Thursday, March 31, 2011

Frieze Carpet And Hoover Wind Tunnel

"In Eden the garden of God You were, of every precious stone was thy covering, the Cornelian, topaz, jasper, chrysolite, beryl, onyx, sapphire turquoise, emerald and gold: the workmanship of your drums and pipes was prepared in thee in the day of your creation. You

cherub who covers, I put on the holy mountain of God,
you were there, amid the stones of fire you walked.

wast perfect in thy ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in thee "Ezekiel Chapter 28. Verses 13 to 15

This is the only reference made throughout the Bible about the creation
Satan, who far are images the demon of his
true figure nowhere in the Christian scriptures is some semblance of a being with horns and tail, these images in your
mostly borrowed from ancient pagan gods (the Greek god Pan, for example), the Christians in an effort to stop the worship of these ancient gods decided to associate with the devil in order to stop the rituals and celebrations in honor of these mythical beings, but the real image of Satan is clearly seen in the verses quoted above and is the a being extremely beautiful, this beauty is the one that leads to his downfall:

"Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty,
corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor I will cast thee to the ground, in front of kings
give thee to behold thee.

.... Everyone who knew you among the peoples are astonished
on thee, and thou shalt fear never shall be "Verses 17 and 19.

Verse 19 is a final condemnation of Satan, but never seen a transformation original appearance of the devil, Satan's sins can be summed up in pride, vanity, trying to usurp the throne of "D" ios and be like him:

"You said in your heart I will ascend to heaven as top, with the stars of God, will raise my throne, and the mount of the congregation I will sit the sides of the north
on the heights of the clouds I will ascend to the Almighty.

But thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the abyss "Isaiah 14: 13-15

But as soon as he decides to make such a feat, is shot down in no time
send him to hell or similar site, the grave translated into Greek as Hades, is nothing more than a place of abandonment, a grave or pit. So the devil is not going to live to hell
as some think, on the contrary their habitat continues to be the sky, until
on the end of time is cast out of heaven to earth:

"Then there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon
, and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not
or found their place in heaven. "

Revelation 12: 7

While Satan was not confined to a place of detention, many of the angels who followed him in his rebellion if they were:

"And the angels which kept not their principality, but
left their own habitation, he hath reserved under darkness in everlasting chains
for the trial of the great day "Jude 6

" For if God spared not the angels who sinned, but
arrogate to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for trial, "

2 Peter Ch. 2 Vers. 6

Some fallen angels were easy to overcome, but Satan and his main
not to the point that it took a huge
period of time until you manage to bring the sky, another point to look at is the power of the satanic hosts:

"Then he said: Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day
set your heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy

God, thy words were heard, and because of your words I have come
. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty days: but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes came to help, and stay there with the kings of Persia "Daniel 10: 12-13
demonic forces have categories: principalities, powers,
Governors and the spiritual forces of wickedness in the Celestial (See Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 12), a prince of evil was the messenger who opposed the "D" ios that would carry the message to Daniel,
twenty-one days hard struggle and it took the presence of the archangel warrior
par excellence: Miguel, in order to defeat a simple
principality of darkness, Satan certainly is much more powerful
Miguel, to the point that generates some fear the archangel

"But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not railing accusation against him, but said, The Lord rebuke you" Jude 9

"dare not" have to take into account that the initial role
occupied by Satan into the kingdom of heaven was to guard the throne of
creator, Satan is a cherub, an angel of a lot more range than a
archangel according to the Bible alone is a superior being to Satan, "God.

This leads us to propose the following face a Will be as cunning as Lucifer to another surely defeat him easily, an omnipotent against which there is no chance of victory?. I think not, if the devil was faced with "God and a great number of angels followed him in his cause, because they knew that the tyrant is not invincible, they knew that the battle would not be easy, but harbored the possibility of a victory scripts show that the struggle is not entirely unfair, but we must analyze which are biased, but not enough to hide the traces of angelic struggles. why the angels did not want to follow the side of "God? They wanted independence, which is why many of them preferred eternal chains rather than remain slaves a "D" and uncompromising absolutist ios also they knew that "God will never forgive them as shown in the preceding verses (but that if a man should forgive his enemies and turn the other cheek to slap him).

