Miguel Ramos
No doubt the horror stories these days make a mystical delight us shake and stay on hold with legends and chronicles of spirits and ghosts that penalize for revenge, guilt by paying for all eternity, seeking relief, or helping people find ranch pots of gold on the estates as happened to an uncle.
So stories emerge Black Charro who appeared in the corridors of the Hacienda de Santa Sara as my grandmother told me that in his suit with gold buttons was walking around, the foreman of the Treasury played under the desk for several nights until the third pointed to the place where I had to dig for gold but only at night, so every night that lasted a second dawn began suddenly and could not finish until after several attempts to find Charro and the skeleton he did, of La Llorona woman scorned by a gentleman who mercilessly stabbed the children of that love and launched into the street where he was taken and hanged, his grief is so great and weighs about her such pain, that cast a cold makes your blood scream misss children Ayyyy! , along rivers is common to see and have cursed all the descendants of the knight returning forever to kill the firstborn before the age of 3 years, others have Malinche is grieving for having betrayed the Mexica, or Cihuacoatl goddess predicting terrible times with the arrival of the English; Do you ever have When asked for the night in the street? in Street Don Juan Manuel a husband allegedly mocked seeking revenge, took to the streets to find his wife's lover to kill him, every day at eleven the night went to meet his revenge, and when someone came by and asked: Did you know that time is it?, to what the male victim answered: The eleven my lord and downloaded a Don Manuel nodded brutal stabbing: happy because you know the time you must die.
The darkness of the colonial era was the ideal setting for these stories, said that in the 1600 Don Fermin Andueza was virtuous and rich, loved by the people, jealousy is never alien to us gnawed at Don Ismael Trevino , which sought to obscure truncated and business, but never could, became such an obsession that decided to poison him by putting a drink in your food, Don Fermin, the newspaper used to go to pray to a crucifix, kissed his feet and drop a few coins gold, went to church after eating and kiss the feet of the crucifix image turned black to absorb the high quality except for their devotion life, to say The Confession of the Dead , The Zacatecas, Cleric Bridge or the Armed Alley.
Mexico is a country rich in traditions and legends of which we can be proud without asking any thing to his stories, indeed, could easily La Llorona hair turned white with terror as Freddy Krueger himself issuing his scream even though the claw glove is bald ... ..
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