An afternoon of Innocence ..... Chronicles
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Patrick Ewing's Snakers For Sale 33
Miguel Ramos
... .. Al reach 2 star and turn right you will, if want, BACK TO Neverland , excitedly giving a retrospective remembering your childhood years the very essence of innocence that permitírsenos exist, just gave us. So taking THE BOOK OF POOH we decided that afternoon to start an adventure using the most beautiful that God has given man the power of imagination.
ENDLESS STORY started again with the Utopia to be children on the other hand take longer where to fly to infinity and beyond with BUZZ WOODY and became a reality. ICE AGE of our adulthood was frozen and a world of FANTASY and fun we got to WONDERLAND between cuts of cards, watch in hand rabbits, caterpillars cats who smoke and laugh; ; When you get the queen of hearts we all ran away mounted Falkor to the castle nestled in the mountains where BEAUTY AND THE BEAST celebrated their love ; DUMBO almost crashed us at enredársele ears in flight, due to wind force caused by the cyclone that had the house of DOROTHY the air was the country of OZ while the right of us, at sea, PINOCCHIO tried to save the whale in a pond Wood trying to be a real boy ... .. Jajajaja think the analogy is that although many have exceeded the 40's, keep trying.
Snow White was preparing for her prince applesauce while out shopping dwarfs because they had no clothes and had grown up. SLEEPING BEAUTY had insomnia and HANSEL AND GRETEL not eat sweet snacks to have wheels. LRR was the Wolf in his possession and asked him to ransom for Maleficent threatening to kill him and sell his skin to the highest bidder (Maleficent really did not care). MICKEY MOUSE was not the kind of mouse rodent genus if not a long, a Pedro el Malo and miscellaneous had made them see their lot by applying the key near the metro Tacubaya china cabinet, leaving him penniless, CHABELA crying because her teacher gave no kiss to start because the sticks did not couple, THE LITTLE MERMAID had become pregnant by Rigo Tovar when Prince Eric Ursula got to because women had a weakness hardwood Ariel did not have much to offer in this regard, Rapunzel ignored her husband and Short hair is distanced themselves because there was no way that the climb to the tower to the marital visit to let the world of la fantasía comenzó a tener problemas conyugales fuertes llegando al punto de que LA DAMA Y EL VAGABUNDO se habían separado porque él se volvió mandilón y ella una.....perra…..bueno ya era…..
Nooooooo!!!!! …….Al darme cuenta de lo que estaba pasando por mi mente me asusté y vi como poco a poco se deterioraba la historia de mis recuerdos que ahora veía, la Inocencia es un don que se nos da al principio de todo y su entorno es majestuoso, pero cuando la maldad comienza a apoderarse de ella silenciosamente, no queda ninguna luz en un lugar que mercilessly turns dark as a whole, undermining the existence of a DON whom the world turned and tagged, labeled and labeled as DEFAULT and the man rather than to please the DISCLAIMS possess and gives FEAR , it would seem that the INNOCENCE instead of taking positive is taken as an apology or an insult to the lack of accountability in a world of sanity to the madness there is a thin line we can go to be Innocent or unconscious, living life the irony of losing his innocence become the obsession of so-called adult, hahaha ... ... wackala !!!!!, !!!!!.... keep playing Pluto see !!!!! fiuuuu, fiuuuuu ... ..
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