Thursday, April 21, 2011

Driver Sanyo Usb Pro-700

Last Night in Jerusalem .....

Miguel Ramos

.... This weekend I stop shaving 2 days, say it's good to rest the constant skin rake over the trial of the mirror was different and strong, a good percentage ... .. my white beard, only 2 times I let it grow and today, exactly 20 years ago he was using, in a performance that would change much my life, my thoughts and meet one of my wishes to represent the greatest among the great, which many do not believe in him and what exactly do not know is that people like them is what you are looking to work within, coincidentally my first script to the public was the basis on which that picture of players really, really wanted amateur inter things to get people a message that Christ was present in our lives in that April 1991 ( Flor, Jaime, Jessica, Connie, Chely, Fer, Beto, Roly, Victor, Roberto, Manuel , Karina, Lala, Ronald, Marine, Beto, Caris, Alejandra, Yolanda, George, Alma, Nora, Mara, Michelle, Henry, Betty, Maru, Marissa, Marcela, Star, Rolie, Mariana ... .. Thanks to all! ! ) ... .. So began the script called "Last Night in Jerusalem" preceded by music from Enya: Jesus went about all Galilee, from Decapolis to Jordan, to Tyre and Sidon, Nazareth, Capernaum, all his miracles and works were numbered and his reputation grew among the men, with the grace of God and filled with the Holy Spirit : Scene 1: ( streets of Jerusalem, Jesus is sitting with his disciples preaching ) Jesus - You are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses, that will salt?, and it is useless to be thrown and the men walked, You are the light of the world can not hide any city on a hill, so will your light shine before men, that by your actions glorify your Father which is in heaven ... .. (the crowd rowdy fans to the sinner that rolls across the floor to the feet of Jesus, under the threat of stoning) ... ... Jesus - WHICH IS FREE OF SIN THROW THE FIRST STONE !!!!! .....

... ... the script fresh in memory - 20 years passed very quickly - I kept thinking in the back of the parish where the cross still exists, few things have been left behind many memories and memories of the Easter 1991. We had nothing but hopes to materialize, an infinite amount, elevated, exaggerated dreams and of course to get them hungry ghost. Routine own holy days, visit the 7 houses, Celebration of Last Supper, pray before the Blessed Jesus ensuring prison, find a Via Crucis live or on TV, going to a nearby village, watching movies Drawer The Martyr of Calvary, Jesus our Lord, King of Kings, Ben Hur, The Ten Commandments etc. Every year the same, but always the most important changes in my life have been precisely those dates. One afternoon, an idea. Then a proposal. After the invitation. Several laughed. But both said yes. One is no longer, GUADALUPE ARIAS parent who requested a little more chocolate to finish your piece of bread and more bread to finish his chocolate and the most important of my life, my partner years later, Mother Mary is beside me, my wife FLOR. That afternoon a script and a person. There were costumes, there were people who dress. But everything was coming, one by one. People with the profile right of each character, then bits of cloth, boots of Roman vessels, columns, platforms, a South American kick drum made the Roman times in the procession, the timbers donated a cross formed uncentering 90 kgs, scenery painted in pastel on cloth, to a stage director, a marvelous machine couture Ms. Olga (Today my mother) and even a tower for the crucifixion, several brooms were not stick to the spear, the whip curtain rope, of course, my mother complained. A woman Judas, like many disciples. Music with a two-channel mixer and a recorder. The Agony in the Garden emotional apprehension soldiers, torches. End of first part accomplished Thursday.
Friday, early preparations for blowing cool air, the trial before Pilate, the interrogation, after the popular consultation: - To whom will ye that I release unto you, Jesus of Nazareth have been proclaimed King of the Jews or imprisoned for Barrabas killing a Roman soldier? - Barabbas, Barabbas !!!!! - I find no fault in this man, punish him in a show of Roman justice!! WITH THIS RETURN TO REALITY!! after whipping, face shots in the fateful - You will go to the Cross!, l death of Judas, stunning dramatization, then at the foot of the hill, the hot asphalt, the heavy cross on the rise, the lashes on her back, legs. The first fall. The encounter with the mother, who is now my daughters, my wife. Simon helps with the load. Veronica wipes the face. Women cry. Five more stations, the second fall, difficult to enter. There are those who are about to offer water, two fathers assistant, repel Romans. Still shocks, rising as it weighs!, The sandal melting. Then, the third fall, impossible to rise, hitting the ground, - the cross is heavy - the sweat blind, crown cove. Finally arrival at Calvary, the turret list, stripped of clothes on them luck, the moorings, the nails - up !!!!! - The cross is reeling, the subject of the turret, the seven words, agitation, it is cloudy, 3:00 pm. - Father into your hands I commend my spirit !!!!! - And laid his head, died. The air gently cools and comforts, calms, the priest's words reflective, deep, happy, waiting for night to finish the bread with a little bit of chocolate or chocolate with a little more bread. Crying, fatigue, lower Cross, the entrance to the tomb, exhausted, the dream come true, never Good Friday will be the same ... ..

... .. Twenty years after an eleven year old girl takes my hand ... .. a Miss. Fifteen ... .. and I also embrace a lady who supports my crazy since 1991, since then she and I walked together, and now she and I walked together with our daughters ... .. who would say that the last night in Jerusalem would mean first day of the rest of our lives, thank you my dear Flor ... ..


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