Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Dellorto Co To Jest Phbe

Maestrat Olleta of 'Cooked'

A dish that is made much in my land, Maestrat in Castellon, is the 'olleta', a kind of thistle winter stew, beans, meat, rice ...

Serves 4 Ingredients: 6

fresh thistle leaves
250 gr.
dried beans 300 gr.
cooked potatoes 200 gr. rice black pump dry sausages
1 pig's foot
400 gr.
beef rib 400 gr. Breast of lamb
150 gr. salty bacon
common salt broth, saffron water

To start the night before we soak the beans covered with water.

We wash the bacon and we took some of the salt from the surface, dry it well and reserve. In a large pot with 3 liters of water, put the beans (which we soak), bacon, pork leg heading into quarters, cutting the breast of lamb and beef ribs into four pieces. Cover the pot and put to simmer. Total cooking time is about three hours.

Now we will clean and remove wires from thistles, for it finely with a knife going scraping the edges of the stems until they are without leaves, then put the knife on the edge and pulling the wires going to the top of the stems. This is done so as if they are not thread the stem has to be tender.

When I take the 'olleta' an hour at the fire, we lay the sliced \u200b\u200bthistles and sausages, add some salt, bearing in mind that the bacon is salty and let everything go by for an hour and a half , taking care to not run out of stock and we have to cook the potatoes and rice in it.

Peel and wash potatoes, cut into chunks small, the important thing is how to chop potatoes, I am with the last part of the court "broken" with the objective of the starch out there that help to thicken the 'olleta'.

After that hour and a half cast and saffron potatoes, add salt and let it cook 10 minutes. Then add the rice, stir gently and cook for another 20 minutes all together. At this time the 'olleta' is finished and ready to eat.


- Important monitoring the stock, are about three hours cooking and if the fire is a bit strong to us will evaporate much broth. If we have to add hot water this is not to cut the boil.
- If you prefer not be as "strong" stock or less calories you can substitute the pork for chicken or turkey, just a note that is cooked before.
- If there are no fresh thistles (these have been collected directly from a farm in the family), I saw that in some supermarkets sell them and clean and packed in bags. If they are frozen only use them in the last half hour of cooking.
- A good companion is the spring onion, cleaned, cut into strips (julienne thick) and soaked in a little salt, directly to the mouth between spoon and spoon ... was how to eat 'olleta' in my house.

Wine Recommendation: A strong red, a black breeding Penedès 2008. Villa Renard, price 5 to 6 €

Bon appetit!


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