The tyrannical and cruel god of the Bible does not support that someone outside your yoke

"Whoever is not with me is against me" Matthew 12: 30

So if we follow, we immediately become in
enemies, offers forgiveness and love with one hand while the other provides fire and eternal chains who are not humble themselves before him, what alternative would be if we all fables
the Bible were true? The divine choice in sight and we've no alternative to peaceful coexistence
differences, or am I still your enemy, is the hope of overthrowing the largest and bloodthirsty tyrant in history, as well as priestly race guilty of the Holocaust and exploitation of humanity for centuries.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Calories In Lambwith Rice


How I hate so much every day, I see people around me. Submission and conformity hate, hate what they say always, "and better times." As I hate that phrase, "that is what God wants." I hate the stupid

trust in a neighbor who does not deserve it and those who expect others to behave with him like they do with others. Hate

innocence that is the first step to disappointment and humility that hides a feeling of inferiority.

empty words and I hate the hypocrisy of forcing others to comply dogmas impossible to follow.

hate those who hide in the herd so that no one appreciates their mediocrity and mediocre that graze among them knowing that no one will question his leadership. Hate

tame because basically what they conceal is cowardice.

hate those who place their lives in the hands of their god, as this would waste their greatest treasure, life itself.

hate all that is hidden in the sin and guilt, afraid to drink from the pleasures the world offers.

hate those who are silent because they fear telling the truth and those who speak lies quietly taking advantage of the weak.

hate to see human beings without pride, with their heads low slopes of the will of others. Hate

empty love, false, which comes in abundance to mankind as if it had any value. The love that is used as a flag to hide the lies and manipulation.

And above all hatred God said to love humanity because it perverts their lie.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Preschool Curriculum For Sale

duck with pears and carquiñolis

This is a recipe that take a local newspaper of the region of Penedès (Catalonia) 18 years ago, was a dish that was done in special meals and I adopted, I hope you like it.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 duck
1.400 Kg. approx. 4 pears

1 red pepper 3 onions, sweet or tender
2 heads of garlic and parsley
3 large carrots 3 ripe tomatoes

2 bay leaves
100 gr. of almond
carquiñolis 200 ml. breeding red wine
1 liter of chicken broth with vegetables
Salt and pepper Flour

80ml. extra virgin olive oil
fresh lemon juice

start by cutting the duck into eighths and set aside for the chopped liver, and we peppered him with flour. Julienne cut onions and peppers, tomatoes and carrots into small pieces. We left the whole garlic cloves with skin.

In an earthenware pot or cast iron cast oil, when hot fry the duck, we must get a little toasted, we draw from the pan and reserve. Fry the liver and set aside.

The resulting oil because duck fat has increased the quantity, sauté the pepper, carrot and onion, after 5 minutes add the bay leaves and garlic, let it cook for 15 minutes on low heat, stirring, after that time add the tomatoes.

When the tomatoes have started to release all the juice we put the meat in the pan, mix well and let them finish fry all together.

We add
entonces el vino, dejamos reducir 5 minutos y echamos el caldo de pollo con verduras, tiene que cubrir por completo el pato. Dejamos que se vaya cocinando a fuego lento durante una hora y media, vigilando que no se quede nunca sin caldo. Rectificamos de sal.

Mientras tanto pelamos las peras y las vamos colocando en un bol con agua y el zumo de limón para que no se pongan oscuras. Ponemos una olla con un litro de agua en el fuego, cuando empiece a hervir le echamos las peras, contar 8 - 10 minutos desde que vuelva a hervir el agua, escurrimos y reservamos.

Preparamos una picada en el mortero con los carquiñolis, el hígado de pato que teníamos frito y reservado, las hojas de perejil y seis dientes de ajo. Cuando esté minced we add a little of the broth of the stew and we connect well. Reserve.

starting after that hour and a half we took the meat from the pot and spend the rest by a Chinese strainer reserving the broth of the stew. We again put the meat in the pot with the broth and add the chopped, cook for 15 minutes, then carefully cast the pears. We let it go along doing 10 minutes on low heat and ensuring that the pears with the sauce.

already have the duck with pears ready to eat.


