Mother there is only one ..... Miguel Ramos
... .. Philosophy regularly do not need to wait or have a day or to express a positive feeling about what should be done daily, is exposed in the views of people in different ways because it is well, that because is wrong, because it is not fair ... .. etc, etc, but we humans would be without these days !!!!!, divine, splendid, folklore, full of restaurants, shops full of tables big houses full, full sinks !!!!!, in short all full, but most everything is full of all those memories and phrases that just a day like today we decided to detonate in a wonderful cascade of praise, affection, promises, tears and reunions. And that !!!!! It's beautiful !!!!! each year are returned to have 365 opportunities to endorse it, if not, the very day zero once again, how great is the love of a mother who allows everything and why? because a mother is a person who seeing there are only 4 pieces of chocolate cake having 5 people is the first to say I never liked the chocolate, put another way Mom is the name of God on the lips of an infant 1,2,3 ... 7 ... 10 ... 17 ... .27 ... .37 ... .57 ... .60 years because we never stop being your little monsters !!!!!! ... .. but ... .. oh really! Happy day to all who have been fortunate to be !!!!! And to celebrate that more than 50 sentences of the queens of the house are a cultural legacy to humanity, for you dear mommy ... .. Here they are ... ..
1. I told you!, 2. Put on a sweater., 3. Dejate there!, 4. What, are sent alone?, 5. That little girl does not suit you., 6. I'm telling you for your good., 7. Who do you think does the laundry?, 8. Right now you get your dad managed accounts. 9. Remember I'm your mother, 10. Eres idéntico a tu padre, 11. Un día me van a matar de un coraje., 12. ¿Por que me castigo Dios con estos hijas?, 13. Ya tendrás a tus hijos., 14. ¿Que creen que estoy pintada o que?, 15. ¿Que creen que soy su sirvienta?, 16. Síiiiguele Síiiiguele, 17. ¡Acabate el hígado encebollado!, 18. ¡Andale, sigue tomando y acabate el hígado!, 19. ¡No me respondas!, 20. Deberías estar agradecido., 21. ¡Mira nada mas como vienes!, 22. Cuento hasta tres eh….una…dos., 23. ¡Que sea la ultima vez!, 24. Hasta que te acordaste que tienes madre., 25. Deberías de aprender de fulanito., 26. Fulanito si quiere a su mama., 27. Para mi siempre serás mi bebe., 28. Who is my child?, 29. There are filling stations., 30. If you're not just going to come chayote lord of the sack!, 31. What costs you tell?, 32. For that invented the telephone., 33. Fix your pigsty!, 34. Do not put insurance on the bathroom door., 35. You leave it to me to convince your dad at night, 36. This is not an hotel., 37. Go to sleep, dammit., 38. I tell you we Poque !!!!, 39. When you have your house do what you want., 40. Lift me your hand and you will dry!, 41. "Again you go with your buddies?, 42. What, your friends are not home?, 43. Go for tortillas., 44. Do not delay and bring me the change., 45. I told cilantro!, 46. Listen to your father, he knows everything 47. One of these days I get up and going to find, and see what they do ., 48. I'm going to put a dog dancer you see., 49. This will hurt me more to me than you., 50. Do not even think! ... so .... That not occur to us to find three feet to the cat ... .. better amémoslas!! That safe without them we would not be here ....
- Mother only have one, or is Gordolfo? - Ahíííííííí !!!!!!