Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pain In My Hips Whilst Sleeping

What Women Want ... ..

Miguel Ramos

... .. Domestic violence is no longer a myth , moreover, is attached to a harsh reality that is broadcast daily on our channels of consciousness, uncensored and commercial free, all ages and levels .... abuse is any behavior intended to control and subjugate another human being through the use of fear and humiliation, and using physical or verbal attacks. To atrocities is to take sides. Silence encourages the tormentor ..... not hit you for being tall or short, fat or skinny, stupid or intelligent, licensed or illiterate .... As a woman hits you !!!!! Report ..... "... .. and as men, better consider ... ..

What Women Want .....

..... The beautiful enigma to decipher the question that endless times we do about them, we stop to think that in an equal amount of times we have refused the opportunity answer us. We could define metaphorically, and as they like, like a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions pounding, like a box of surprises and illusions and a kaleidoscope of hues and shades so variable that a simple movement can go from black to white banishing monochrome, in milliseconds from the colors unimaginable, amazing, relaxing, exotic and unsettling.
Or as mentioned metaphorical may not like depending on the complexity of the kaleidoscope.

There are those who are conquered with a glance, a smile, with deep, firm or security, but actually all these elements and more, are necessary for the reconquest of gender daily demand and not by time boredom or routine, but because the female can not be conquered surface and can never be conquered completely, unless it decides otherwise. Talk
as interesting is not at what they want, but quantifying what can penetrate inside, how can sufficient be and feel cared, loved, needed, important, essential, beautiful, smart ... .. in short, could include a whole series of qualifiers, but if the conjunction of verbs mentioned above is not reached them, all we hear false.

just want to know as well as abstract variable can be happy with Mink Coat , that cut flowers of your garden. Always require that the magic is to set them because only they were given the gift of pleasing, and if you're diligent as a couple might even full credit then, that night, or that give you life, but end of the film do not forget, should be directed by THEM even in the leading role of the gentleman's name appears, as an example ... .. Sleeping Beauty was saved by Prince Philip and ultimately, that did hero was it because of its history and destiny of pricking your finger with a spindle.

Nothing is too much and nothing much, forever is a long time and never on, Maybe it's a lie and say that you hate because it is stronger to say that love is a fundamental premise to exist. Should feel unique, desired to be delivered in full and without reservation because if not it can actually make you believe they do as a declaration of war where passion can be the agent that will redeem and save or exterminate you and destroy you.
can touch a gentle pace, seductive, like the Song of the Siren, atrapándote without you noticing, making you move to the cadence and rhythm, passing suddenly from a gentle rocking motion waltz to end in Opera shake you suddenly enveloping and arrojándote haunted sea until you drown, without offering any resistance.

want and deserve everything, give everything and take everything, to learn to please you have to feel like them, but this will become someone weird, just different, more sensitive, abstract, able to present and define, if you want to give them wings to fly and reach the deepest feelings, emotions and dreams giving them the confidence that they can earn through your senses, get into your thoughts and be inside of you, to feel protected but free to love and unlove.

strange thing is that at the end where we learn the sensitivity of the love, the mother ...

That is what they want ... ... ... ... ... .... you're there, always there and not just fitness.


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