Sunday, January 30, 2011

Toothpaste Market Share In 2010

Xató: endive salad with cod and albacore

xatonada Xató or a salad is typical of three regions of Catalonia, L'Alt Penedès, Baix Penedès and Garraf. There are many variations depending on the town in which to eat, there is even xato route. This is my recipe that I use the Romesco sauce for dressing.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 endive

200 gr. crumbled and desalted cod
200 gr. of Tuna or tuna in olive oil
100 gr. Arbequina olives 3 scallions tender

Romesco Sauce

prepare to begin a Romesco sauce as I explained in a previous post . Reserve.

the desalted and flaked cod .
Cut white stalks chopped escarole hands, this is so that will not rust escarole, and we placed in a bowl with water, once it washed in a large colander drain them. It is important not to get moisture otherwise we "aguaría" sauce.

Peel, wash and cut into julienne onions tender.

Once we all start preparing ingredients Assemble the dish:
We place the escarole and onions in bottom of dish, we take over some pieces of cod, tuna (albacore) and Arbequina olives. Aligned with Romesco sauce and is ready to consume.


"If we desalted cod and sauce is a dish made for a perfect day guests or with little time to prepare a meal.
"You can add some anchovies in olive oil, depending on how often do diners have on the table.
"As I explained in the post of Romesco sauce, you can add half walnuts and half almonds, this is going to taste of each. Just as adding a bit of bread soaked in vinegar to thicken the sauce, although I prefer to put more almonds for it.
"Lots of people say that eating Romesco sauce and the xató calçols is different, but I honestly do not find difference, there are as many variations as cooks.
-Arbequina olives olive variety is very small and round native of Catalonia, if they are not can be put Aragon black olives or any other variety.
-On the basis of endive and sauce can add whatever you like best, egg, unsalted tuna instead of oil ...

is a different salad and a local dish but I hope that you dare to make the mixture of flavors, textures is ... better try it. Very good use

Friday, January 28, 2011

Disable Poptropica Account

no answer to these questions ?.....

Miguel Ramos

Yesterday first Monterrey Toluca and then, what my surprise when I felt someone take my leg, I thought then that pasaaa??, with distressing reflection slowly turn down and saw a penguin calling hold him, that's when I realized it was cold ... .. is that the cold front Number 43212213 rages in our climate, cold winds from the North, South, East and hahahaha the one that does not allow for visibility in traffic.
But neither speak, thinks better of getting ball for warmth, on the radio talks that unprotected sex accelerates cervical cancer, and that if he wants to say at 90: "I was already forgot to die "should come from 30 years to a careful regimen of food we eat and the habits that have nothing to say to control the anguish of seeing gray hair and wrinkles to accept that human beings inevitably tend to age and wrinkles are trophies that comes with experience, 5 bullet-riddled bodies dumped on the road, Kalimba said it was a great , great, great experience having been in jail, Natalie Portman and Javier Bardem, nominated for an Oscar for the Black Swan and Biutiful respectively, the U.S. ambassador contradicts President Calderon that the influx of tourism in Mexico has dropped because violence and, finally ... .. in that came to mind as simple but profound questions to keep her sanity in the trafficking of peripheral and Palms and not keep reminding the progenitor of my colleagues loved minibus of route 48, 57 and 73 of them listed here: How many hatched should eat the pac-man to complete each level?, and then I kept on edge, " if a bullet shot up this fall with greater speed than was released?, When an albino's hair begins to gray, Is It turns black?, How Little Red Riding Hood had to ask so many tracks to realize that her grandmother was a wolf? Was she drugged? Or just stupid?, Do sterilized needle to put a convict to death by lethal injection?, Why Father's Day, Mother's day, but no day of the child?, because the films have space battles as loud explosions, if the Sound does not travel in vacuum?, why is always the last key keyring which opens the door?, How I can know how many lives you have left to my cat?, The aircraft's black box is indestructible ... Why not make the whole plane of the same material?, Why the time when the Captain America is not move their legs? If all rights are reserved, then what about the left?, When the Roman Empire fell ... Who pushed him?, "Infertility can be passed on to children?, Why football players when they fail a goal and are focused squarely TV, spit on the grass?, What part of the fruit tree work?, Do fish drink water?, a turtle without shell ... You lost your home or just being naked?, Does the institute that issues the certificates of quality ISO 9000 is certified by whom?, If they say that life begins at 20, why we are born before? How is distinguished beginning and end of a circle? In the midst of absolute darkness who can make us shade?, if each new day is today (yesterday), the future (tomorrow) ever comes?, sash windows, are the invention of the onlookers of the French Revolution?, Where an agent is placed to blow the whistle Transit ?, "Where have curly hair women?. .... in Africa?, if an electric train going from north to south ... Where are flipped their smoke?, what do you look like a cup of coffee at a Passenger bus?, There is a very unique family: Father is in the Sea, Mother in the meat and my son in the Church ... Who Are They?, and the latter that is wonderful Why raise our shoulders when it rains? Did we get wet less?, if anyone has answers, please help to minimize this intellectual agony ... ..