"If you have to prepare for more customers is preferable to buy two ducks rather than a larger one, it would not be so sweet.
-The broth can be single or vegetable stew that we have left for another day.
"The carquiñolis is a dried pasta made with fresh dough and almonds that are in many areas of the Mediterranean, Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Valencia. And as my grandmother is a typical pasta in my country.
-Have in reserve stock to be added if we see that the sauce is too thick.
-pears can be served whole or halved.
"If the duck does not like you can do with chicken, only has to watch the cooking time.

Wine Recommendation: This time we accompany an aged wine, strong palate, a Ribera del Duero, Vega Cubillas Crianza 2006, its price is about 7-8 €

Bon appetit.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Personalized Napkins With My Logo

Accounts .....

Miguel Ramos

In his second death anniversary, March 10, 2009 ... .. phrases about her style

At the moment, a pause the war cry of the aisle ... young Animo!! , now the post office daily result sale will decide to arrive early to be exact between 6:00 and 6:30 AM, the only bad thing is that there will be a Dart K to take them from home to work and work home as institutional cherry with white cap on the board of the race Bosques de las Lomas, that he was flattered by Sergio Suarez who often accompanied his marathons, to get you believe it or not, only chocolate. Over 60 years of service only translate into loyalty, honesty, dedication, leadership, responsibility course . Wonderful experience and knowledge that I think they were worthy of a chronicle, a rich anecdotal history and time, which kindly offered to transcribe it but as usual in a unique way, each story began and otter then postponing it for next time at a meeting of the long corridor, lined up for the dining room or competing at the entrance to the offices to see who had arrived earlier to the company. Must refer to the physical age mysticism with the counterpart of a heart so young. Thus, one of their celebrated chronic interlacing fingers and placing the indices on the lips provided: "In 1941 Azteca bought the drugstore located in Regina 13 and 11. Thus started the company . It was located in a room of 10 meters wide by 30 meters deep. The staff consisted of 125 employees, including eight representatives. In addition to medication, distributed sales for preparations. In the 40's, the capital had only 1'200, 000 inhabitants, foreign laboratories that there were ... .. that time was very much in fashion cosmetics program " THREE FLOWERS" at 11:00 PM where singing Agustín Lara. Bristol Myers pulp produced Ipan costing 57 cents and liver salt 37 cents ... .. Mexican Laboratories Gardee and Grisi in Colonia Juarez and LG Aguilar who packaged the Vick Vaporub. In those years a proliferation of coyotes, they bought and sold to distributors to pharmacists were traveling on foot, by bicycle, tram or strollers .... As early as 1944, the agents took the order at each pharmacy referral sheets and lead to the company's assortment. To 1948 moved to the home we know of Netzahualcóyotl ... .. 79 Neither
Mariano Osorio in Stereo Joya or Loret de Mola Primero Noticias on motivate both say good morning as the unconditional and sincere: Miquelon, Carlos, Victor, Consent, Juancho "I wish you a nice day" that came from the front or to pass by their place, a lesson that unfortunately many have not learned. With mischievous laughter, the request to the Vale, well toned ... .. "Hey 'm worth it drunk tonight feeling you do not know, you do not know gourd made by maje me ... .. Come with me to hear it !!!!.... Tenaaaampa
never missed phrases in the mother's day, never missed poetry enthusiasts and openings on boards or committees: "We are the best, we'll win, victory awaits us, we will succeed" ... . maximum: "as I saw you look like you truly see me, see if you get unhappy, Come on! ..... the droll: to 60 sidewalks " ... .. diplomacy: " See Victor, do not scold me, just give me a minute, listen first " ... .. in the old leather briefcase sheets courses: " The success there and we are waiting " ... .. "Guys in their hands have a business of thousands of millions of dollars without investing anything, I invite you to work, selling, collecting and win and win and win" ... .. "sharpen the ax every day" ... .. Finally philosophy after hearing cries: "Stop pen ... .. and get to work "
reaches 6:00 AM, ate at 12:00 PM, went up, down, picked up windows, the mass of 12, the emotion always bloom, happy birthday ended all clapped and broke the silence by giving himself to celebrated without shame, emotion intoned: " has been only a memory of childhood is over at last, let's celebrate this day so happy your friends, relatives and me. "
Some big shoes to fill, impossible to replace a heart that will go on between us ... .. indefatigable, unstoppable, with the force of his physical presence will keep speaking about the large wards Full Taxqueña white trivia question who got ... .. "I was born on February 10, 1919 ... .. I am Jesus Alvarez Hernández ... .. who wants to know my age ... .. they do the math "... ..

