"In Eden the garden of God You were, of every precious stone was thy covering, the Cornelian, topaz, jasper, chrysolite, beryl, onyx, sapphire turquoise, emerald and gold: the workmanship of your drums and pipes was prepared in thee in the day of your creation. You
cherub who covers, I put on the holy mountain of God,
you were there, amid the stones of fire you walked.
wast perfect in thy ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in thee "Ezekiel Chapter 28. Verses 13 to 15
This is the only reference made throughout the Bible about the creation
Satan, who far are images the demon of his
true figure nowhere in the Christian scriptures is some semblance of a being with horns and tail, these images in your
mostly borrowed from ancient pagan gods (the Greek god Pan, for example), the Christians in an effort to stop the worship of these ancient gods decided to associate with the devil in order to stop the rituals and celebrations in honor of these mythical beings, but the real image of Satan is clearly seen in the verses quoted above and is the a being extremely beautiful, this beauty is the one that leads to his downfall:
"Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty,
corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor I will cast thee to the ground, in front of kings
give thee to behold thee.
.... Everyone who knew you among the peoples are astonished
on thee, and thou shalt fear never shall be "Verses 17 and 19.
Verse 19 is a final condemnation of Satan, but never seen a transformation original appearance of the devil, Satan's sins can be summed up in pride, vanity, trying to usurp the throne of "D" ios and be like him:
"You said in your heart I will ascend to heaven as top, with the stars of God, will raise my throne, and the mount of the congregation I will sit the sides of the north
on the heights of the clouds I will ascend to the Almighty.
But thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the abyss "Isaiah 14: 13-15
But as soon as he decides to make such a feat, is shot down in no time
send him to hell or similar site, the grave translated into Greek as Hades, is nothing more than a place of abandonment, a grave or pit. So the devil is not going to live to hell
as some think, on the contrary their habitat continues to be the sky, until
on the end of time is cast out of heaven to earth:
"Then there was war in heaven Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon
, and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not
or found their place in heaven. "
Revelation 12: 7
While Satan was not confined to a place of detention, many of the angels who followed him in his rebellion if they were:
"And the angels which kept not their principality, but
left their own habitation, he hath reserved under darkness in everlasting chains
for the trial of the great day "Jude 6
" For if God spared not the angels who sinned, but
arrogate to hell and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved for trial, "
2 Peter Ch. 2 Vers. 6
Some fallen angels were easy to overcome, but Satan and his main
not to the point that it took a huge
period of time until you manage to bring the sky, another point to look at is the power of the satanic hosts:
"Then he said: Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day
set your heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy
God, thy words were heard, and because of your words I have come
. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty days: but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes came to help, and stay there with the kings of Persia "Daniel 10: 12-13
demonic forces have categories: principalities, powers,
Governors and the spiritual forces of wickedness in the Celestial (See Ephesians Chapter 6 verse 12), a prince of evil was the messenger who opposed the "D" ios that would carry the message to Daniel,
twenty-one days hard struggle and it took the presence of the archangel warrior
par excellence: Miguel, in order to defeat a simple
principality of darkness, Satan certainly is much more powerful
Miguel, to the point that generates some fear the archangel
"But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, dared not railing accusation against him, but said, The Lord rebuke you" Jude 9
"dare not" have to take into account that the initial role
occupied by Satan into the kingdom of heaven was to guard the throne of
creator, Satan is a cherub, an angel of a lot more range than a
archangel according to the Bible alone is a superior being to Satan, "God.
This leads us to propose the following face a Will be as cunning as Lucifer to another surely defeat him easily, an omnipotent against which there is no chance of victory?. I think not, if the devil was faced with "God and a great number of angels followed him in his cause, because they knew that the tyrant is not invincible, they knew that the battle would not be easy, but harbored the possibility of a victory scripts show that the struggle is not entirely unfair, but we must analyze which are biased, but not enough to hide the traces of angelic struggles. why the angels did not want to follow the side of "God? They wanted independence, which is why many of them preferred eternal chains rather than remain slaves a "D" and uncompromising absolutist ios also they knew that "God will never forgive them as shown in the preceding verses (but that if a man should forgive his enemies and turn the other cheek to slap him).
The tyrannical and cruel god of the Bible does not support that someone outside your yoke
"Whoever is not with me is against me" Matthew 12: 30
So if we follow, we immediately become in
enemies, offers forgiveness and love with one hand while the other provides fire and eternal chains who are not humble themselves before him, what alternative would be if we all fables
the Bible were true? The divine choice in sight and we've no alternative to peaceful coexistence
differences, or am I still your enemy, is the hope of overthrowing the largest and bloodthirsty tyrant in history, as well as priestly race guilty of the Holocaust and exploitation of humanity for centuries.