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mrs Van Der Tramp Red Car

Kentucky style chicken coated with baked potato puree

This recipe is not common in these parts, but we usually do at home for 24 years, is the way to make some friends in the U.S. chicken. I hope you enjoy it.

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 whole fresh chicken thighs

6 eggs 2 packages of mashed potatoes
Magi black pepper, salt

butter 1 tablespoon herbes de Provence

thighs began to depart in two parts: Season the pieces and reserve. In a bowl beat the eggs and add the Provencal herbs, stirring well until the herbs are well integrated with the eggs. We took the chicken pieces in mixture and let stand for 30 minutes.

Meanwhile light the oven to 180 degrees and we spread a baking sheet with butter. We take the mashed potato into a bowl and began to batter the chicken, for that we picked up a piece of chicken in egg mixture with herbs and we overflowing with mashed potatoes and placing in the baking dish, we put a little butter over each piece of chicken between them (as shown in photo).

Place the tray in the oven and let it be done for 30 minutes and we turn, after another 30 minutes, put the oven to 225 degrees to toast a bit on the outside, making sure that we are not burning.


-Cooking time is approximate, depending on how thick it is chicken or poultry.
"On this occasion I accompanied the fried artichokes with garlic. Another good accompaniment is a grilled asparagus or a salad of lettuce, spring onion and mushrooms grilled flower.
"It's a dish that although it looks like not eating anything heavy.
"If we put the pieces of chicken breast, half cooked add a little more butter to keep us running dry as the breast, alone, it already is.
"Another way they usually do in the U.S. is the chicken fried instead of baked, but it absorbs too much oil for my taste.

Wine Recommendation: A dry white wine Chardonnay Viña Raimat 27, DO Costers del Segre. Its price about 6 €.

you enjoy your meal.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Wedding Program We Remember

cured bacon (bacon in town)

in this post I'd like to share a recipe that my in-laws at home and keeps preparing for the slaughter of pigs in the area Maestrat. It is cured pork belly. The process is very simple and reflects a kitchen "survival" where the talent made up for a tightening economy.

Salt is a preservative that has been used since ancient times, to reduce the level of liquid food (dehydration), reduce the level of harmful bacteria and enhance the flavor of food.


- 1-2 kgs of raw bacon
- salt
ground black pepper - paprika and spicy

Vera began by selecting a piece of bacon. We can choose a piece that contains only fat and this will give a white bacon or a bacon that contains some meat, called streaky or Viada by region. We opted to prepare the latter, streaky bacon, though personally the one made only with the fat part I like best. But this is a matter of taste.

We put the bacon on a wooden board and sectioned at 1-2 inches wide across the width of the piece. This will allow more rapid and uniform drying of the piece. The courts must reach the skin, but without being cut, so that we keep all the pieces together.

Once the cuts, salted piece on all sides, including the space between cuts. We must be more than generous with the salt. What I do is throw a lot of salt on top and distribute it with your hands on the piece. When I finished, I go back to salting again. Let me stress that this salt punto actúa como elemento de conserva y que su influencia en el sabor final es todavía limitada.

