria, with the best guide of the day. Later visit the Museum Martín Almagro, with great pieces of culture intersante Andalucia and video projection. Finally visit to the former Cathedral of Albarracín.
I think everyone had a great time in one day something warm but pleasant. Resume in September
cultural visits which I hope will encourage more schools.
that you spend a good summer. Dean

Thursday, June 28, 2007

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Calvo says that the treasure found by Odyssey is Spanish and was in international waters

Reason June 28, 2008 Calvo says that the treasure found by Odyssey is English and was in international waters The minister, who appeared yesterday in Committee on Culture, does not rule out the hypothesis of looting by the company? "The doors opened Odyssey the Popular Party government," said Carmen Calvo

G. Madrid-Pajares
passed a few minutes of the 10 ½ in the morning when Carmen Calvo made his entry, after posing almost running to a battery of photographers in the hall of Congress that would place the Committee on Culture, a highly coveted Appear People's Party in which the central theme was to report on government actions in the 'Odyssey. " The minister opened fire with a thorough description of the developments since 1999 until today and reviewed the various sessions and meetings were held between Britain, Spain and the United States with the company "treasure hunter." After more than 45 minutes, Calvo gave the owner the day. Had left for last: "We are working with two hypotheses that are simultaneous, but not exclusive. We believe that a shipment is removed from the wreck of the English flag found in international waters. The research so far leads us to believe in this scenario as the most credible in regard to the treasury. The second relates to the alleged illegal activities of Odyssey for alleged plundering, which are being investigated by the preliminary open in the Magistrate's Court No. 1 Line. " To develop this theory, the head of Culture is based on reports from the Guardia Civil del Mar and in the documents of the Navy, "which have been all the time watching our waters, "and said the alleged illegality committed by the U.S. company was" working without asking for permission to investigate a English wreck. " Calvo inisitió where the treasure was far from the English territorial waters and that surveillance vessels can not harass other vessels in international waters. It will be recalled, Odyssey Marine Exploration, which has not yet provided the place where he found the wreck of the ship and the flag has always maintained that the ship "was found somewhere in the Atlantic, without specifying the place." The minister stressed once again that "the English State to the British and American authorities have never renounced their claim on the wreck or its cargo. " Lack of monitoring
was the end of exposure to the spokeswoman who answered the Culture of PP in Congress, Beatriz Rodríguez-Salmon, who said he gave "full support" to the minister and expressed hope that "this had never happened. " He said then that he missed the word "monitor, that has not existed in his statement. He has behaved as a storyteller, and you are more than responsible for what has happened, "he said. Then came the harshest attacks: "There was negligence and lack of vigilance. No has made mistakes, have looked the other way, moreover, the information provided by the Civil Guard and the Navy has not been taken into account. The lack of coordination between ministries has been staggering, "then launch a dart to Calvo, the Minister was that flag," You go through life all on. " Fun at the position Calvo, Salmon responded: "It is not aware of the neglect and the grave damage he has done. The affront to their management is enormous, "he said, and OME defined as" a predatory company, "to announce that this afternoon (yesterday) was to introduce a motion urging the government law for the recovery of wrecks English. Calvo answered about and followed. Rodríguez told Salmon that his words left "perplexed" because he was asking who "jumped the Statute of Autonomy and the Constitution. Asking me to do what his own government to give powers to the wrong person "to close his speech with a direct reference to the previous Government Culture Aznar: 'The Odyssey Marine Exploration doors were opened for the Government PP and today we are where we are. " Orders revoked

Calvo and alluded to the permit issued under the ministry of Pilar del Castillo (2001) for the location of the "Sussex" que sería revocada ante las actividades poco claras de la compañía. Se aprobó en Consejo de Ministros previo informe del Consejo de Estado, de los Servicios Jurídicos del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura y con la participación de Defensa.
«A Odyssey le hemos frustrado sus actuaciones en esta legislatura», apostilló Calvo, quien recordó, además, que se mantienen abiertos dos procesos judiciales: uno civil en EE UU sobre los pecios extraídos en el caso de que fueran españoles, y otro penal, en España, e insistió en las gestiones diplomáticas para averiguar la procedencia del pecio y conseguir los permisos de aduanas para ver el cargamento que partió de Gibraltar.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Painful Swollen Red Hot Elbow


