"the incubus and succubus MAY PRODUCE CHILDREN?
The word "succubus" comes from an alteration in Succubus, derived from Latin and is also used in the sense of prostitute.
The very word derived from sub-prefix meaning "under, below, and word cube, Cubar, which means" lie. "
Therefore, the succubus is someone who is under another person, while an Incubus
Latin in-, the position in this case "up" is someone who is about another person is also called sharon.
The appearance of succubi varies, in general, as well as that of the demons, there is no appearance or final representation.
However, it is usually painted almost universally seductive naked women with unearthly beauty, often with demonic wings.
From time to time, given other demonic features, such as horns, a tail with a triangle-terminated tip, snake eyes, fangs, his body coiled serpents, etc.
often simply appear in dreams as an attractive woman, naked from which the victim can not get rid of it or forget it, even after waking.
At first glance it might seem, indeed, that is inconsistent with Catholic faith
say that children can be begotten by devils, that is, incubus and succubus
: for God before sin came the world, instituted human procreation
thus created a woman from the rib of man to be the companion of man
: "And they said, Be fruitful and multiply," Genesis, 1.28. And
Adam, inspired by God, said: "There will be two in one flesh" Genesis, a, 24.
the same way, then that sin entered the world, is said to Noah: "Be fruitful and multiply
" Genesis, ix, 1. Christ confirmed this union, even in the age of
new law: "Have you not read that He who made them at first, male and female
did?" San Mateo, xix, 4. Therefore, men can not be engendered by
any way other than that. But it can be argued
The demons have a role in this pregnancy, did not
as the essential cause, but as secondary and artificial cause for dealing
meddling in the process of normal copulation and conception, as human semen
get it themselves move.
Objection. The devil can perform this act at every stage of life, ie
in marital status or other than this. Or you can run in one
state. But it can not fulfill the first condition, because then the act of
devil would be more powerful than God, who established and confirmed its status
sacred because it is a state of continence and marriage.
Neither can be done by any other state, for he never read in Scripture
that children can be engendered in one state and not another.
Moreover, to beget a child is an act of a living body, but hell no
can give life to the bodies they take, because life, in formal terms,
only comes from the soul, and the act of breeding is the physical bodies have
bodily life. Therefore, the bodies being taken in that way can engender or
not procreate.
But it can be said that these demons take on a body, not to give life, but to preserve
, through that body, semen human, and to pass the
semen to another body.
Objection. In the action of the angels, be they good or bad, there is nothing
superfluous and useless, just that nothing is superfluous and unnecessary in nature.
But the devil, by his natural power, which is far greater than any human physical
power, can run any spiritual action, and run it again and again
, although not able to discern. Therefore it can carry out this action, although the man
not discern when the devil has to do with it. Because
all things spiritual and material found on a smaller scale than the
intelligences pure and spiritual, angels, good or bad, are
stop and spiritual intelligences. So can dominate
what lies beneath them. Therefore the devil can collect and use at will
human semen which belongs to the body. However, the
collect human semen of a person and transmit it to another involves some local
actions. But demons can not carry bodies from one place to another in
local terms. And this is the argument they make.
pure soul is a spiritual essence, the same as the devil, but the soul can not
move a body from one place to another, unless the body concerned who lives and who gives life. Hence De
if any member of the body perishes, is dead and motionless.
at both the demons can not move a body from one place to another, unless one question
which give life. But it has been shown and
recognizes that demons do not give anyone's life, and therefore can not pass human semen
locally, ie, from place to place, from body to body.
Moreover, all actions are executed on contact, and especially the act of
breed. But it seems possible that there is contact between the devil and
human bodies, since it does not have a point of contact -
concrete with them. Consequently no. Can inject semen a human body, and therefore it
body requires some action, so it would seem that the devil can not run ..
Additionally, the demons have no power to move bodies in a natural order
have a closer relationship with them, for example
heavenly bodies, and therefore lack the power to move bodies and
distant different from them. The major premise is unsubstantiated, as the power that moves and
the movement are one and the same thing, as Aristotle in his Physics. It
follows, then, that the demons that celestial bodies move must be in the
Heaven, which is in every way false, in our opinion as to the of the Platonists
"Malleus Maleficarum."