Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Combination Formula Four Numbers 1-4

It Rain, raindrops .....

Miguel Ramos

Drifting ... .. 7:00 PM, after the windshield has visibility to only 10 cm, - is a whirlwind !!!!, the traffic is maddening, - They are going to flood !!!!, will fill the gap !!!!!, chin .... da ma ... .. , We will not get the appointment was at 9:00 pm !!!!!!, this easy is like leaving here at 10:00 PM !!!!!, suddenly collapsing on cataracts people, on cars !!!!!, a large gap in full Viaduct, an indescribable shock of magnitude, the impact could cling the wheel, but the wobble was noisy hard and a heroic Malabar came to the sheet while the water furiously rage ... .. which it is the normal channel, the water is not pen ... .. and grabs the road along which is so strong I can only cling and wait for the calm or the wall of the tunnel stopped the car ... .. to make a full stop and take lotus position feel the rain running down his cheeks and wait for rescue only had time for reflection and seek immediate guilty!! ... .. - All of these pi .... ... ..!!!!!!, Political forgiveness I can not speak, and correct my negative assessment of the facts ... .. I'm very happy, it's a great idea to create this kind of development natural in the heart of Mexico City, that allows us to stop third-starring role and encourages us to pursue the developments with that of democracy, therefore the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving our own channel of Venice in each April is proposal to level up, making the children eagerly count the days for the arrival of the Easter holiday, with its beautiful urban beaches, I can not wait to see you to surf free and loose with the view of Reforma, Insurgentes Tlalpan or background taking large skyscrapers or large tree building on Reforma.
course sets the Bicentennial of Independence were a success, now if homered, and pipelines ... .. sorry again I am digressing ... .. ie engineering strategy !!!!! was getting more gas than usual for the institutions and had to stop somehow, obviously the idea of \u200b\u200busing that surplus to create a fireworks display was a brilliant idea. But what about the channel of the Company, was a delight to see water coming out of this great symphony source filling rate of the viaduct lanes or ... .. the new Venice ?..... again saying what I should not rather lords of Chalco do not understand that there was to live there?, it is assumed that you know you should not throw draining away because if it works, but if you plug !!!!..... not have to be ... ... be what, if the inconsistency of such mass work and electioneering purposes only gives many diverted funds for $ 20,000.00 for each victim, the only consolation is that next year might happen again give them $ 25,000.00. The union and fraternity of the institutions and people is reflected in the mass graves where they are all close together ... .. ... .. Again ... .. ass wheat uhmm, uhmm , but I will say if everything is said in this metaphorically Mexico where it should stand a monument to FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION without positions or attack ... .. Brrrrr ... .. Brrrrrr ... .. sorry it is a little cold here on the canopy of the truck, aaccchhhuuuuú ... ... saying before the interruption, which no individual positions or hoarding of power, the humility of our public servants did act presence in a cordial discussion on partnerships, where all were satisfied and committed to go forward hand here, so which absurd? Heard?? dissatisfied and committed ... .. hahahaha all, be understood that the media are bound to business ... .. campaigns against companies and Cellular phone dealer, in order to say? mmmmm ... .. all of a Macro States by Mexico? see, here all the Viaduct apretujaditos closed, the shaft 3 to thunder, alternate routes stops, THIS IS A KINGDOM MEXICO !!!!!

!!!!!, But I see the awning of a taxi under water ?????, is that we have public transport that !!!!! ohhhhh amphibious ?..... ... .. this cold is making me delirious, that memory of mine, but it is a aquataxi !!!!!..... Thank God ... .. by the way, you let me I stop because I'm doing from one (translation pee) and I will not do in the lagoon, would be a breach of public roads and that, that if I can not consent, !!!!!, TAXIIIII TAXIIIII !!!!! .....


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