Archaeologist José Francisco Casabona Buttress company manager and director of excavations at the Cathedral of Tarazona is located in a courtyard area and a possible early Christian mosaics baptistery Visigoth. findings have performed beyond expectations in the area outside the cathedral.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Gay Cruising In Parks Nj

The archaeological remains of the old Convent of San Lazaro will be integrated into the project the banks of the Ebro (El Periódico de Aragón)

News archaeological in Zaragoza - 12/06/2007
The archaeological remains of ancient convent of San Lazaro will be preserved and integrated into the project's U-11 Banks Plan - Balcon de San Lazaro - which is being performed. This was stated by the acting mayor of Zaragoza, Juan Alberto Belloch, speaking to the media during his visit today to see the works 'in situ' characteristics and the importance of the findings.
In the archaeological excavations being carried out during project implementation, there have been significant remnants of the old convent of St. Lazarus headquarters, including the plant in two cloisters, part of the church and other monastic structures .
Since, by its location, some of the best preserved elements would be affected by the planned route of the road, the mayor gave the order to the municipal technical services to conduct a study and an integrative proposal to the Provincial Planning Commission Heritage (DGA), with the aim of reconciling the construction of the Paseo de Ribera with the maintenance of archaeological remains, and thus can proceed with the work and adjust to the time originally planned ...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Kohler Bathroom Sink K 2904


collegiate Dear friend:

I take this first letter to all nurses to thank you for participating in the elections of the College, on my behalf and on behalf of the entire Board of Governors.
In this period we have begun to mature projects that I had proposed:
We have improved the website of the College (
). need to send us your e-mail to the Secretariat and if you have it in your name will open a reprieve to all the documentation of school more quickly, saving paper and economy. You can send an email to: secretaria@cdl-aragon.es
, phone the CDL (976554266), by mail or in person at our offices. We have created a blog (or blog), where it picks up press or official bulletins that may be interested and who can direct your suggestions: ( http://profesionalescdl.blogspot.com/
). We are preparing a digital newspaper. by September we will prepare a newspaper on paper.
We will arrange a travel package arranged by Aragon and want to start in Teruel.

The trip planned before the holidays is to see the exhibition "Border Land" held at three locations: two in Teruel and Albarracín. The project is going on the last day Opening of the exhibition, 30 June, leaving the auditorium of the University (Paradise Plaza) at 8 am, a tour of the headquarters of San Pedro (10.45 pm), Venue Cathedral (11 45 hours) and food in Albarracín (The Grill), visit Headquarters in Santa María de Albarracín (5.30 pm) and visit Albarrracín free and return to Zaragoza. ( http://www.tierrasdefrontera.com/
) The price including entrance fees, bus and lunch is 26 €.
interested are asked to make contact with the Secretariat to reserve seats. (976554266) during days 19 to 22, from 9.30 has 14 hours in college headquarters.

In September they organized a second trip to visit the ongoing excavations of Alcalá de Azaila Cabezo, the town of the Cape in Andorra and Museums in the area, which will inform you accordingly.

I hope these activities serve to strengthen ties between schools and to enjoy cultural visits.