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Can Red Wine Cause Dark Stool

scallops with Iberico ham gratin

A different way to eat scallops are scalloped, usually made of iron, but today I baked with a touch of ham. I hope you like it.

Ingredients for 4 people:

2-3 scallops per person
fresh and clean 3 large sweet onions 2 cloves garlic

100 gr.
breadcrumbs 100 ml.
dry white wine 30ml. of extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper

started to prepare an onion caramelized in white wine, to peel and cut them into julienne onion, peeled garlic and let the two integers. Put a pan on the heat to low, we take the olive oil and immediately we put the chopped onion and two cloves of garlic, oil does not have to be hot. We stirring with a wooden spoon for about 30 minutes, the onion must be transparent and very mellow, take off those few minutes after the two garlic and pour the white wine and reduce for 4 minutes, stirring constantly, season.

Once this well bound we take a large soup spoon over each scallop, then sprinkle with breadcrumbs and ham cut into small pieces, as shown in the sequence of photography.

Heat oven to 180 degrees on a baking tray place the scallops, once the hot oven bake about 8 minutes and then for 4 minutes gratin.


- The most common way of doing is grilled scallops with a bit of pepper and olive oil.
"It's a very easy dish to make and a different way of eating because the taste of seafood mixed with ham.
-Great if you have guests and you can leave them prepared in advance and bake at the last moment.
"Better We clean the scallops at the fish because not everything inside is edible and must be thoroughly cleaned.
-Another way to make it fill them with some shrimp chips and white sauce.

Wine Recommendation: A chilled white, Torres Viña Esmeralda 2010, the price varies between 5 to 6 €

Bon Appetit

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lowes Shower Curtain Pole

The Measure of Things ..... Rock Radio

Miguel Ramos

Today I ask for a loaf of bread to the hungry as I have, But according to that calculation?, relative to the size of my stomach?, which incidentally do not even know that volume is based on the keen appetite they say have, because I had dinner last night? Because I have to force feed? By greed? or according to what pleases me and made me secrete gastric juices. Actually if you ask me I do not know, just know that I have hunger. Similarly in everyday life in many areas of life do not have the same answers to the activities they have lost direction, meaning and fun to become easy prey to the monotony or is not it?. When I was teaching at the Faculty of Engineering, taught a class called Metrology (science of measurement) always remember the first class was a reflection on the importance of the measure, because from birth we measure, we weigh, we measure the first food that will give us as many times a day should give it to us, that which fits, what is your neck measurement , your pants, your head, your red blood cells ... .... in the end, your coffin. And so an endless list of things that today I shall summarize in a few questions to try to find the measure of things ... ..

Birds sing Why? they speak, because they delight the human ear? or for another reason. What if I speak to say, Like they know to what extent?, Because rare is the time two birds stranded in a fight as two humans or rarer still when we heard a bird singing you raise another. How to measure it. If you cry? Be insulted? My big question is how to manifest the fact less than others of its kind, will be like animals than humans, or be more human ... .. tssssss

How do we measure up to where we want to go today ? performance and gas mileage of a car? With items like credit cards? with golden statuettes for best performances?, as far as we reach the gas?, or Microsoft, with a banner in screen saver on the computer, and without moving from there? With the balance of our bank account?, "With met sales target or the amount of commissions that we are entitled from the sale?," With the inventory of our material possessions?, With the amount of sex conquests opposite? or the daily tally and constant claim of the things that have failed to do in life. What is the measure of things?, When your heart hurts so much, as it is? How does it feel? Such as a heart attack? that magnitude is quantified it as much, 'cause then I would have lived and will use the method of Flaubert wrote Madame Bovary when taking the poison to know that I felt his character through eating, there will come to that?. When you have lots of love, or very lucky or very successful, that depend on these factors? As quantified? the extent to which things or events are measured?, the more you hurt me a lot is that when someone says you hurt me enough, I've never heard anyone say you hurt me enough, or I love you little, if any feeling expressed is because there is too much, because you have to quantify everything? That is, when you do not say or do not write that I Love You Much ... .. because I love you little ??????, blessed the day we could all say I Love You without shame ... .. although it would be more blessed day we could all also feel it ... ..

