I do not think that is different to you who read these words. Blood runs through my veins hot as yours, feel and dream as you. Sometimes I get mad
and other excited me because I'm human, I suppose you also.
many things and I always get some great effort and fear of illness and death, I believe that all men and women the same thing happens.
breathe and my heart beats to the rhythm of my own life.
If I'm so like you why I hate and fear me. Why you want to silence my voice, just because I think differently.
Why do you attack my words and my not yours. Why do not you respect my thinking is that so difficult.
not obligate anyone who thinks like me, do not force myself to you who read these lines, just ask the respect they deserve I guess it is the same as you deserve.
Today I wish I did not exist because I am a Satanist and other justify your attitude, tomorrow would want others because of race disappear and ellos te justificarán, después querrías hacer desaparecer a los que no asisten a tu iglesia y también serás aplaudido por ellos, pero tal vez y no te lo deseo, un día ellos quieran que tú desaparezcas y ya no encontrarás a nadie en torno a ti que pueda ayudarte.
La libertad y el respeto a las ideas de los demás es un valor que solo se aprecia el día que se pierde, y yo como satanista lucharé para que ese día nunca llegue y sin que tu lo sepas estaré luchando por ti.
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