Friday, March 25, 2011

Personalized Napkins With My Logo

Accounts .....

Miguel Ramos

In his second death anniversary, March 10, 2009 ... .. phrases about her style

At the moment, a pause the war cry of the aisle ... young Animo!! , now the post office daily result sale will decide to arrive early to be exact between 6:00 and 6:30 AM, the only bad thing is that there will be a Dart K to take them from home to work and work home as institutional cherry with white cap on the board of the race Bosques de las Lomas, that he was flattered by Sergio Suarez who often accompanied his marathons, to get you believe it or not, only chocolate. Over 60 years of service only translate into loyalty, honesty, dedication, leadership, responsibility course . Wonderful experience and knowledge that I think they were worthy of a chronicle, a rich anecdotal history and time, which kindly offered to transcribe it but as usual in a unique way, each story began and otter then postponing it for next time at a meeting of the long corridor, lined up for the dining room or competing at the entrance to the offices to see who had arrived earlier to the company. Must refer to the physical age mysticism with the counterpart of a heart so young. Thus, one of their celebrated chronic interlacing fingers and placing the indices on the lips provided: "In 1941 Azteca bought the drugstore located in Regina 13 and 11. Thus started the company . It was located in a room of 10 meters wide by 30 meters deep. The staff consisted of 125 employees, including eight representatives. In addition to medication, distributed sales for preparations. In the 40's, the capital had only 1'200, 000 inhabitants, foreign laboratories that there were ... .. that time was very much in fashion cosmetics program " THREE FLOWERS" at 11:00 PM where singing Agustín Lara. Bristol Myers pulp produced Ipan costing 57 cents and liver salt 37 cents ... .. Mexican Laboratories Gardee and Grisi in Colonia Juarez and LG Aguilar who packaged the Vick Vaporub. In those years a proliferation of coyotes, they bought and sold to distributors to pharmacists were traveling on foot, by bicycle, tram or strollers .... As early as 1944, the agents took the order at each pharmacy referral sheets and lead to the company's assortment. To 1948 moved to the home we know of Netzahualcóyotl ... .. 79 Neither
Mariano Osorio in Stereo Joya or Loret de Mola Primero Noticias on motivate both say good morning as the unconditional and sincere: Miquelon, Carlos, Victor, Consent, Juancho "I wish you a nice day" that came from the front or to pass by their place, a lesson that unfortunately many have not learned. With mischievous laughter, the request to the Vale, well toned ... .. "Hey 'm worth it drunk tonight feeling you do not know, you do not know gourd made by maje me ... .. Come with me to hear it !!!!.... Tenaaaampa
never missed phrases in the mother's day, never missed poetry enthusiasts and openings on boards or committees: "We are the best, we'll win, victory awaits us, we will succeed" ... . maximum: "as I saw you look like you truly see me, see if you get unhappy, Come on! ..... the droll: to 60 sidewalks " ... .. diplomacy: " See Victor, do not scold me, just give me a minute, listen first " ... .. in the old leather briefcase sheets courses: " The success there and we are waiting " ... .. "Guys in their hands have a business of thousands of millions of dollars without investing anything, I invite you to work, selling, collecting and win and win and win" ... .. "sharpen the ax every day" ... .. Finally philosophy after hearing cries: "Stop pen ... .. and get to work "
reaches 6:00 AM, ate at 12:00 PM, went up, down, picked up windows, the mass of 12, the emotion always bloom, happy birthday ended all clapped and broke the silence by giving himself to celebrated without shame, emotion intoned: " has been only a memory of childhood is over at last, let's celebrate this day so happy your friends, relatives and me. "
Some big shoes to fill, impossible to replace a heart that will go on between us ... .. indefatigable, unstoppable, with the force of his physical presence will keep speaking about the large wards Full Taxqueña white trivia question who got ... .. "I was born on February 10, 1919 ... .. I am Jesus Alvarez Hernández ... .. who wants to know my age ... .. they do the math "... ..


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