Kind regards José Ignacio Lorenzo


Thursday, June 14, 2007

What Order Should You Feed Baby


The founder of Odyssey arrives in Gibraltar to hasten the crisis AFP

" Odyssey Explorer 'in the dock Gibraltar's military


Overvoltage yesterday in the Bay of Algeciras. The arrival of the founder of Odyssey, Greg Stemm, a

Rock has sparked alarm. Interpret its presence in Gibraltar as the decision to take the bull by the horns in a very delicate moment, because the English government's decision to seize the ships of the company, "Odyssey Explorer" and "Ocean Alert", mandated by a judge Line of the Conception. L a full crew to ship yesterday enjoyed a game of football at Victoria Stadium, joined at the podium by the founder of Odyssey. The match was also the Governor of
the Rock.
Shortly before, Stemm arrived at Gibraltar airport and going through the same service of "custom" that organized the May 16, the output of a trove of 500,000 coins of unknown origin, bound for Florida. Blackout of AisLive Greg Stemm tried all day yesterday to fix with the delegate of your company in Gibraltar out of their boats, which remained docked late in the afternoon in the military dock Rock Harbor. Apparently also had several high-level interviews, but would not enjoy your stay in the Rock

to contact any English authority or foreign or culture. And lost opportunity to reiterate the invitation to board vessels has repeatedly made through the press. However, intense activity of the founder of Odyssey in the office that the company has in Gibraltar to try to resolve a conflict that began to cause concern in diplomatic circles. The coverage of the Ministry of Defence has finally become an issue because London is committed to the dark action Odyssey. To make matters worse, the power outage late in the afternoon Yesterday saw the website, the company AisLive ship detection to visualize the positions of ships in the Strait, sparked a war of nerves. There were those who thought that the computer failure could only mean poaching output Odyssey craft Gibraltar.
But sources close to the investigation consulted by ABC said that it is illogical to think of a flight with nocturnal treasure hunters, because it would be almost like an admission of guilt. In addition, it will not save the enforcement of the order of arrest, although the time hurtaría the cameras.
While all this was happening, the patrol boat "River Pisuerga" Maritime Service Civil Guard

sailed through the center of the Bay of Algeciras, with its complement of ten men on board in combat uniform, awaiting the departure of the vessel Odyssey. was not easy to predict the departure of the "Odyssey Explorer" full of journalists and competitors to the rescue of a fictitious treasury in international waters, as Spain did not give permission and seizure become very bad TV show would fit in the relations between London and Madrid.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

How To Build A Remote Control Titanin

March 22: World Water Day

General Assembly The United Nations adopted December 22, 1993 a resolution determining the 22 March each year as World Water Day to be held in accordance with the recommendations of the Conference the United Nations on Environment and Development contained in Chapter 18 ( Fresh Water Resources) of Agenda 21 . At that time invited the various States to devote the day in the national context, to concrete activities such as promoting public awareness.

The water is a good scarce in the world, only about 3% of all water on the planet is fit for human consumption . The main reservoirs are in the Latin American continent.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Numb Legs After Car Crash

Promoting Private Conservation

In a new project, AmCham is working with The Nature Conservancy , one of the environmental NGO leaders United States, to devise ways to promote activities conservation of private Chile.

Since September, a senior official of one of the largest and most influential environmental NGOs of U.S. became a familiar presence in the offices of AmCham , as well as law firms, corporate conference rooms and homes of landowners in central Chile . Henry Tepper, director of the State of New York The Nature Conservancy (TNC ) has been working on AmCham as a partner in the conservation area , ushering in a promising partnership between the two organizations oriented results for a common goal that united them: finding ways to promote private philanthropy and conservation driven by the private sector in Chile .

The origin of cooperation between AmCham TNC and dates back to 2004, when President and CEO of TNC, Steven J. McCormick visited Chile and met with President of AmCham , Michael Grasty. At that meeting, McCormick emphasized that TNC is a different kind of NGOs dedicated to working with private landowners, businesses and all levels of government in volunteer projects and cooperation to preserve land and water necessary to protect the species flora and fauna world's most endangered.

Founded in 1951, TNC works with local communities in all 50 states United States and in over 30 countries. Has expanded the so-called "land trust movement" in U.S. , through which millions of hectares of land, significant in ecological terms have been voluntarily protected by individual and corporate landowners, usually in exchange savings in income taxes, state property in U.S. or direct compensation.

