Miguel Ramos
eat a hot dog filled with fries France, walking in the rain, jumping on the bed, singing your favorite song, buy a CD, a shirt, add ruffles to the merengue, rebuking the universe, your beliefs, your person, reclaim or defend yourself, take risks to say what they think your intellect but not the right thing, find a true friend, say sorry, you feel attacked, you're missing or that you have left, you are passionately making love, or what you do, tell a joke but is absent from grace, say you're vulnerable or that you feel strong, look for a sigh and the best, find, angry, disappointed, frustrated, feel successful, with joy, sure of yourself, enjoy the aroma of a rose or find such delight in the vessel microwave popcorn, not bathe, flatter in the mirror, feeling the warmth of a hug or a word of confidence that you're on track, you can do it, go out without fear, with hope, looking for the best day of your life, or the tear that makes you enjoy deep your grief by love, disappointment, by a distance, by a misunderstanding, of boredom or routine, it give you the strength to find the fire that evaporates, that becomes a pleasure to have a rematch, to bear the costs up, perhaps for your failure, your innocence perhaps or maybe because of your lack of will to turn the head to withstand the sun glint, or appreciate the majestic moon hanging in the sky burning passion asleep or strengthening reconciling a romance or romance left between you and the person in the mirror is reflected.
enjoy a glass of wine so delicious as a bread with cream, riding on a horse intransigent urban traffic that consumes your little tolerance making it sing out loud the feeling suffocated by the daily routine. Ripped jeans, tennis old, or old music, perfect combination of a delayed break you have forgotten to buy a book, watch a movie, say against whom they really love what you do, and take the bottom of your memories the best verse to encourage you to reconcile and accept that you're wrong and you really want to fix it. Play video, lighting a cigarette, know that your best clothing in the closet next to you is awaiting mold best smile that takes time in the abandonment of your sadness. Write a letter or a small book, the list of outstanding forward you leave for the new year, dancing, jumping, running, rolling, or as large as a child, having a dream, fly awake, you notice a sign in your eyes shine dead, do not expect to know when you have offered to continue to create, innovating, raising hopes rather than waiting, be honest and kind Extinguishing the tyrant in us.
long has not ?..... not have a day you would have no end, give you satisfied, you do not want anything extra and you can die in peace or not? add one more, how long you have not you? and you stop screaming you feel, you want, you exist, you may not know to express yourself, to understand what they really mean, and finally know you're looking for wholeness, fullness quite simply majestic avocarte, avocarte to live ... ..
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