Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Receiver Onkyo Ou Marantz


EAT OTHER things ... I'MA

Planning For Church Anniversary



Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fondue Without Fondue Pots

Canned plum tomatoes with garlic

This dish is very common in my country, was formerly preserved plum tomatoes, was the way with tomatoes tomatoes have hung over the year. It is a salad made of tomatoes and desalted with chopped garlic.

Ingredients for 4 people: 800 gr

canned plum tomatoes 300 gr.
salt cod 3 fresh garlic

black pepper fresh chives, white, green, pink, Jamaican and cilantro
extra virgin olive oil Maldon salt

First let desalting cod, washed in water cool and crumble, place in a bowl with water and change water at 3 hours, after another 3 hours until it drains all the water is released. Once we

cod about to start preparing the salad, put the tomatoes in a bowl and crush with a fork.

Peel and cut the garlic into small pieces and the onion into strips 1 cm. approx. We

plate at the bottom of the tomatoes with all its juice, scatter the flaked cod and pour over the garlic soft. To finish I put a little onion and cilantro with freshly ground pepper.

about to serve it sprinkled with a splash of extra virgin olive oil and sprinkle with Maldon salt.


-La canned the tomatoes are natural, just takes a little olive oil on top.
-The cod is often used for this dish is one that by its thinness can not be used whole, is a way to use cod tails.
"It's a very common dish in my country, previously to many canned tomatoes but now to have tomatoes all year and not only in seasons is becoming less, but never has the tomato flavor that makes it so special. There
-market brands of excellent natural preserves, a good tomato is as important as cod.
, peppers and cilantro sell it in grinder is the best way to season food without losing flavor and flavor.

enjoy your meal and do not forget to have a good bread for dipping!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cost Of Concrete Bathbub

cod and roasted peppers with garlic and parsley

Now that the good weather and want to do grilled meats peppers are an excellent companion to grilled and roasted in olive oil seasoned with chopped garlic and parsley.

Serves 4

2 large bell peppers (those known as 4 songs)
extra virgin olive oil 4 cloves garlic

2 sprigs parsley Salt and salt

started to prepare the coals for roasting, it is important that it is not called, because if it does not burn us skin immediately but would in raw or hard.

We wash the peppers and dried well. We put on a rack over hot coals for grilling.

As the outdoor burning will let him turning, until they are "burned" the four corners.

We took fire and we're removing the burned skin with your fingers, if we do that with a knife or fork to be very careful because it is very easy to get part of the pepper. Be we have to get through once peeled.

I cut into four large pieces and removing all the seeds of the peppers, then cut it into small strips and reserve.

Chop garlic and parsley very small and add to peppers. Salt it and cast a fair amount of olive oil. Sprinkle with a little Maldon salt and black pepper on top if desired. This time

peppers accompanied with some boiled corn on the cob and baked in coals with chicken thighs with herbs.


"If you can not have barbecue grill in the oven, smeared with oil and place on a baking sheet halfway up to 180 º for 40 minutes approx. depends on how thick are the peppers.
-peppers with eggplant, onions and tomatoes are excellent roasted in coals, with the advantage that can be stored in oil for a few days without problems. Just to keep in mind that salt taste is rising and is best consumed about to throw.
-You can also use the peppers as an ingredient coca pizza or salt, as a complement in a tomato sauce or a salad of cod 'esgarraet' .

you enjoy your meal. pea

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Patricia Mantrola's Wedding

tortilla with garlic peas and ham

The tortilla is a simple dish and very easy to perform, but instead of it just with peas will add garlic and ham. I hope you like it.

Ingredients for 4 servings: 6 large eggs

fresh poultry
1 kilo of fresh peas with pods
1 bunch garlic 3-4 sprigs parsley

2oo gr. tip of Iberian ham or shoulder
extra virgin olive oil

First start by removing the pea pods, wash and drain well, have to be without any moisture so we will not splatter.

In a large skillet threw the peas and cover with oil, must be covered, put the pan on low heat and cook let go little by little, the oil does not have to "fry", we let and on fire for about 35-40 minutes or until peas are tender and mellow.

cut ham into small pieces, chop the parsley, peel and cut the garlic into small pieces. Reserve.

briskly Beat eggs in a bowl until frothy, we take the chopped ham, chopped parsley and a pinch of salt.

When those 40 minutes have elapsed we take the garlic and let them cook together for 5 minutes, drain, salt it and add to beaten eggs.

In same frying pan with two tablespoons of olive oil, when we take the mixture is hot, as when we make an omelette .

