This is a recipe that take a local newspaper of the region of Penedès (Catalonia) 18 years ago, was a dish that was done in special meals and I adopted, I hope you like it.
Serves 4 Ingredients: 1 duck
1.400 Kg. approx. 4 pears
1 red pepper 3 onions, sweet or tender
2 heads of garlic and parsley
3 large carrots 3 ripe tomatoes
2 bay leaves
100 gr. of almond
carquiñolis 200 ml. breeding red wine
1 liter of chicken broth with vegetables
Salt and pepper Flour
80ml. extra virgin olive oil
fresh lemon juice
start by cutting the duck into eighths and set aside for the chopped liver, and we peppered him with flour. Julienne cut onions and peppers, tomatoes and carrots into small pieces. We left the whole garlic cloves with skin.
In an earthenware pot or cast iron cast oil, when hot fry the duck, we must get a little toasted, we draw from the pan and reserve. Fry the liver and set aside.
The resulting oil because duck fat has increased the quantity, sauté the pepper, carrot and onion, after 5 minutes add the bay leaves and garlic, let it cook for 15 minutes on low heat, stirring, after that time add the tomatoes.
When the tomatoes have started to release all the juice we put the meat in the pan, mix well and let them finish fry all together.
entonces el vino, dejamos reducir 5 minutos y echamos el caldo de pollo con verduras, tiene que cubrir por completo el pato. Dejamos que se vaya cocinando a fuego lento durante una hora y media, vigilando que no se quede nunca sin caldo. Rectificamos de sal.
Mientras tanto pelamos las peras y las vamos colocando en un bol con agua y el zumo de limón para que no se pongan oscuras. Ponemos una olla con un litro de agua en el fuego, cuando empiece a hervir le echamos las peras, contar 8 - 10 minutos desde que vuelva a hervir el agua, escurrimos y reservamos.
Preparamos una picada en el mortero con los carquiñolis, el hígado de pato que teníamos frito y reservado, las hojas de perejil y seis dientes de ajo. Cuando esté minced we add a little of the broth of the stew and we connect well. Reserve.
starting after that hour and a half we took the meat from the pot and spend the rest by a Chinese strainer reserving the broth of the stew. We again put the meat in the pot with the broth and add the chopped, cook for 15 minutes, then carefully cast the pears. We let it go along doing 10 minutes on low heat and ensuring that the pears with the sauce.
already have the duck with pears ready to eat.
"If you have to prepare for more customers is preferable to buy two ducks rather than a larger one, it would not be so sweet.
-The broth can be single or vegetable stew that we have left for another day.
"The carquiñolis is a dried pasta made with fresh dough and almonds that are in many areas of the Mediterranean, Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Valencia. And as my grandmother is a typical pasta in my country.
-Have in reserve stock to be added if we see that the sauce is too thick.
-pears can be served whole or halved.
"If the duck does not like you can do with chicken, only has to watch the cooking time.
Wine Recommendation: This time we accompany an aged wine, strong palate, a Ribera del Duero, Vega Cubillas Crianza 2006, its price is about 7-8 €
Bon appetit.
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