"I was intrigued by the TNC approach," says AmCham president , Michael Grasty. "Here we have an environmental organization that is still far from the headlines, do not take public positions supporting or opposing development projects and instead, working closely and often quietly, with private landowners and businesses to achieve exceptional results conservation. This seemed like the kind of organization that could work effectively with AmCham here Chile. "

and TNC was also impressed with what he found in Chile . "The extraordinary biological diversity of landscapes, combined with the strength of the Chilean private sector, offer great opportunities for conservation . We have made significant progress through creative alliances and there is great potential to achieve tangible and lasting results to major scales and in ways that endure, "says McCormick. New

talks culminated in the arrival of Henry Tepper and his family in Santiago in September. In New York, Tepper oversees the oldest program and one of the largest TNC, with 233,000 hectares of protected land, a network of 185 nature reserves private public a 160-member staff and an annual operating budget of $ 17 million.

Tripartite Strategy Knowing that his stay in Chile would be brief, Tepper soon forged a tripartite strategy to find ways to increase the nature conservation driven by the private sector in Chile , task which was attended by Francisco Solis and Victoria Alonso, staff members of AmCham and TNC in Chile . Tepper based its strategy on three elements:
• Explore incentives for private conservation, including possible changes to tax law Chile, in order to encourage private donations for land conservation, as well as direct financial compensation;
• Develop and test a model legal agreement for the conservation land called ecological bondage, which could have great potential in Chile ;
• Working with a small group of landowners, individuals and businesses- concerned about conservation the protection their lands in order to demonstrate the importance of conservation activities private and voluntary .

"Do not hesitate to make an ambitious strategy to enable the private conservation of land in Chile," said Tepper. "This is a country where things are made and where there is also a great sense of urgency about protection of flora and fauna that is most threatened."

Tepper decided to go behind this strategy after noticing the striking potential similarities between the beginning and the subsequent explosive growth of the private land conservation in U.S. in the last 25 or 30 years, and the current situation in Chile . "Until 30 years ago, any land conservation to be held in U.S. was undertaken by the government and this is still well in most of Latin America," says Tepper.

But then, a small group of private landowners in the U.S. , some of whom were landless major ecological and recreational throughout the country, decided that wanted to take action to save their properties. But they did not want to do without some sort of financial incentive, however small.

Over time, this led to changes in the tax code United States to prosecute private donations of land , or value of real estate development, as charitable contributions which empowered the donor to receive deductions federal and state taxes on income, reductions in property tax rebates and sometimes property taxes. The result was a dramatic increase in private conservation activities by landowners in U.S. .

"Most people do not know about it because it has happened quietly, but the movement of private land conservation and creating land trusts, which are NGOs of all types and sizes work with landowners in their efforts, is the activity of natural conservation fastest growing in the U.S. , by a considerable margin, "said Tepper. In fact, over the past 20 years, the number of land trusts operating in the United States has more than doubled, to more than 1,500 organizations, protecting more than 9 million hectares.

Incentives for Private Conservation and
AmCham TNC began its work in September holding a series of meetings with tax lawyers and specialists in Santiago . The purpose of these meetings was to determine the current status of the tax law in Chile and, in particular, whether there are sufficient incentives to encourage private donations of land for conservation .

"The short answer is that virtually no incentives for private conservation in Chile Tax Code ”, explica Amanda Jefferson de AmCham . Roberto Peralta, experto en corporaciones y entidades sin fines de lucro del bufete de abogados Philippi, Yrarrázaval, Pulido & Brunner de Santiago, ha estado analizando posibles incentivos tributarios para donaciones en Chile .

"Hay numerosas ideas para mejorar las actuales leyes que fomentarían la conservación privada”, sostiene. “Pero necesitamos ser tanto realistas como optimistas y suponer que posiblemente será una iniciativa de largo plazo, que requerirá la colaboración entre los conservacionistas , las ONGs , las empresas, el gobierno and the Chilean Congress.

addition to analyzing the Chilean tax laws, AmCham TNC and focused on other incentive logical delivery of direct financial compensation for companies and private landowners to sell their land sell the real estate development value of a property or complete and implement sustainable development plans at the forest , agricultural or aquaculture . This opened up some exciting and promising possibilities.

