Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Template For Ending Letters

Every day you learn something new .....

Miguel Ramos

... .. When the seller of stones Tepoztlan is you watching, sure has something to tell you, that, viewed from any angle or viewpoint call it folklore, culture, esoteric, gossip, etc, as I want you to call according to their beliefs, ideologies, religious and others. The fact is that every day you learn something new as if the achiote is a plant (I did not know) that if the full name is Homer Jay Simpson Homer Simpson, that if laughter stimulates the same brain areas that drugs (hence better laugh because laughter is not the brain atrophy) that if the Romans were pressed the testicles to tell the truth?, that if Google employees are available 20% of your time to think about new projects, if the Brothers Almada not drunk to have value. The value is that which is drunk to accompany them, that eating a bag of chips a day is equivalent to drinking five liters of cooking oil a year, if for a kiss, twice as many bows his head to the right instead of left, that if the human nose, down to the ground like a dog, it is sensitive enough to follow a trail in the open, which means if the word FUCK (Fornication Under Consent of the King), which if the SOS distress call is for the initial (Save Our Souls) that if we say when we sneeze Jesus because he believes that people had evil spirits inside and when sneezing was thought to be ejected, leaving the body still, if an oyster can change its sex once every seven days (must be emotion !!!!! ), that if in the course of an hour of television fans are on average 145 violent scenes, that if the gorillas come to laugh if you tickle them, yes, yes, well ... ..

... .. So much so crazy, so bizarre, so extreme, they are gradually reducing the sense of wonder, in fact we are in a time of no wonder, no longer There is nothing that amazed us, AIDS is normal, the cancer is normal, the account settings look normal, until the score is carried, it is true that everything tends to evolve but when its time evolution is not well deforms. But because all this stuff?, It worries me sitting on my ass, I discovered that there Rumpología, reading the same and it remains to be seen as it is practiced, because doing it yourself is difficult, we must ask someone do it for us. What a way to flirt and to see curves for those who learn, might become a career in fashion, as the practice of Reiki, Aromatherapy and other disciplinas alrededor de la relajación , meditación y conexión espiritual, leer a través de las líneas, grietas, hoyuelos, verrugas o cualquier otro agente que se encuentre sobre cualquiera de las superficies lisas de la espalda baja, habrá que verlo…..Casualmente en el periódico donde encontré la noticia de la primera plana hace un rato de : “TODOS A JALÁRSELA” dedicada al Sr. Ebrard por la edición de su libro “Tu Futuro en Libertad” de educación sexual en el 2010, enunciando sus 14 puntos sobre las bondades de la Masturbación….. Hoy el presidente Hugo Chávez en el mismo diario le hizo honor al desplegado, pidió perdón por los errores cometidos durante his government will have learned something new too ?????, say ..... I do not think a cable television program, myth or legend?, that if I wonder ... ..


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