Each one then it has been measured as two of sugar and coffee, decaf or loaded, large cup or small cup, cappuccino or espresso, others prefer tea or water instead of soda, vegetables instead of meat, we all have our things first preference or vision and then ... .. a measure, haha \u200b\u200bjust like everyone who fits the volume of individual moral questionable ... .. by the way what is your measure?.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

How To Hack Your Broadband Dongle

Valls Calçots sauce Marinated Sardines

Building sunny day and we are in full season made a calçotada calçots. The spring onions is a dish consumed in rural area of \u200b\u200bTarragona Alt Camp are a variety of onion, sweet and white with a PGI (Protected Geographical Indication). Served with Romesco sauce or that also "Calçot sauce."

Ingredients for 4 people: 80 calçots

fresh and tender

For the sauce:

5 large ripe tomatoes 6 cloves of garlic and 3 sprigs of parsley
125 gr. roasted and ground almond
3 tablespoons sweet paprika (de la Vera)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Arbequina)
Sherry Vinegar
common salt

start by making the sauce as I explain in this another post: Romesco Sauce quenyin style.
Once we made the sauce aside.

Now we will prepare the spring onions to roast on the barbecue, for it began to cut the calçot by the head, where are the roots, as shown in the picture.

It remains the white part of calçot "clean" on the one hand, we leave about 10-15 cm. green leaves and cut off the excess.

prepare a fire in the barbecue, the ideal is to do live fire at home but that is further complicated by the fires that occur, so we did coals are placed alongside each other, when roasted, are burned outside turns.

If we have to roast calçots several times it is advisable to wrap them in newspaper to keep warm, do not use aluminum foil as it is not only keeps them warm, if not that would bake more.

Go back to the salsa: Place in a small bowl some Romesco sauce, add salt, oil and vinegar to taste.

In a small bowl place the dish to wet the calçot.

calçot To eat the fingers must be dirty, you take the calçot by green leaves, split the first two layers of leaves and is pulled down, we have to be a calçot, white and clean. I am just wet the calçot in the sauce and direct-to-mouth.


- This is a dish to be eaten to enjoy it without fear of staining your hands, face or jersey. In many restaurants or homes used "pitets" bibs for all guests.
calcot "This sauce is my recipe, in every village, every house ... has its own recipe.
"We will know if they are well cut off if the stretch calçots roast once this comes easily and smoothly.
calçot He called fit the shape of the plant, making a small mountain around them as they grow, the part that this road is the one that is white and consumed.

you enjoy your meal.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Best Employers To Work For Dubai 2010