We return to the 3-4 minutes, this is a taste of the consumer, depending if you like a bit more cooked or raw. We left just made the tortilla on the other side and remove from the fire.


"The ham can be cured ham tips or if you prefer even with bits of chorizo \u200b\u200bjabuguitos.
"If you want to make the dish lighter can be boiled peas instead of making them in oil.
pea-The tortilla can be eaten cold as as hot.
"A special touch, if you like, is to add two chopped mint leaves into the beaten egg, adds a very unique and refreshing, but not everyone likes.
-Keep in mind that the ham already has salt, but the flavor is very sweet pea with caution.

you enjoy your meal.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Completion Letter Community Service

Mother there is only one .....

Miguel Ramos

... .. Philosophy regularly do not need to wait or have a day or to express a positive feeling about what should be done daily, is exposed in the views of people in different ways because it is well, that because is wrong, because it is not fair ... .. etc, etc, but we humans would be without these days !!!!!, divine, splendid, folklore, full of restaurants, shops full of tables big houses full, full sinks !!!!!, in short all full, but most everything is full of all those memories and phrases that just a day like today we decided to detonate in a wonderful cascade of praise, affection, promises, tears and reunions. And that !!!!! It's beautiful !!!!! each year are returned to have 365 opportunities to endorse it, if not, the very day zero once again, how great is the love of a mother who allows everything and why? because a mother is a person who seeing there are only 4 pieces of chocolate cake having 5 people is the first to say I never liked the chocolate, put another way Mom is the name of God on the lips of an infant 1,2,3 ... 7 ... 10 ... 17 ... .27 ... .37 ... .57 ... .60 years because we never stop being your little monsters !!!!!! ... .. but ... .. oh really! Happy day to all who have been fortunate to be !!!!! And to celebrate that more than 50 sentences of the queens of the house are a cultural legacy to humanity, for you dear mommy ... .. Here they are ... ..

1. I told you!, 2. Put on a sweater., 3. Dejate there!, 4. What, are sent alone?, 5. That little girl does not suit you., 6. I'm telling you for your good., 7. Who do you think does the laundry?, 8. Right now you get your dad managed accounts. 9. Remember I'm your mother, 10. Eres idéntico a tu padre, 11. Un día me van a matar de un coraje., 12. ¿Por que me castigo Dios con estos hijas?, 13. Ya tendrás a tus hijos., 14. ¿Que creen que estoy pintada o que?, 15. ¿Que creen que soy su sirvienta?, 16. Síiiiguele Síiiiguele, 17. ¡Acabate el hígado encebollado!, 18. ¡Andale, sigue tomando y acabate el hígado!, 19. ¡No me respondas!, 20. Deberías estar agradecido., 21. ¡Mira nada mas como vienes!, 22. Cuento hasta tres eh….una…dos., 23. ¡Que sea la ultima vez!, 24. Hasta que te acordaste que tienes madre., 25. Deberías de aprender de fulanito., 26. Fulanito si quiere a su mama., 27. Para mi siempre serás mi bebe., 28. Who is my child?, 29. There are filling stations., 30. If you're not just going to come chayote lord of the sack!, 31. What costs you tell?, 32. For that invented the telephone., 33. Fix your pigsty!, 34. Do not put insurance on the bathroom door., 35. You leave it to me to convince your dad at night, 36. This is not an hotel., 37. Go to sleep, dammit., 38. I tell you we Poque !!!!, 39. When you have your house do what you want., 40. Lift me your hand and you will dry!, 41. "Again you go with your buddies?, 42. What, your friends are not home?, 43. Go for tortillas., 44. Do not delay and bring me the change., 45. I told cilantro!, 46. Listen to your father, he knows everything 47. One of these days I get up and going to find, and see what they do ., 48. I'm going to put a dog dancer you see., 49. This will hurt me more to me than you., 50. Do not even think! ... so .... That not occur to us to find three feet to the cat ... .. better amémoslas!! That safe without them we would not be here ....

- Mother only have one, or is Gordolfo? - Ahíííííííí !!!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Can A Felon In Colorado Own A Rifle?

pear tomato salad with burrata cheese and basil

The burrata cheese is Italian for "pasta filata" very similar to mozzarella, but whey cream filling is creamy, very soft and slightly sweet, a delight to the palate. We prepared a salad with some tomatoes and fresh basil leaves.

