Friday, February 18, 2011

Tempurpedic Mattress And Shoulder Pain

Baked sea bass with thyme potato cake

We will prepare a fish recipe very simple, no-fat and flavored with thyme, baked sea bass but with a little duck ham inside. I hope you like it.

Serves 4 Ingredients: 2 sea bass

fresh and clean 500 gr. each approx.
1 / 2 K.
baking potatoes 8 spring onions 20 cherry tomatoes tender

80 gr. Duck ham

1 head garlic 1 lemon 2 tablespoons medium

thyme salt, Maldon salt and black pepper
extra virgin olive oil 100 ml
. dry white wine 100 ml.

start by peeling the potatoes, wash and cut into large slices, reserve. We clean the fish removing the guts, wash well and dry it with a paper towel so that no excess water, salt, pepper, les hacemos un corte en la parte superior y ponemos en el interior de cada lubina el jamón de pato, un poco de tomillo, un diente de ajo y un trozo de limón. Colocamos una media luna de limón en el corte superior de la lubina.

Calentamos el horno a 180 grados. En una bandeja del horno echamos el agua y la cabeza de ajos entera, las patatas en rodajas, salpimentamos y esparcimos la mitad del tomillo. Ponemos encima las lubinas ya preparadas, echamos el vino blanco sobre el pescado y un poco de aceite de oliva.

Colocamos la bandeja en el horno a media altura y dejamos hornear durante 30 minutos, transcurrido ese tiempo le añadimos las cebolleta y los tomates cherrys, el resto del tomillo esparcido por toda la bandeja and a little olive oil over fish.

monitor you do not run out of juice the bottom of the tray, go spraying with a kitchen brush or syringe of the fish during cooking to prevent drying.

After another 30 minutes the fish and potatoes are ready to eat. To assemble the dish, we split the two-bass fillets, boneless and head. Put a steak on a plate with duck ham, potatoes, onions and tomatoes. Sprinkle a little Maldon salt and extra virgin olive oil over fish.


-The cooking time varies greatly depending how big are the bass, if they are serving and small, put the fish halfway through cooking the potatoes and that if we undo the fish and chips will not be sufficiently cooked.
-If you prefer to change the duck ham for ham or bacon.
"This dish is ideal as a single dish meal and fish bearing and support.
-serves as well to a golden sea bass or sea bream, just a matter of attaching the cooking times the weight of fish.

wine recommendation: One of my favorite one Ermita d 'Blanc Espiells Flor, Juve y Camps winery. The price is on the 7 €

you enjoy your meal. Previously


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