Con la carne ya salada el siguiente paso es buscar un lugar seco donde dejarla reposar durante una semana. Lo ideal, y casi idílico, sería un lugar donde la carne quede bien ventilada y sea seco, preferiblemente en alta montaña. Como ésto no es siempre posible, la nevera de casa es una muy buena alternativa, pues el nivel de humedad es bajo. Así que buscaremos un lugar dentro de la nevera donde podamos dejarla durante este tiempo, colocando la carne sobre un plato grande.

La sal actuará en un proceso, llamado ósmosis, donde retirará agua del interior de la carne outwards. Water removed so that it is not in contact with the meat, my mother put it on an inverted plate, which dropped water on the plate and was separated from the meat. During these seven days, we can go watch that are not covered mold and removing the water from the bottom plate. As the process moves forward we can add more salt on the meat.

After the initial seven days, the meat will have lost most of the water and start to have some consistency. This is the time where we leave the flesh with its final finish. Pass a paper towel over the meat to remove any traces of moisture and sprinkle with a little pepper, paprika sweet and spicy paprika from La Vera. The amount and kind is to individual tastes. We can enhance the flavor by adding more salt, but with caution as it does influence the final finish.

With this condiment, one must be allowed to cure the meat two or three more weeks, making sure that does not dry out too much and you're ready to start eating. These additional weeks may be in a dry place or refrigerator. You have to watch that does not dry out too much to keep it tender, but this is a matter of personal taste.

Bon appetit!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pain In My Hips Whilst Sleeping

What Women Want ... ..

Miguel Ramos

... .. Domestic violence is no longer a myth , moreover, is attached to a harsh reality that is broadcast daily on our channels of consciousness, uncensored and commercial free, all ages and levels .... abuse is any behavior intended to control and subjugate another human being through the use of fear and humiliation, and using physical or verbal attacks. To atrocities is to take sides. Silence encourages the tormentor ..... not hit you for being tall or short, fat or skinny, stupid or intelligent, licensed or illiterate .... As a woman hits you !!!!! Report ..... "... .. and as men, better consider ... ..

What Women Want .....

..... The beautiful enigma to decipher the question that endless times we do about them, we stop to think that in an equal amount of times we have refused the opportunity answer us. We could define metaphorically, and as they like, like a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions pounding, like a box of surprises and illusions and a kaleidoscope of hues and shades so variable that a simple movement can go from black to white banishing monochrome, in milliseconds from the colors unimaginable, amazing, relaxing, exotic and unsettling.
Or as mentioned metaphorical may not like depending on the complexity of the kaleidoscope.

There are those who are conquered with a glance, a smile, with deep, firm or security, but actually all these elements and more, are necessary for the reconquest of gender daily demand and not by time boredom or routine, but because the female can not be conquered surface and can never be conquered completely, unless it decides otherwise. Talk
as interesting is not at what they want, but quantifying what can penetrate inside, how can sufficient be and feel cared, loved, needed, important, essential, beautiful, smart ... .. in short, could include a whole series of qualifiers, but if the conjunction of verbs mentioned above is not reached them, all we hear false.

just want to know as well as abstract variable can be happy with Mink Coat , that cut flowers of your garden. Always require that the magic is to set them because only they were given the gift of pleasing, and if you're diligent as a couple might even full credit then, that night, or that give you life, but end of the film do not forget, should be directed by THEM even in the leading role of the gentleman's name appears, as an example ... .. Sleeping Beauty was saved by Prince Philip and ultimately, that did hero was it because of its history and destiny of pricking your finger with a spindle.

Nothing is too much and nothing much, forever is a long time and never on, Maybe it's a lie and say that you hate because it is stronger to say that love is a fundamental premise to exist. Should feel unique, desired to be delivered in full and without reservation because if not it can actually make you believe they do as a declaration of war where passion can be the agent that will redeem and save or exterminate you and destroy you.
can touch a gentle pace, seductive, like the Song of the Siren, atrapándote without you noticing, making you move to the cadence and rhythm, passing suddenly from a gentle rocking motion waltz to end in Opera shake you suddenly enveloping and arrojándote haunted sea until you drown, without offering any resistance.

want and deserve everything, give everything and take everything, to learn to please you have to feel like them, but this will become someone weird, just different, more sensitive, abstract, able to present and define, if you want to give them wings to fly and reach the deepest feelings, emotions and dreams giving them the confidence that they can earn through your senses, get into your thoughts and be inside of you, to feel protected but free to love and unlove.

strange thing is that at the end where we learn the sensitivity of the love, the mother ...