of Miguel Ramos

... .. A hand full of rings taking the microphone, literally making love, finishing with a sensual voice in the close up forced to his lips: "Hey baby for you to revel, and you let go, to you that these pro continue rocking and that's why you dance in the streets, I leave it to Martha Reeves & the Vandellas: Dancin in the street !!!!! ... .. so so so tara so ... .. England in the 60's, the best DJs of the era gathered in the ROCK RADIO , a pirate radio station installed on a ship in the North Sea and challenges that complemented a moral government. Hidden stations begin to give that talk, a government in charge of the radical and uncompromising Minister Dormandy, that in the euphoria and frenzy created by the young liberal language and outrageous music decide to go for drug addicts, fornicators illegal and that only want to end the country which was once a great nation ... .. God knows the Queen, God !!!!. A time in which to drown anything that resembles the youthful exuberance, the abandon, sexual freedom and music, pirate radio underground and becomes public enemy number 1, broadcasting 24 hours day, 365 days a year ...... heard in the bathroom, kitchen, basement, under the pillow to hide ..... .....
Topic: The story of the teenager who has never had sex, Carl has just been expelled from school, his mother, a member of the jet set, decides to channel in life, go with his godfather Quentin. Coincidentally Quentin is the boss of Radio Rock a ship populated by an eclectic and multifaceted group of DJ's headed by "El Conde" a classic big American, called the "god of waves" an obsessive love music always in competition Gavin, the English No1 Dj, disrespectful, luxurious and lightweight ideas, oh and helmets !!!!. His companions are Dave, Simon, Midnight Mark, Wee Small Hours, Bob specializes in early programs, folk music and drugs who ultimately turns out to be the father of Carl, Kevin Thick, On The Hour John and Angus " The Nut " Nutsford come together to help Carl to find himself and above all, to find (at all costs) someone to have sex.
A web of intrigue that revolves around one of the most powerful lines of the universe, MUSIC. support a Monsters jewel as Cat Stevens, Martha Reeves, The Who, The Shondells, Cream, Hendrix, The Beatles, David Bowie, The Turtles, The Supremes, The Kinks, Herb Albert & Tijuana Brass, Beach Boys, Hollies, Pixies, Mick Jagger ... .. songs like Let's spend the night, Crimson Clover, Sunshine of Your Love, The letter, Dancin in the streets, Nights in white satin, an ode to freedom of expression, which reaffirms that can never be completely silent and the rock and roll lives and will live forever.

Count ... The passing scene with half a body covered with water to sink the boat, is sensational, anxiety about leaving your car and see their LPS and 45's destroyed in the water, but surely putting the last disc ROCK RADIO. these days if they decide to see a good tape and listen to great music " The Boat That Rocked" is an excellent option for 10 days in spring rocking !!!!! to distract the mind and relax the mind after a few setbacks we've had in a year that is concluding its first quarter ... .. And the light style of DJ Gavin : For you babe that revel and let you bring this to move with sensuality that makes us sigh when we spent the night together …..”My, My, My, My , Don't you worry 'bout what's on your mind (Oh my) , I'm in no hurry I can take my time (Oh my) ,I'm going red and my tongue's getting tied (tongues's getting tied) , I'm off my head and my mouth's getting dry. ,I'm high, But I try, try, try (Oh my) , Let's spend the night together , Now I need you more than ever ,Let's spend the night together now” ……

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Do Women Wear Under Singlet


This recipe, I used to do my mother in law, served to take advantage of sardines which were without food. One way of cooking, which at that time was because of the need now is a delicious dish, we prepare to enjoy it as something special. I hope you like it.


- 1 kg of fresh sardines
medium sized - 2 tomatoes hanging
- 1 roasted red bell pepper
- 2 green onions
- 2
heads of garlic - 40 gr. De la Vera paprika
- olive oil and sherry vinegar
- Parsley, bay
- common salt
- Flour for frying sardines

started to clean the sardines, they remove the head and the guts, wash well, drain and place on absorbent paper to remove excess water. We salt it generously with flour, taking care to remove excess flour.

Cut the onions into small pieces and the garlic with the skin but with a small cut. Cut the tomatoes in half and cut the roasted pepper strips, let alone the small branches of parsley

Now let's cook the sardines. In a deep or pan paellón we take plenty of olive oil with five cloves of garlic halved and we sardines pouring a small amount each time, is important not to touch each other and we would be stuck to each other. We give back when they are fried on one side, it is important not to move as much as we break any fish.

The we placing on paper towels to remove excess oil. Reserve.

Prepared marinade:

In a separate pot, preferably earthenware, threw 100 ml. oil and fry the remaining garlic, onion and two tomatoes cut in half. When they are fried add the roasted peppers and parsley, paprika de la Vera and bay leaf, stir it a bit and immediately cast him vinegar. The amount of vinegar should be enough to cover us after sardines, so be generous.

We let all give a boil and add the sardines that we had fried. We left about three minutes longer in the fire and adjust salt.

We let stand for 24 hours and is ready to consume.


