Galician blades are a delight to the palate, is a shellfish that is normally eaten grilled or fried if they are very small. The accompanied with a sauce garlic and parsley tied, like a "all-oli.
Ingredients for 4 people:
2 dozen fresh razor Galician
extra virgin olive oil Salt and
Maldon salt freshly ground black pepper
2 large cloves garlic 3 sprigs parsley
started by "washing" the knives about two hours before you start preparing the dish, so put them in a bowl, you have to keep upright, they threw a handful of salt and cover over water . This is so loose that they can carry sand inside. We repeat the operation after one hour. Observe how it goes falling sand to the bottom of the bowl and blades are opened.
The return to wash and drain them well to release the excess water.
While the knives slip prepare the garlic sauce and parsley in a mortar placed the two halved garlic, a pinch of salt over the garlic as this will prevent the garlic "jump", we split the garlic and pour half the parsley leaves, with no trunk. Crush well and we pouring the oil very slowly, almost drop by drop, stirring constantly, thus we get that is linked like a garlic mayonnaise.
In an iron skillet to put two tablespoons of oil and little salt, put the blades next to each other, leaving space between them so when they opened not to crowd upon each other.
When we throw open begin few drops of oil in each and a little black pepper, we turn and leave 2 minutes to finish cooking. We put
blades on a plate sprinkled with Maldon salt and black pepper. Add a little sauce over each blade. Consumed immediately.
Notes:-This recipe
serve both knives and any shellfish, mussels, clams, large or grilled scallops.
- The amount of oil for the sauce varies depending on how big they are as garlic, is a rough measure of 60ml.
"It's a very simple recipe to prepare, the most important thing is to remove the sand from the blades, it is very unpleasant and it can ruin the dish.
-Monitor hard to keep it dry, the seafood must be at its best as they can lose their flavor.
Recommended wine: This time we drank a bottle of black label Trabanco Cider, its price is around 3 €. It is served cold and throwing the only cider drunk in every sip.
you enjoy your meal.
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