"First of all, learned that there is broad recognition in the Chilean private sector need greater and more effective conservation "says Tepper. "We also understood that there may be willingness on the part of some of the leading industries in Chile to make contributions in order to create a conservation fund public-private partnerships for the country."

In fact, AmCham and TNC are exploring potential sources of revenue for this fund. The potential members of the private sector have recommended include a partial redirection of funds from Program Environmental Impact Assessment of Chile, part of the new mining royalty or income by exploiting a resource that constitutionally belongs to the State, issuing bonds and other innovative sources of financing, such as biodiversity offsets or carbon credits .

"We need to practice the art of the possible," says Alejandro Quintana, a partner at Grasty Quintana Majlis & Cia, Santiago law firm. "As we continue this work, we will work with AmCham and TNC to develop specific financial projections and evaluate the political possibility of capturing a source of income for private conservation ."

Conservation Easement
The second part of the strategy provided by AmCham TNC is developing a model easement .

"Without a doubt, the two driving forces behind the phenomenal growth of private conservation United States are the availability of tax incentives and the use of conservation easement ," says Tepper.

In English common law, an easement is a legal agreement, written as a script, whereby the landowner transfers the development rights to their land to an organization nonprofit, conservation of land or a governmental entity, while retaining all other ownership rights. According

Land Trust Alliance, U.S. organization that provides consulting services to 1,500 ground trusts in the country, there are three reasons why the easement has become a popular and successful tool for private land conservation.

First, the landlord does not have to relinquish possession of the property and can continue living in it, sell it or pass it on to their children or heirs, second in U.S. The donation of an easement authorizes the landowner to receive a deduction of income tax and a reduction in property taxes, and thirdly, the easements do not prohibit all development, but each easement is specifically designed for the needs of the property and the landowner individually, and may allow limited development as well as the sustainable land management . TNC is adapting
easements Napoleonic legal system prevailing in Chile and elsewhere in Latin America. One of the products key conservation partnership in AmCham Tepper will be a new conservation easement bounded for use in Chile , for which enlisted the help of Carlos Fernandez, a lawyer for TNC.

Fernandez, who traveled to Santiago in November to meet with Chilean lawyers said he was surprised by the level of interest it had in the Chilean legal community about the use and potential conservation easements . "Maybe it is time to use this technique here," he says.

The Pilot Projects third of the Tepper strategy aimed to work with a small group of private landowners who are interested in taking steps to protect their property and use the easements to do so.

"We talked to many landowners committed to conservation, some as individuals and others, on behalf of companies. We hope to test the use of easements in one or more properties in the near future, "says Tepper.

The location of the land being considered for protection might be a surprise. "The higher priority in terms of conservation of The Nature Conservancy in Chile scrub Central Valley, which stretches from Region II in the north to the Eighth, in the south, "says Victoria Alonso, director of TNC public policies in Chile .

"When people think of conservation in Chile , they think of southern temperate forests and in Patagonia," said "But over 18% of this land has been protected, while less than 1% the bush, located near Santiago, has been preserved, "he notes.

report Tepper at the end of AmCham as an Agenda for the Future, provides a continuation of what he considers a potentially very effective and successful partnership with TNC . In addition to ongoing work to develop the three pillars of its strategy, it provides a symposium sponsored by AmCham on conservation easements to be held early next year.

"We welcome this partnership with the premise that increasing private conservation could be a classic example of a situation in which business and environmental of Chile win yes or yes" says AmCham president , Michael Grasty. And this assumption has been corroborated in many ways during the conservation association with Henry Tepper.

"We have much more to do, but there is tremendous potential to preserve the magnificent natural heritage of Chile, through conservation measures private, voluntary and creative," he says Tepper.

For the Department of Special Projects A mCham