- The marinade is a semi-preserved, which shall remain in good condition good for a week. Best in a cool place or refrigerator.
- Vinegar acts as a preservative, and is the main ingredient after sardines. It is important to use a vinegar quality, but you have two precautions: one is that vinegar Modena type is not appropriate, because it has too much sugar and low acidity, and the second is not to buy industrial vinegar, acetic acid, as impoverished plate.
"We can also use leftover sardines and we cooked, this time we have fried in oil, but also serve grilled sardines or baked.
-Serve with a good salad, roasted peppers or potatoes but the ideal is to serve as cover.

you enjoy your meal.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dragonball Dojishi Ita

Seared steak with grilled tomatoes

Let's make a dish very peculiar and that each house has its own recipe, mine is a jabuguitos and plugs with Iberian ham, finishing the dish with chopped almonds. I hope you like it, but it is a dish that you love or can not even see, "there is no middle.

Ingredients for 6 persons:

1 Kilo of beef tripe and boiled
mask 350 gr. of jabuguitos
200 gr. Iberian ham taco
1 green pepper 2 scallions tender

1 / 2 sweet onion 1 red chilli

1 ripe tomato 4 cloves of garlic and some sprigs of parsley
100 gr. toasted almonds
Black peppercorns and two bay leaves
salt 50 ml.
olive oil 1.50 liters of bottled water

buy the tripe and veal and boiled mask our trusted butcher. The cut into pieces small enough for a snack and salted. Jabuguitos We start the half and the ham into small pieces.

chop the peppers, with onion, two garlic and half the parsley, cut the pepper into quarters, peel and crush the tomatoes. Reserve.

start by placing a cast iron pan into the fire with oil, fry the chopped prior to simmer so it does not we burn, when you are half cooked then add the jabuguitos, we give laps without stopping until they have begun to release their juice. Then add tomato.

When sauce is all well cast and the mask corns, bay leaves and black pepper balls, we carefully removing corns not break until well greased with the sauce. Then add the ham into pieces and give it a spin.

We miss him so the water has to be all well covered, add salt, when it starts to boil add the pepper into quarters and a little saffron. Cook for for one hour over low heat, it is important that the water will evaporate while the ingredients go putting that gel that characterizes the calluses.

prepare a snack in the mortar with the almonds, two cloves of garlic and parsley, I added a little juice from the pan and mix well. That time has passed to add the chopped corns. Let it cook together for about 15 minutes.

already have ready to eat tripe.


-Calluses can be a taste of each consumer, whether to add a little lamb or pig feet.
"Have some water in reserve in case you need to add a bit, if so the water is warm, never cold to stop cooking not gel.
"It's a dish that can be prepared in advance and stored for several days in the refrigerator or freeze, to have the gelatin would not lose any flavor, even if you taste a few hours produced increases. Point

special: Have a good bread for dipping, the sauce is more good than calluses.

Wine Recommendation: This time one of Navarra Crianza, Gran Feudo special selection 2006. Its price ranges from € 5 -6

you enjoy your meal.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Saree Embroidery Design Papers

jabuguitos with garlic, fresh thyme and rosemary

A different way to eat tomatoes is to roast them with a perfume of thyme and rosemary. A dish healthy serving of incoming or add a meat or grilled fish.

Ingredients per person:

3 Tomatoes ripe pear

6 cloves garlic, thyme and fresh rosemary Salt and salt
extra virgin olive oil Freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 200 º C for 15 minutes.

start by washing and drying tomatoes, we set out along the middle and going by placing cut side up in a baking dish along with garlic cloves, scatter the thyme and rosemary branches throughout pan (reserve a few for the end of the plate). Season and sprinkle the tomatoes with olive oil.

Place the tray in the oven and let it take hold for 40 minutes, until tender and will see them begin to singe a little top.

Once baked, remove the thyme sprigs and rosemary that are burned. Place tomatoes on a plate. Cut some fresh leaves of thyme and rosemary into small pieces and scatter over tomatoes. Sprinkle with a bit of broth that have brought the roast and sprinkle with Maldon salt.


-This dish can be served both hot and cold, the more time passes since its development more up the flavor of the herbs.
-The choice of plum tomatoes is to be such a perfect tomatoes and roasted to make them flavorful, are the tomatoes used for canning in the summer.
"One way to use leftover or different if we prepare the tomatoes is to remove the pulp of the tomato, place it on top of toast and put a slice of goat cheese or mozzarella di Bufallo above. It is delicious as a starter.

Bon appetit.