Ingredients for 2 people: 1

burrata cheese 250g, approx.
6 tomatoes
medium pear 2 small onions tender
20 gr. fresh basil leaves 1 clove garlic

extra virgin olive oil
Maldon Salt Common salt

started to prepare the basil dressing for the salad, in a mortar, put the peeled garlic and a pinch of salt , crush a little and add the basil leaves that have washed and dried, chop well and pour the olive oil, enough to dress the salad. mix well. Reserve. Wash and peel

tomatoes, cut into very thin slices. Now do the same with the onions, but cut into strips.

We took
burrata cheese from his pocket and scurried a little extra water.

started preparing the salad. To do this in a large shallow dish and let
placing tomato slices in a circle, a portion of each slice over the next. Pour the onion over the tomato and burrata cheese bag in the center, we make three or four cuts, we will see this as a melting cheese. Seasoned with basil oil and sprinkle with Maldon salt. Consume immediately.


"If it is the burrata cheese can be made with buffalo mozzarella.
"The tomatoes used in this case are those of the pear variety, as they are very juicy and sweets are what we use at home to make preserves.
"Of course you can use the variety of tomato that are most like, just keep in mind that the tomato is not too green to cream cheese is better than being a bit mature.
-The amount of basil is a function of individual taste.

Point: If you really like the cheese is a book of cheeses from around the world: The Book of Cheese Juliet Harbutt, with over 750 cheeses and tasting notes for each.

you enjoy your meal.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Patrick Ewing's Snakers For Sale 33

An afternoon of Innocence ..... Chronicles

Miguel Ramos

... .. Al reach 2 star and turn right you will, if want, BACK TO Neverland , excitedly giving a retrospective remembering your childhood years the very essence of innocence that permitírsenos exist, just gave us. So taking THE BOOK OF POOH we decided that afternoon to start an adventure using the most beautiful that God has given man the power of imagination.

ENDLESS STORY started again with the Utopia to be children on the other hand take longer where to fly to infinity and beyond with BUZZ WOODY and became a reality. ICE AGE of our adulthood was frozen and a world of FANTASY and fun we got to WONDERLAND between cuts of cards, watch in hand rabbits, caterpillars cats who smoke and laugh; ; When you get the queen of hearts we all ran away mounted Falkor to the castle nestled in the mountains where BEAUTY AND THE BEAST celebrated their love ; DUMBO almost crashed us at enredársele ears in flight, due to wind force caused by the cyclone that had the house of DOROTHY the air was the country of OZ while the right of us, at sea, PINOCCHIO tried to save the whale in a pond Wood trying to be a real boy ... .. Jajajaja think the analogy is that although many have exceeded the 40's, keep trying.
Snow White was preparing for her prince applesauce while out shopping dwarfs because they had no clothes and had grown up. SLEEPING BEAUTY had insomnia and HANSEL AND GRETEL not eat sweet snacks to have wheels. LRR was the Wolf in his possession and asked him to ransom for Maleficent threatening to kill him and sell his skin to the highest bidder (Maleficent really did not care). MICKEY MOUSE was not the kind of mouse rodent genus if not a long, a Pedro el Malo and miscellaneous had made them see their lot by applying the key near the metro Tacubaya china cabinet, leaving him penniless, CHABELA crying because her teacher gave no kiss to start because the sticks did not couple, THE LITTLE MERMAID had become pregnant by Rigo Tovar when Prince Eric Ursula got to because women had a weakness hardwood Ariel did not have much to offer in this regard, Rapunzel ignored her husband and Short hair is distanced themselves because there was no way that the climb to the tower to the marital visit to let the world of la fantasía comenzó a tener problemas conyugales fuertes llegando al punto de que LA DAMA Y EL VAGABUNDO se habían separado porque él se volvió mandilón y ella una.....perra…..bueno ya era…..

Nooooooo!!!!! …….Al darme cuenta de lo que estaba pasando por mi mente me asusté y vi como poco a poco se deterioraba la historia de mis recuerdos que ahora veía, la Inocencia es un don que se nos da al principio de todo y su entorno es majestuoso, pero cuando la maldad comienza a apoderarse de ella silenciosamente,   no queda ninguna luz en un lugar que mercilessly turns dark as a whole, undermining the existence of a DON whom the world turned and tagged, labeled and labeled as DEFAULT and the man rather than to please the DISCLAIMS possess and gives FEAR , it would seem that the INNOCENCE instead of taking positive is taken as an apology or an insult to the lack of accountability in a world of sanity to the madness there is a thin line we can go to be Innocent or unconscious, living life the irony of losing his innocence become the obsession of so-called adult, hahaha ... ... wackala !!!!!, !!!!!.... keep playing Pluto see !!!!! fiuuuu, fiuuuuu ... ..