That is what they want ... ... ... ... ... .... you're there, always there and not just fitness.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Edu Science Telescope 288x

not understand .....

Miguel Ramos

As a child, I said, if you do not understand question , which for that payment and nonpayment good as here, it's prudent to say I do not understand ... .. not understand because Martin Scorsese had never won an Oscar and had to win just the day that Inarritu was nominated with him. Do not understand how to consider all pe ... .... tions on the job when they talk about about and from each other and all in all, the end then why does a job, or we should all pe ... ... jos? ; Do not understand how Sharon Stone may have believed that he must have Basic Instinct sequel. Do not understand why Che believed in Fidel if he had the same ideal of equality of peoples and waited for his assistance in Bolivia. Governments do not understand why complain about global warming if they themselves have created the earth's ecological disorder, just as I do not understand because they try to restore peace when war is the most profitable business can have, do not understand why of discussions of religion to impose the human to a divine or the divine subject to the human, if none of the 2 parties will accept comments. Do not understand why people criticize both parents in their old age, and demonstrated through both their mistakes, which should be evaluated and we are parents now who are not being more cautious because they do not have that experience, do not understand why the night scared and confused the intellect when it should serve to rest, do not understand why you get tired of the weekend when it was supposed to rest, do not understand why crocodiles have so many teeth, is why not go with m ... .. uch flames?. I do not understand because the humor does not belong to the will but how well you are with yourself, reaffirming, not a direct result of others, do not understand why you do not understand, do not understand why if the more graphic examples remain engraved in mind, and are feeding the children on TV every day because it does not care, do not understand why you have to smile when you do not want but in most cases is a smile is part of our identity, do not understand why his friend should not be required, as this if do, do not understand why those wishing not to have a family, do not understand why people love it who should not be and who should not try, do not understand why the decisions are not based or in a good or a viscus good reason as the consequence arising from it, do not understand why an action hero when it comes to Governor made all the principles of land imaging, fortunately already resigned, because I do not know who should be respected not given and who is not up to the bow is hand made, do not understand how a bird can be caught in a cage, nor as you think about governance when those who govern should govern not want that, do not understand why the time does not forgive, will you need to be offered an apology?; do not understand why Tweety Cute Kitty tells Sylvester, if you always eat, do not understand why when I chose team American or I was misinformed or had not really, I remember I asked: "What are the good, the Pittsburgh or Dallas?" and I replied: The Cowboys!! And I went, years later would prove that I lied and no, actually, those were the good Dallas but the Steelers were a few children of her ... .. no way. Do not understand why the elderly are treated badly when at the end of our years we will need the young, do not understand why we match our neighbors situations judges from making our own window and appropriating those of others, do not understand why everything and for nothing if at times a bit not much and much is not enough I do not understand because they are presumed innocent when the only thing it lacks is the truth, do not understand why a spade a spade if what is right is not chipotudo, but now these assumptions no longer apply to the universe, indeed, do not understand because the logic is not logical.

Still do not understand why I do not understand, maybe because I'm not in the shoes of those who questioned when things happen?, Or I am not in mine when I'm on duty? Do not understand, what yes, is that everyone speaks as he is on the show but to talk about it, two important points, one .- you have to know where the fair and two .- must go to it ... ..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Use Callu Shaver To Get Rid Of Wart

long has not ?......

Miguel Ramos

eat a hot dog filled with fries France, walking in the rain, jumping on the bed, singing your favorite song, buy a CD, a shirt, add ruffles to the merengue, rebuking the universe, your beliefs, your person, reclaim or defend yourself, take risks to say what they think your intellect but not the right thing, find a true friend, say sorry, you feel attacked, you're missing or that you have left, you are passionately making love, or what you do, tell a joke but is absent from grace, say you're vulnerable or that you feel strong, look for a sigh and the best, find, angry, disappointed, frustrated, feel successful, with joy, sure of yourself, enjoy the aroma of a rose or find such delight in the vessel microwave popcorn, not bathe, flatter in the mirror, feeling the warmth of a hug or a word of confidence that you're on track, you can do it, go out without fear, with hope, looking for the best day of your life, or the tear that makes you enjoy deep your grief by love, disappointment, by a distance, by a misunderstanding, of boredom or routine, it give you the strength to find the fire that evaporates, that becomes a pleasure to have a rematch, to bear the costs up, perhaps for your failure, your innocence perhaps or maybe because of your lack of will to turn the head to withstand the sun glint, or appreciate the majestic moon hanging in the sky burning passion asleep or strengthening reconciling a romance or romance left between you and the person in the mirror is reflected.

enjoy a glass of wine so delicious as a bread with cream, riding on a horse intransigent urban traffic that consumes your little tolerance making it sing out loud the feeling suffocated by the daily routine. Ripped jeans, tennis old, or old music, perfect combination of a delayed break you have forgotten to buy a book, watch a movie, say against whom they really love what you do, and take the bottom of your memories the best verse to encourage you to reconcile and accept that you're wrong and you really want to fix it. Play video, lighting a cigarette, know that your best clothing in the closet next to you is awaiting mold best smile that takes time in the abandonment of your sadness. Write a letter or a small book, the list of outstanding forward you leave for the new year, dancing, jumping, running, rolling, or as large as a child, having a dream, fly awake, you notice a sign in your eyes shine dead, do not expect to know when you have offered to continue to create, innovating, raising hopes rather than waiting, be honest and kind Extinguishing the tyrant in us.

long has not ?..... not have a day you would have no end, give you satisfied, you do not want anything extra and you can die in peace or not? add one more, how long you have not you? and you stop screaming you feel, you want, you exist, you may not know to express yourself, to understand what they really mean, and finally know you're looking for wholeness, fullness quite simply majestic avocarte, avocarte to live ... ..

Monday, January 10, 2011

What Size Trowel Do I Need For Wall Tile

Legends of Mexico City ..... Urban Chronicles

Miguel Ramos

No doubt the horror stories these days make a mystical delight us shake and stay on hold with legends and chronicles of spirits and ghosts that penalize for revenge, guilt by paying for all eternity, seeking relief, or helping people find ranch pots of gold on the estates as happened to an uncle.
So stories emerge Black Charro who appeared in the corridors of the Hacienda de Santa Sara as my grandmother told me that in his suit with gold buttons was walking around, the foreman of the Treasury played under the desk for several nights until the third pointed to the place where I had to dig for gold but only at night, so every night that lasted a second dawn began suddenly and could not finish until after several attempts to find Charro and the skeleton he did, of La Llorona woman scorned by a gentleman who mercilessly stabbed the children of that love and launched into the street where he was taken and hanged, his grief is so great and weighs about her such pain, that cast a cold makes your blood scream misss children Ayyyy! , along rivers is common to see and have cursed all the descendants of the knight returning forever to kill the firstborn before the age of 3 years, others have Malinche is grieving for having betrayed the Mexica, or Cihuacoatl goddess predicting terrible times with the arrival of the English; Do you ever have When asked for the night in the street? in Street Don Juan Manuel a husband allegedly mocked seeking revenge, took to the streets to find his wife's lover to kill him, every day at eleven the night went to meet his revenge, and when someone came by and asked: Did you know that time is it?, to what the male victim answered: The eleven my lord and downloaded a Don Manuel nodded brutal stabbing: happy because you know the time you must die.

The darkness of the colonial era was the ideal setting for these stories, said that in the 1600 Don Fermin Andueza was virtuous and rich, loved by the people, jealousy is never alien to us gnawed at Don Ismael Trevino , which sought to obscure truncated and business, but never could, became such an obsession that decided to poison him by putting a drink in your food, Don Fermin, the newspaper used to go to pray to a crucifix, kissed his feet and drop a few coins gold, went to church after eating and kiss the feet of the crucifix image turned black to absorb the high quality except for their devotion life, to say The Confession of the Dead , The Zacatecas, Cleric Bridge or the Armed Alley.
Mexico is a country rich in traditions and legends of which we can be proud without asking any thing to his stories, indeed, could easily La Llorona hair turned white with terror as Freddy Krueger himself issuing his scream even though the claw glove is bald ... ..